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Everything posted by RacerX

  1. Have a peek on what it's all about; http://socal-guzzi.com/PHPBB/viewtopic.php?t=624
  2. Griso... Griso... Hmmm... how about checking in at; MG-Griso.com for FS. Two of those who posted here who own them are active members. Tons of GREAT info and riders from around the Globe. Jon, glad to hear the suspension tweaks worked well for you.
  3. Thanks and no need to.. the dyno has shown that the front crossover offers no value, and I like not having the engineered exhaust leak, and headaches of assembly (and for handfuls; rattling noises), as well as additional materials and labor to construct.
  4. 304 Stainless Steel - 16 gage (.065) -- it's not in the materials, it's in the construction that has proven itself far less then adequate. Most of the more rigorous "testing" will take place next Monday (April 2) at Laguna Seca... as I've been averaging well over 200 (on track) miles each time there instructing with; RideRedShift.com. And to clarify, we will *NOT* produce any with a front crossover.
  5. Prototypes are done, and testing will be going on this week to see if I can break them. We're going to be doing an exchange of sorts (using only the stock spigot, the rest is all new stainless). We will not be offering any type of front crossover option(s). If anyone wants a set, contact me direct. Target pricing is $300~350/pr. The weld on the straight section will not exist on the final set:
  6. Thanks for sending the photos along Allan. Note GuzziTech.com sticker on the tail section(!).
  7. We had 6 Guzzis (2 Jackals & 4 V11S') on the track this past Monday out at ButtonWillow with RideRedShift.com - even former lister/V11S owner Dave Pott and his newly acquired Trumpet Sprint (and his wife on her Duc) appeared unexpectedly from Fresno. Sometimes folks get wound up about this here, other times not... figured I'd post it for fun to see if I can lure anyone else out of the woodwork from NorCal. Be sure to join us at Laguna, April 2nd for those of you who only lurk on this board. Read the words, see the photos here... enjoy; http://socal-guzzi.com/PHPBB/viewtopic.php?t=779
  8. Jaap, you can move this if you'd like, but this is last minute, so I thought I'd post this here for now. We have no less then 5 Guzzis that will be on track on Monday with Red Shift for anyone so interested, please contact me for the discounted rate. This is a track day "school" and not necessarily an "open" track day. Plenty of one-on-one instruction, and supervised track time... and the last half of the day is nearly open for the entry group, We do have both 'B' intermediate and 'A' experienced track and racers, all of which are still supervised. Don't hesitate if you're thinking of a track day. I need your name/commitment by this week end. PM or direct e-mail is best.
  9. I've got a pair for anyone so interested... ready and willing. I'd say that the Cal/EV heads/cam are pretty fantastic for riding anywhere besides the SouthWest USA. I spent over 90k miles on the stock Jackal motor (72 dyno-proven rwhp), and absolutely loved it. However, the V11 Sport motor with the Cal 5-speed trans and custom 2-1 exhaust, makes for a pretty impressive package for West Coast style "sport" riding and wide-open, uhmmm, spaces.
  10. Garsdad, I generally stray away from this topic on this board, but here go... a pinging Tenni this time of year in Oregon? Surely something is awry (all Guzzis are 50-state compliant, no "Cal only" bikes any more). As stated above, the TPS is "adjustable" and raising the "degree" or voltage can generally help. However, timing is the real issue here. Also stated, Will C. only made "EPROM/chips" for the 1.6M, yours is a 1.5M with a non-removable chip/flash memory. As the "Guzzi Technical Advisor" to Dynojet, I have been working directly with them since '01, and have had great success' with the PCIII. This March will mark the 6th year anniversary of personal hard/flawless PCIII use (both serial and usb versions) on my '00 120k+ mile 'Mad Max' Jack-All. That being said, the PCIII is fuel only adjustable, and I frustratingly have to say that even though they (Dynojet) have made several attempts at a plug-in Timing Module for the PCIII, they hit some major roadblocks, and don't seem much interested in continuing to persue it at this time. Same with a PCIIIusb for the Breva/Griso 11. If you do purchase one, and it is properly mapped, I know you will be very happy with the results, even if a "band aid" as others want to call it. I cannot match most online prices, but purchasing one through me assures lifetime technical support, and access to my hundreds of maps. I no longer give out maps to those purchasing elsewhere online. Now, there are a couple software options, touched on above also... I am now officially a TechnoResearch dealer, and am in possesion of all of their newest software and (partnered) FI module (RapidBike). They do offer it to fit the V11S line, though it does not offer ignition adjustment yet either. They tell me they are currently working on ignition adjustment for all Guzzi models. Which brings me to TR's "Direct-Link" software and ECU "key." I will be testing/developing maps shortly, which when I am satisfied, I will begin offering a ECU "swap and/or reflash" service in which corrected/reflashed ECUs (timing and fuel corrections) will ship out for @$200 (which includes the key for that ECU). Software to allow additional access to you will be an additional @$100. Please contact me direct for more info, or I'll be posting on the GuzziTech.com webboard when ready. I am currently in possesion of the RB unit for the Griso and Breva, and will be dyno testing/developing this week for my new proto-meg slip-on exhaust; MG-Griso.com webboard (towards the bottom, video/sound on the next page). Contact me direct, or post on either webboard for more info. on any of the above. Off to the dyno I go.
  11. It is a custom built 2-1 reverse cone muffled meg. Funny you should comment on it for a Griso; http://www.phpbbforfree.com/forums/mggriso-about715.html -- there's also a dyno chart of my Mad-Max Jackal -vs- Griso(s) on that board. I may offer alternate set-ups (duals for V11S') for anyone interested, along with a set of V11S headpipes that don't crack. Contact me direct for more info.
  12. The Griso did 1st & 2nd gear wheelies with little clutch actuation when I got a private Press ride with Cecco (factory test rider and racer) back at the GMG '05; http://www.guzzitech.com/MGGriso/Griso-9_05.html -- the single (wheelie) rider on the 1200 Sport looks like it might be him as well. His Griso was faster on higher gear roll-ons, though he/they wouldn't admit to any tinkering. Right. I think the video is a bit edgy for an OEM, no doubt. I hope Guzzi US will allow me to do similar for them here in the U.S., like the one I did for the Norge; http://beta.guzzitech.com/index.php?option...18&Itemid=9
  13. So I've raised this question before, but I'm proceeding on this (conceptually and more -- think AMG Mercedes). What might *you* (reading this) pay for a Hotted-up modern Guzzi (say 8V Griso)... one of a supercharged variety with strong three digit power output, and all of the cool bells and whistles (carbon bits, and magnesium wheels, etc.). Since I am very partial to Tontis, I'd consider doing this on a couple for sale used, so what would be a price that you would jump at, being very reasonable of course... Comments/thoughts?
  14. No worries... I was guessing that is where you grabbed it from. No harm, no foul for now. It seemed to be a good bandwidth test any way. I'll post on GuzziTech.com, MG-Griso.com and SoCal-Guzzi.com when it's officially released... which would be nice to see you drop in on the latter on occasion. Talk again soon.
  15. Heh, thanks I guess ratch... but I really wish that those that stole it would've clearly read my post; http://www.phpbbforfree.com/forums/mggriso-about796.html -- where it CLEARLY stated these two things, "PLEASE do not post this link, or the ones below anywhere else on the net just yet... --AND-- *Rough draft* Video Test Ride with yours truly" -- which clearly states it's a rough draft. It was supposed to be a teaser for many things still to come for the MG-Griso.com webboard folks only. Yes the bug is, well, buggy. Working on the edit in another week or so. More soon though.
  16. Thanks for the comments Wallis. FWIW, 2007 Red Shift Schedule; Laguna Seca – Sunday, February 18 - $300 Buttonwillow – Monday March 5 - $180 Infineon – Tuesday, March 13 - $300 Laguna Seca – Monday, April 2 - $300 Infineon – Thursday, May 3 - $300 Buttonwillow – Monday, May 14 - $180 Buttonwillow – Monday, June 4 - $180 Buttonwillow – Monday, September 24 - $180 Buttonwillow – Monday, October 22 - $180 Laguna Seca - TBA Laguna Seca - TBA
  17. Not that easy guys... a few of us here in SoCal have been "petitioning" the organizers to allow a V11 Sport/Le Mans in, period. I'm readying my '02 (Cal/Jackal powered; small valve, sport cam, big throttle bodies, ala Dr. John) Le Mans in hopes of competing in the ST class. Moto-ST's focus is on bikes that are currently available for sale. Jim if you're really serious, they might just allow the MGS-01 in, but count on some seriously stiff competition. I raced against Ciccoto many years ago on a Buell (beat him on many occasions), and he (alongside of Doug Polen) was one of the testers when MGNA was testing/considering racing the MGS in AMA. Both said 'no go' on it. A well-prepped Tuono would be a tough mount to beat. Trying to be competitive on a Griso in the GST class is a bit assinine. Not that it can't be done, but you'd better be prepared to spend buckets. Wish me luck... all updates on my progress will be posted on the www.GuzziTech.com webboard.
  18. Spoken for, thanks guys.
  19. RacerX

