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Everything posted by RacerX

  1. Without getting into a 'great ECU debate' like many times here before, Motts makes good points. However, concerning the 1.5M (which is arguably far better then its predecesors) on a nit-picky/splitting-hairs difference, yes, perhaps the 1.5M WM/MM isn't perfect. However, I am closing in on 150k miles on 2000+ newer F.I. (15M) Guzzis, and my daily riding often goes from Sea level to well over 7k feet, and well as 50~110+ degrees F (easily this time of year here), so I'd beg to differ about its functionality. If you are the type that is happy forever tinkering, there are many ECU replacement options that offer infinite adjustments... just good luck getting them dialed-in. However, for the vast majority of Guzzi (and most all bike) owners, a properly (dyno) mapped Guzzi (hell, now even tons using pre-built maps), will more then offer many years, and MANY miles of smiles... AND I tend to think the folks at at Magnetti/Marelli might know a thing or two about F.I., but hey, just my $.02 as always.
  2. k, every bike is different, so depending on your maps origin (you didn't say it was a custom map for your bike or if you had a diagnostic run done, so I'll assume not), but based on known parameters of our ECU, it (the ECU) will typically lean the mixture as the OAT (air temp.) gets warmer, not the other way around. What are your "lean symptoms"?
  3. Details listed on the SoCal-Guzzi.com 'Moto Events' page.
  4. Anyone here going? I'm definitely going to try and make it. Details HERE..
  5. I've exhausted all avenues to trying to get ahold of you off-list. Can you please e-mail me direct; ToddGuzziTech.com, replace with @ of course. Thanks.
  6. Thanks David, let us know direct on the SoCal board please... and only took me about 5 hours for the poster, so thanks there as well.
  7. I linked the Rally registration form (PDF file) to the link above. If you guys could print/hang/distribute to any shops on the West Coast, would be appreciated. Anyone here going? No comments yet. Volunteers? We'll take all the help we can get.
  8. Hell, even I'm excited about this next round... How about even Eric Bostrom running this weekend! All info/press release here; http://www.amasupermoto.com/article.php?UI...r3M7FR&aid=6564 Todd E. AMA Pro Racing Supermoto Series Manager
  9. Guys, this should be an outstanding event. We are pulling the TonUp-SD.com 'Mods-vs-Rockers' folks into the mix. Hope a large handful of those on the West Coast US reading this forum will be there... infact, as per the First Annual SoCal Guzzi Rally... No Dam Excuses. All details here; http://www.phpbbforfree.com/forums/socalguzzi-about391.html
  10. RacerX

    Dutch Traveler

    Dutch Traveler safely through Central CA... he made it through without any issues. Details and a couple of photos here; http://www.phpbbforfree.com/forums/socalguzzi-about465.html
  11. RacerX

    Dutch Traveler

    Details here; http://www.phpbbforfree.com/forums/socalguzzi-about463.html
  12. A few words and photos; http://www.phpbbforfree.com/forums/socalguzzi-about457.html
  13. I'll be leaving with my bud from San Luis Obispo tomorrow (Thursday) mid-morning, running some true secondary roads then up the coast via 1. Send me direct e-mail if you want to run up with us; ToddGuzziTech.com
  14. Good ride today Mike, sorry you missed it. My words here; http://www.phpbbforfree.com/forums/socalgu...-2907.html#2907 and a few others here; http://wildguzzi.com/discussion/viewtopic.php?t=3433
  15. RacerX

