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Everything posted by RacerX

  1. Seven days out for the discounted Rally fee.; http://www.socal-guzzi.com/2008NationalRegister.html If you're sending a check, I'l honor the price if it's postemarked before March 1st. If you can't make it, be sure to be part of the; http://www.nationalguzzirelay.com/
  2. Scotch, I'm a user/dealer for both. VDSTS; http://www.guzzitech.com/store/TR-VDSTS.html -- DirectLink; http://www.guzzitech.com/store/TR-DirectLink.html Indeed the VDSTS is diagnostic scan software, and it is written to cover a large group of ECUs. The VDSTS was once the *only* software used by the factory/dealer network for troubleshooting and tuning. It covers very basic corrective diagnostics for the 1.5M, and allows "trim" fueling adjustments at idle/low throttling. The DirectLink is a total ECU access software program. It allows map access for fuel, timing and others. It was developed to be used by trained technicians on a dyno. However, that hasn't stopped handfuls from purchasing it to do timing tweaks for engine pinging. While one could potentially develop a fuel map, I still lean towards the PCIII/Tuning Link for that job... however, it can be done. Last I heard, years ago, from someone who used it, cost was well over $1000 USD for custom mapping. I use it for timing adjustments only, since the PCIII does not. Hope that helps.
  3. That it is, but imagine putting out thousands for all of those people who "might not know if they can make it..." Great question David, please bring it to the SoCal webboard for all others to read, instead of this well hidden thread. See you there.
  4. Yes Pierre, you're correct, thanks. I have plenty of space for tent campers. My note was for those hoping to bring a truck/RV/camper in, the grounds are booked. Gretchen & I, and a small handful of locals, booked nearly 36 sites x 8 (people per site), plus the Group site houses 60. There are some that did book for their campers, etc. We can house close to 350 easily. I am being charged a per bike, per day fee for all those who come in... Therefore, the tricky part is that all coming will need to be on my list to get in. Will make for a tough time if one waits until they get there. Now, back to the thread topic... how many Tenni are coming?
  5. I missed this thread until now. I'm glad to see a handful here getting excited about it. Having a large gathering of Tenni' would be amazingly good, and will make for some good photography/videography. Also, the campground is now booked solid. If you were hoping to bring anything other then a bike, you're too late. Of course we will accomodate all who are riding in and will be camping. We're @15 days out from the price increase on Mar. 1; http://www.socal-guzzi.com/2008NationalRegister.html Be sure to read up on the "Relay to the Rally" here; http://www.nationalguzzirelay.com/ Come ride this road, and many like it;
  6. The campground is now booked solid. If you were hoping to bring anything other then a bike, you're too late. Of course we will accomodate all who are riding in and will be camping. Also, we're @15 days out from the price increase on Mar. 1; http://www.socal-guzzi.com/2008NationalRegister.html Be sure to read up on the "Relay to the Rally" here; http://www.nationalguzzirelay.com/ Come ride this road, and many like it;
  7. If you have either a '00-02 V11 model (stock Marz/Sachs suspension) -AND/OR- a '03+ (Non-Öhlins), and would be able to take it to HyperPro (Werkendam-Holland), please contact me direct at; Todd>at These bikes are desired for newer tech ("3D") shock, fork spring & steering damper fitment. For your effort, I am sure the factory will be generous with discounts or parts you might be interested in... or I will make sure that you will get compensated for the effort. E-mail me direct please. TIA.
  8. Where I live, is the epicenter of such profession. There will be a handful of us there with hi-def cameras (on bike too!), and we'll likely produce something to offer up, post event. Just spread the word, and let's make this the best event to date.
  9. Van, if you make it, it'll be three that I know of at this minute. Our local dealer (owner) just bought #137, and said he will be there. It will be his first ever track day. There's a few more Tenni's in the Southwest that I am aware of, who I'm sure would attend if they hear others will be too. If nothing else, I'm going to encourage many to attend, if only to spectate and tire kick. Should be a GREAT day, with arguably/likely the most Guzzis on a track at one time, ever.
