Jock Guzzi
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Everything posted by Jock Guzzi
I'm sure all purchasers of brand new bikes start with the best intentions of keeping their new stead spick and span but you know how it goes, after a long day in the saddle there's always tomorrow to give the thing a thorough clean. Guilt is quickly dismissed as we lie to ourselves that a bit of road grime adds character. Now I know that I will once again be going through this routine soon, so in preparation, I'm seeking advise on cleaning regimes and products so that I can prepare myself for the guilt ridden "I'll do it next weekend " game I always play with myself. When pushed, I prefer to hand wash and then hose down with a garden hose rather than use a power hose but you can't beat the clinical effeciency and speed of those bad boys. Should I buy a power washer ? I'm sorely tempted so I need some good solid cleaning tips designed for those of us who are somewhat lacking in the cleaning skills department.
Thanks for the replies guys, as usual all very helpful. It would be great to get all the options and see which one fits best but the mention of the NTV seems to ring a bell in the back of my mind so perhaps that is what I had the last time.
On the first V11 I had the dealer recommended a plastic extension to the front mudguard to keep as much crud as possible off the front of the engine. I've just phoned him so I can get another one for my new Ballabio but he can't remember where he got it from (fair enough as it was nearly 6 years ago). I think you can just see it on the picture below. Just wondered if anyone had fitted a similar extension and could point me in the right direction. Cheers.
Glad I've just not bought a brand new Buell then... sorry Nogbad
Nogbab how did the journey home go. How did you manage to run it in sensibly withouth cruising at a fixed speed all the way down the road. Have you warmed up yet
Ballacraine, I've never been to the IOM but it is on the list of trips for this summer but I don't want to come when the TT is on (way too busy) but I would like to see some racing. Which of the events would you suggest as being the best. Cheers.
A common situation, I'm sure we have all had near misses that could have ended like that. However Police Roadcraft style training ensures that we should be one step ahead of the game, certainly watching the guy at the junction very carefully to make sure that he's seen us and probably slowing down anyway expecting that he will pull out. It's the only way to survive. I'm sure many of you have had advanced training and I'm sure its saved you on many occasions...it certainly has saved me a few times. Ride safe.
Looks like Mr Barrett beat me to it, though don't know how to do a linky thing so thanks for saving me from doing a copy paste job.
I posted last week re my indicator problem. Black alloy Oxford Products Micro Indicators seem to do the trick. A little before and after action below.
There is an alternative to riding back down the road. Andy at www.agservices.org.uk will pick up and drop off for 55p per mile (but no job more than £200). That way you avoid "salting" up your brand new bike and you you avoid freezing your nuts off as well. You know it makes sense.
macguzzu, got your e-mail. Yes count me in. No doubt can meet up up with you on route as I guess you'll be passing by Stirling if you are going up on the Calander road. I expect we'll tie up the details nearer the time.
So here's the deal. New Ballabio, front mudguard and tail piece now sprayed red to match the tank and fairing, Guzzi titanium cans added and new smaller rear light / number plate holder intsalled. But standard indicators too big (see picture), so need smaller replacements (must be black). But as we all know, most after market replacement indicators are poor quality bulbs blowing every month pieces of crap. So any suggestions re where I might get some reliable high quality replacements. Cheers.
When I was 17 and first passed my bike only driving license, I remember saying to my mates at school that I would never need to pass my car test as I never wanted to have a car. However necessity eventually dictated that I needed a car license and so by the time I was 24 I had sat and passed my car test. However I never had to buy my own car (lucky enough always to have company cars) until 3 years ago, when in my fortieth year I became self employed, and actually had to face up to the prospect of buying my own car. Now by this time I had owned my first V11 for a couple of years and its fair to say that the "Guzzi" experience had started to shape and indeed narrow down my target list. I wanted performance, handling and that magical ingredient called character and therefore by default, I concluded it had to be Italian. Maserati (the cool mans Ferrari of course) however was a wee bit out of my price range. So that only left one other option, Alfa Romeo (Fiat Coupe now being too long in the tooth I might add). Having started with a 156 2.5V6, I’m now on a 156 GTA 3.2 V6 and if I can’t go by bike it’s fair to say it’s not the worst place to be sound and performance wise. So how has your bike influenced your car choice…if of course you have been unlucky enough to have to spend your hard earned cash on a car in the first place.
Apparently they are not longer made given the demise of new V11's. Anyone know where I might get a set from. Ideally Uk sourced but options in Europe would be no issue. Cheers.
I put a down payment on a brand new Ballabio today and I have to say I'm well chuffed. Here's my story : I bought a new V11 in 2000 but sold it last year when moving house thinking that I would get something else sorted for summer 2006. Was pretty sure it would be a Griso but when I saw it in the flesh it did not press the right buttons, lard arse with a big icream cone thing of an end can. Not for me I'm afraid. So then started looking elsewhere, Speed triple just a bit too high for me (I'm no midget a 5 10 but it's a tall bike) and Monster S24 1000 close but somehow just too much of a fashion statement...a bit like having a new mini, a good car but too many are owned by fannies who think they are cool (Scottish interpretation of the word fanny meaning people who dither ...usually precceded by the f word...rather than English for front bottom or American for arse). So then decided to build my own special (ie my own interpretation of what I thought the Griso should have looked liked) and as posted on here last week, I started looking around for a clean second hand V11 to use as a doner bike. With a custom builder all lined up and ready to go, I just needed to find the doner bike. However the more I scouted round the net for design ideas the more I ended up back at the more upright V11 models. When I saw the new heavily discount Red Ballabio at Corsa Italiana I thought why bother trying build an imitation of what was essentially a good bike, ie the V11 not the Griso. Instead why fix what is not broken. So that's where I'm at and delighted with it. However the story is not quite over yet. First of all the black front mudguard and tail piece needs to be re sprayed red so the whole bike matches and that plastic number plate holder thing needs to go too (nice after market one on the Corsa Italian website by the way). And then of course the cans. Don't like the Mistral ones or the Quad system so I have decided on the Guzzi Titantium cans plus new ECU. However they are now out of stock apparently so a plea. Does anyone have a new set or know where I could get a new set plus ECU from. The Corsa boys will be doing what they can to find some but does your local dealer have a set ? If so could you let me know. No massive rush to get them as it's a wee bit cold here for biking right now, so overseas options are worth considering. Thanks, hope you all have a good hogmanay and a properous 2006.
Hi guys, wondered if you might be able to help me. Having previously owned a V11 I fully intended to get a Griso but when I saw one up close at the local stealers, it just did not do it for me. Since nothing else appeals I've decided to buy another V11 and from it get a one off custom made. Not quite decided on the design, either my version of what the Griso should have looked like or a more conventional chopper design. I've got a specialist custom shop all lined up, I just need a bike. There are a fair few floating around the stealers but I thought I'd have a punt on here and see if I can find a sub 12k miles one which has been well looked after. So I'm looking for a V11 but it has to be a silver engined one not one with the peelaway black coating. I need the engine to be in excellent nick (afterall it's going to be the star of the show) so no salt induced flaking. Anyone looking to sell or know someone that is. Location in UK won't be an issue. Also interested to know if anyone has done something similar...got any pictures ? My mobile is 07762 083941. Cheers.