    Damn dikes

    Crashing builds character. Glad to hear no major parts are destroyed. Now the ribs on the other hand... THAT sucks. Heal fast to you and the bike. I'll take that "dented" front wheel of your hands Jaap... please.
  16. Gary, congrats... Check out http://www.guzzitech.com/ under Comfort - Spine frame for a couple options.
  17. Mark, care to cross post it to the SoCal-Guzzi.com webboard; PHPBB SoCal Board Perhaps a few of us can swing up and meet you guys for the West to East trek on N-F Road. Just a thought.
  18. Bummer. Not sure when I'll get the invite to race them again, but I'll leak the word on the SoCal-Guzzi.com webboard if I and when do. Todd
  19. Jaap, chrome other then the guages, headlight bucket, mirrors? You can bet when mine arrives, I'll have a replacement for that 55-gal drum muffler... simply hideous, but understood why it's there from the factory. I already have a trick solution. Tom, rumor has it early '06 in the States, end of the year for Europe. Price is rumored (U.S.) to be similar, if not slightly more, then the Breva11. I'm in regardless. Latest U.S. info on the new models will continue to be at MG-Griso.com Always linked below in my signature as well. Thanks Jaap for signing in over there on the webboard.
  20. Yummmm! Per my buddies post who just got back from Italy/Europe; http://www.phpbbforfree.com/forums/mggriso-about8.html - his buddy got to "demo" one in the Alps from a factory rider who was "testing" it.
  21. Guys, last minute I know... but the SoCal/Central CA guys are meeting in Los Alamos (Central Coast) on 101. All details linked off of the 'Moto Events' button on www.SoCal-Guzzi.com I also added details for the NorCal Campout in September as well. If you don't do that, I'll be racing a vintage dirt-tracker (Indian IROC - 250cc single/rigid frame) in Ventura tomorrow night; http://www.cycleshop.com/news/races.asp - when I'm done there, I'm going to try and make it to Los Alamos late tomorrow night. Hope some of you can make it to either event.
  22. Guys & gals, Pat Hayes will be hosting a "Guzzi Hospitality Area" outside of T5&6 (Site 171) in the camping area. Look for his camper and flags flying. Stop by, introduce yourself. Pat and Regina are two core Guzzisti. I'll be there running rampid in full AMA Pro garb (black shirt/tan pants), so if you see me, stop me and say Hi. Hope to meet some of you guys there, Todd
  23. RacerX

    Mistral & PC

    I typically have not dealt with dealers in the past whart, but I know Alex quite well. I ship all PCIIIs pre-mapped, ready to plug in and go. One should set the min/max throttle position in the software, but it is not mandatory. I have a map that will work well with your V11 Nero Corsa with above mods. I feel you frustration, trust me, but I'll continue to preach if you want the most accurate and up to date info. (and follow-up) on a PCIII, start with, and purchase with me. I just finished up almost a year's worth of development with Dynojet to get the Breva 750 02-controller PCIIusb finalized, which is now available at GuzziTech.com. ToddGuzziTech.com
  24. RacerX

    Mistral & PC

    Dan, I have the Guzzi PCIIIusb's available here; http://www.guzzitech.com/PCIII-15M.html - and I ship Worldwide. Credit online, or I offer a cash discount if you want to mail check/m.o. - just takes a bit longer for delivery. You may find a cheaper price, but you won't beat my follow-up service or my map library, which I am only handing out with purchase these days. Let me know if yo have any additional questions by direct e-mail please, ToddGuzziTech.com - replace with @. Certified PCIII Tech and advisor to Dynojet for all Guzzi PCIIIs.
  25. Phil, too bad... one of the biggest benefits of the PCIIIusb, and well worth the time and money to do. Think of it as the ultimate "electronic fuel corrected throttle body balancing". Very, very nice job. This shows the benefits of mapping for each bike -vs- a downloaded map. Can you get those dynorun files (Runfile_001.drf & _006) from them for me? I'd also love to have your map for my library as well. Thanks in advance. For fun, those of you who plan to do this in the future... have the dyno tech upload a '0' zero map for you, for a base-line pull. Worth mentioning too... these graphs are only at 100% throttle; how often does one ride there? The PCIII corrects the entire fuel map similarly, so you'll gain similar/large benefits (like what you witness in the graph) at low/partial throttle openings where you ride the most. This is the main focus of the PCIII. 100% throttle pulls are fun to look at, but worthless otherwise. Think of it as a "Tuning Commander", not 'Power'.
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