  10. Mike, really glad to hear you're doing well. For you, go to the next thread now... For rest: The Friday track day (post Rally) is ON! So before you say "Why do this?" Do it because, if for nothing else, to ride your Guzzi in a completely controlled environment with nothing to worry about (cars, polizia, etc.), along with other Guzzisti all under the close eye of several extremely well qualified instructors (drknow is being coy) --AND-- you'll learn TONS about your bike & yourself... just give it a try. We'll divide the day into group sessions, based on comfort of all riders, and there will be free instruction all day. Trust me when I say it's a blast, and you'll have tons of bench racing stories to tell for years to come. Many of those who have done it in the last year or two say, "I can't believe I didn't try that years ago!" Just don't blame me when you get hooked, deal? We've often have many Guzzi California/V11S/Griso folks, along with BMW GS/LTs, Gold Wings, and many other sport tourers in the past. Those who have done it here, speak up! There will be minimal requirements to ride on the track, for both equipment & gear. Any displays of close racing will *NOT* be tolerated. It is intended to be a day of fun, and allow everyone to be happily on their way at the end of the day. New tire sales/install services will be available there most of the day. Friday, June 27th, is booked at the "Streets of Willow" in Rosamond, CA for "Guzzi invite only" -- Cost is $95 for Rally attendees, $125 for non-attendees. I'll be at both. Our goal is to provide a low-cost day for Guzzi enthusiasts. If we manage to do more than recoup our costs, we'll even be donating to the MG Cup racing contingency fund and the Guzzi Rider Relief fund. I hope a big handful of you choose to attend. I'll post registration info/link the minute we have it together.
  11. Thanks Mike, will be great to see you again. I think it's been a few years already, no? Mason, as with all Guzzi get-togethers... all are welcome. No prejudice like some other two-wheeled events. I'm happy to see some life on this thread from those here in the States. I know there's plenty of active posters, and many more lurkers I expect to see here at the National that live primarily on this webboard.
  12. Thanks guys. Voting costs nothing, and having a head count when I'm trying to plan for anywhere between 150-300+ people is critical. I'm out of pocket thousands right now, and recouping some of these funds early, just means I can reinvest. If everyone could do us all a HUGE favor and Register now, or make a donation if you cannot attend. Since this a mid-week Rally, I would think for all those taking a week off of work, would have done so... and commited. Not seeing it. I hope a large handful will be attending. Planning wise, it's shaping up to be quite epic. A (Guzzi only) Track day on Friday for those interested, including those who cannot attend the Rally. Ping me direct for any/all details. Ride on.
  13. For the four people from this list that are attending -- Registration/donation info; http://www.socal-guzzi.com/2008NationalRegister.html
  14. John's dyno is more of a realistic dyno. I helped him get it going. After spending several hundred hours on the dyno with Guzzis, as A/F increases = less power/more heat. Air-cooled motors are largely fuel-cooled. Tireless debate here, proving fruitless. No wonder John doesn't post here any more. Mapping is pretty lean on the bike/graph above. I broke my word of posting here for this. Won't happen again.
  15. RacerX

    Stock cam

    Any one have a stock camshaft from a V11S they've pulled for whatever reason? I'd like to purcahse one. Ping me direct if so, Todd>atat Feel free to move this to the nearly unread Classifieds section after a few days (please).
  16. Info Ad added above.
  17. We're officially locked into Leo Carrillo State Beach/Park. See link above for all details. Sad display of U.S. representation here, though there are MANY on this Forum.
  18. See my last post under Rear Shocks Options. C'est la vie - feel free to reach me direct or on the GuzziTech.com board.
  19. I now feel compelled to state some facts based on the fact that I am *dealer* of EPM products to the Guzzi community. Darius recently hit me for pricing, in which upon direct reply from EPM on pricing to me, I was quoted a higher then retail price then Darius was direct. I hope this was due to the fact that he wll be taking his bike to EPM for development work. On the upside, I suppose the group benefits from it. Yet another reason to go a different direction, then to try and help this group I suppose. Sorry, that's how I feel. If anyone wants any info on anything GuzziTech.com, feel free to ping me direct. Arrivederci. From now on, I will only be posting in regards to the MGNOC National in 2008 here in SoCal, which has had zero replies, BTW.
