Thanks for the encouragement. Do I need the bike warmed up to find the 150mV and the 521mV? I thought that a cold bike is alright for that. I understand that the throttle-sync needs a warm bike.
no you do not need motor warm to set the TPS voltage, it does not even have to be running.
May I ask why do you need both throttle stop screws? I read that the right one can be left backed-off, and the left used to adjust. Would not the left just hold the adjustment by itself?
if link rod has no slop you can rely on one stop screw
I am looking to cleaning the throttle bodies as much as I can. trying how to remove the manifolds without removing the airbox, bodies etc. More fiddling this weekend.
that will be a waste of time, just get to setting the TPS and then off idle sync then balance for idle with air bleed screws.
forget the baseline setting of 150mv.. just set the throttle stop screw to contact the plate and adjust the TPS to 525mv or something close.