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I thought I should post here for those SoCal'ers who; 1. Are too busy typing rather then riding. 2. Who should be riding to the LookOut tomorrow morning instead of talking about riding here. As always, more chat here; http://socal-guzzi.com/PHPBB/ Quit'cher yackin', get out and ride.
Goffredo will be running AHRMA only in the BOT Class(es). I look forward to seeing it run.
Details here; http://socal-guzzi.com/PHPBB/viewtopic.php?t=98 Hope some of the lurkers here can make it. Come join in the tire-kickin' laughs and great post breakfast ride.
David, let's just set the record straight that this is just your opinion. That said, yes every bike should really spend some time on the dyno to assure things are ideal... HOWEVER, from *my* experience, with most maps of exact mods and TPS setting, pre-built maps can be amazingly accurate. I've spoken with well over a hundred people that have taken their bikes to the dyno, and were told that there was no need for a custom map. Your "always wrong" statement above is blatantly incorrect, and I'm not sure what qualifies your "experience" with tuning outside of tinkering and taking your bike to a Tuning Link dyno awhile ago. Don't mean to be harsh, but I cannot/will not allow misguided/incorrect information on this subject. This will be my last post on this topic.
Were you sniffin' too rich of Tuneboy fumes on the way there David? I did get a hint of much Castor oil though... the patchouli of the mods perhaps? Surely you meant that it would've been glorious to hear all of the different twins light off. Glad you made it, albeit briefly. Rich and I purposely left late as to hopefully avoid any carnage or oil misted roads. Great weather made for a great turn out. Pics HERE.
Tomorrow (Sunday) morning... details here; TonUp-SD.com A few of us L.A.'ers will be headed south targeting 10:30 a.m. arrival. Hope to see a few of you there. More chat about it HERE.
I can't take it any more... The lower piece is bolt-on as far as the frame, but the newer cases have a cast threaded boss' where it meets the cases. You could buy the lower/newer frame piece, and drill and tap the cases to make it work Pierre. Don't know what real gains you'd get for the expense in a real world application... honestly. Be glad to go in depth further on the GuzziTech.com webboard.
Carl, please come join the SoCal-Guzzi folks here SoCal-Guzzi webboard for answers to your question.
David, were you drunk on NYE?
Isn't this topic somewhere already? No offense Alex. The product, aptly named Technical Illusion (TechLusion) by it's creator, left Dynojet shortly after the company was bought out. His technology PCII (pre-ECU corrections) was abandoned for their new PCIII creation (post-ECU corrections), which the TFI crudely tries to mimic, with the exception of the Techlusion (TFI) can only richen... with precision of say a 5 lb. maul for finish carpentry. When we were testing Jim Palma's Centauro at Dyno-Solutions last year we found that the bike made it's best power with the TFI removed (while using a Creedon chip, which still wasn't even close). Post PCIII custom mapping, both mileage and Jim's satisfaction were way up. I think he comments here on occasion, so perhaps he'll tell you himself.
RS, this might help as it has for a large handful of riders (written 9.24.01); http://www.guzzitech.com/V11SportWobble-Todd_E.html -- also be sure to scan the suspension threads here and GuzziTech.com
Brian, we at GuzziTech can machine anything, but we'd need a minumum of dozen or so to get them going. We have these for round-heads, but can easily modify them for square-heads; Crash tested;
These would be "cylinder sliders"... JB had these on his bike at Laguna.
Dates posted for Central/Nor Cal Guzzi riders; http://www.rideredshift.com/
Red Shift is a Central to Nor Cal track day school. Dates for 2006 are now posted; http://www.rideredshift.com/ Let me know who's interested, and perhaps I can get us a "group discount."
No one will EVER recognize 2hp... and you will NEVER "cruise" at WOT, can't be done... moot point. If your point is correct mapping at all throttle settings, then it's quite a redundant comment as well... who doesn't. Dyno pulls at WOT/100% are done to mainly show power outputs, not necessarily A/F info as one will not spend much time there. Is it critical... of course, which is why Tuning Link/the PCIII map there. Quit the debate now Dave... get out and ride. No. True. My only point was that depending on temperature, humidity and altitude there will be different dyno/power results, even with the same bike. Every dyno/location are different, as I'm sure you'd agree. We're saying the same thing.
I can assure you, you spend less then 2% of the life of your bike so far, at 100%. The entire rest of the map is 98% more critical, agreed. Leaner when cooler is exactly opposite of what W/M (M/M) has programmed the ECU, and surely they have no idea what they are doing.
David, for whatever reason you were inactive. I corrected that. Let me know direct if you have any other issues. Also, for anyone getting a "debug error" on occasion, either hit refresh, or exit your browser and try again.
Disagree. Power measurements are a direct proponent of air (and humidity) supplied to the motor. The dyno has "correction" software, but it is obvious that lower (denser) altitudes and low air temps will yield higher numbers. Well, this is info stored in each dyno run file, and should Brian be able retrieve the digital runfiles, we will see. Why dyno operators have such a hard time retrieving these (very commonly stored) files to hand over is beyond me. I would just be VERY aware of head cylinder temps when you do. These motors are fuel-cooled, not so much air. PEAK POWER MEANS VERY LITTLE IN THE REAL WORLD PAST BRAGGING RIGHTS. How often does one ride at 100% throttle? I suspect you'll find what Eraldo Ferracci (which is why he offers a lid-less airbox kit) and I have known with Ducatis and Guzzis since the late 80s. Have fun with it though.
Brian, actually it is clear of how lean the bike was, as shown by the 17.0+ spike at 4500 rpm, and how it effected power taking it from 40 to 46 hp, and 50 to 57 ft.lbs. at that same rpm as shown on the graph. Every peak power "pull", as shown, is at 100% throttle... which is NOT the strong point of the PCIII.
Meet at the LookOut on Ortega at 10am. Details and more chat here; http://socal-guzzi.com/PHPBB/viewtopic.php?t=3
Jaap, sorry for the spam... but I wanted to get the word out to folks about the new bookmarks for the webboards. I have moved them all "in house." I'll cross link to the old boards once they are back up. For those interested, here go; http://GuzziTech.com/PHPBB/ http://guzzitech.com/MGGriso/PHPBB/ http://socal-guzzi.com/PHPBB/
I just had linked some photos to the SoCal-Guzzi.com webboard, and the damn thing is down again. I've brought the PHPBB service in on our own servers now. I'll cross link the other photos on the SoCal board when it is back up. A taste... JediOne on the Griso at the show;
Making them position/length adjustable adds to the cost, but can be done. Sample pics shown here; http://www.phpbbforfree.com/forums/guzzitech-about784.html Price guess-timation as shown above would be $150+ per side/$300 set. Again, please send me a direct e-mail if you want to be included. I don't always monitor this list. ToddGuzziTech.com - replace with @ of course.