Teros1, actually the stoichiometric value of 14.6~7:1 and/or the optimum power of 12.6:1 does not really apply well to Guzzis. Water-cooled, modern technology is needed for the upper ranges, and while mid 12 ratios work well for power, they'll pay hell on mpg's. Ask the folks here that have mapped in the mid-to-high 13 range about power, pinging, and mpgs.
David, actually the posted graph does not show very good numbers for the a/f ratio target, and infact most who I've chatted with that are using the Ti-pipes have gone back to the stock ECU with a PCIII (non-custom/generic map) with decent results. I'd look forward to seeing the (custom PCIII mapped) numbers for this Ti/ECU combo.
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