  20. 1. Yes. 2. Correct, though I'd be *VERY* curious to hear if anyone (David?) has *successfully/completely* used the Tuneboy software. Last I asked in person, several folks had issues/glitches in the software, and were unsuccessful. 3. Likely will ever happen, unless you find a Performance shop that has, and likes to waste the time to use both for experimental purposes. If so, I'd imagine this will be a very costly procedure. 4. Yes, but not so simple. There will be a hours of trial and error interpolating, as the data/units are not remotely similar. Yes it would... with some luck, there is some excitement for early next year on the horizon at Dynojet I recently learned while visiting there. Funny how this these threads evolve when one person asks a simple question, eh?
  21. 2008 MGNOC National Malibu, CA June 24-26th (Tues.-Thurs.) Take the week off and ride one of the ultimate motorcycling destination in the U.S. -- cruise along the cool ocean air on Pacific Coast Highway in Southern California and camp alongside the Pacific Ocean and stars in prestigious old-world Malibu, CA. From the foot of camp, snake up into the Mountains along the legendary Mulholland Drive, and visit infamous places like the Rock Store, and see many historical locations such as the actual filming location of M*A*S*H and many others, or visit nearby Hollywood if you choose. Come see what makes SoCal the Mecca of wheeled enthusiast. Many events in planning, including an Italian Bike Show with special guest judges, rides, tech seminars, games and a Guzzi-only track day on Friday the 27th (details to come). All details, including costs, after Dec. 1. Rides in planning across the U.S. If you've always been wanting to see much of the U.S., plan your adventure... put it on your Calendar now! For more talk and current details, please see the SoCal-Guzzi.com webboard HERE
  22. Hal, see; http://www.guzzitech.com/PHPBB2/viewtopic.php?t=1438 for more photos and all specifics.
  23. Yes... please don't. I have absolutely nothing to do with the second one. The one above is of my '02 Stone to 1100SS Retro project. Soon to be powered by an '03 V11 Le Mans motor. Nice exhausts? That's (bluely) debateable. The only other I take claim to is my V11S-powered Mad Max Jack(al) with a real eye pleasing, uh, exhaust; -- V11S motor, front end and wheels, other then that it's still largely all Cali Tonti... my favorite.
  24. Way off topic, and it sure is getting personal around here... HOWEVER, for the record, Ed & I started GuzziTech.com back in late '01 out of a perceived interest by the Guzzi community. There must be a reason it currently gets over 35,000+ hits per month (with largely no direct benefit to us). Yes, of course, any one might quickly see that if there is a demand, and a hole in which to fill, one might act. The minuscule amounts of money that is made from our website is laughable, and don't even begin to try and factor in the time and dedication. So, on that note, everything David says above about the PCIIIs is very true. Silly me. If you think you do not need one, fine, move on. The data over the last 6+ years has spectacularly show otherwise. Ed is an engineer by day, and I was a Pro Racer, turned Architect, turned AMA Pro Supermoto Series/Race Manager & Freelance Moto-Journalist (For Cycle World, Sportbike, Moto Euro and others). I have now begun investing time for an all new moto venture for next year, and with some luck, I hope the launch might coincide with the MGNOC National I am putting on here next year in Malibu (watch MGNOC.com -and/or- SoCal-Guzzi.com for details). Also, as the MGNOC SoCal Rep, I have invested thousands of hours (for absolute) free to the Guzzi community over the last 5+ years, and prior years while in Boston as the Mass Rep. I welcome any of you to do the same, with regard to any of the above, and see how much fun it isn't. SO, if one wants to toss Ed & I to the lions for trying to "help" the Guzzi community and in turn making an extra buck or two for our hobby, go right ahead. It is attitudes like this, that really want to make you throw your hands up and move on. Seen it from many *real* Guzzi related business' too over the years. Everyone always asks about Dr. John... food for thought. If anyone thinks that there is money to be made on anything Guzzi, they are LARGELY mistaken. There you have it.
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