    San Diego sighting

    Hop on over to the socal-guzzi.com/PHPBB/ webboard, and ask the same question. Bet you'll find your answer there. You live in Hollywood? Just visiting SD?
  20. http://guzzitech.com/PHPBB2/viewtopic.php?t=3 -- please update your bookmarks for now.
  21. Wilbers builds the shocks for HyperPro, so why not go direct? I'd appreciate the business should you/anyone decide to go that way; http://www.guzzitech.com/WilbersSuspensions.html Fully adjustable shock is $798, and yes the prices will be going up on Jan. 1, so get your order in now. I'll give 20% off (current shock pricing) to the first person that PM's me with an order request.
  22. I absolutely do. Just be sure to have the dealer tell you what the TPS was set to in degrees, so that you know where the baseline is for the PCIII map (if using a pre-built version).
  23. John/et al, ALL bikes will benefit from a PCIII (some with, some without custom mapping - Ok, and to perhaps be completely fair, a seemingly handful of ways to "correct" mapping), '98-current. Perhaps the OEM mapping is better on the newer models, but I've seen the gamut of revisions using Tuning Link. Seems that most running issues with the PCIII are *user* induced/created. Yes the newest PCIIIusb can map each cylinder, and yes each side should only be done utilizing Tuning Link. Those who have it done this, perhaps can/will comment here. This is getting slightly dated now, but you'll get the point; http://www.guzzitech.com/PCs-Todd_E.html Otherwise, don't knock it 'til you've tried it. My $.03.
  24. Ignorance is bliss. NorBSATriGuzzi, Don't know where you live... but sounds like a dealer I'd shy away from, honestly. If this is truly the case, and you don't have an option; Ride it in, unplug the PCIII, and tell them to make it run right. Pick it up, pop the seat, and plug it back in for your ride home. FWIW, can't wait to hear similar stories about MyxxECU. No offense to Cliff please.
  25. None taken, and thanks. Your T3 sounded fun... and my Jackal was still in (semi) sheeps clothing even just after the inverted front end swap (though its now taken on a life of its own);
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