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  1. Murray


  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLEG2YMAQgs Even a Moto Guzzi reference!
  3. Dunno if anyone is following in but in last 24 hours its suddenly got really serious. (still no where near me BTW) http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2011/01/12/3110921.htm
  4. The shop in question may have had a minim charge of 1 hour.
  5. Flooding also around the Canarvon area/gascyone river not as bad as QLD well less people affected might be a better way of putting it. Fortunately not near either places.
  6. I'm thinking he means compared to a litre bike but yes a big bike it also has DOHC according to the owner which is wrong. At least he actually liked it and didn't say it was a steaming heap of poo that only the unhinged with too much money will buy.
  7. Murray

    Racer for sale

    Dunno about over there but the local historic club now has rule 25 and rule 20 categories which covers machines 20 and 25 years old I could see places with a much larger population base having things like rule 15 which would include things like the 1100 sports.
  8. Why would anyone want your left testicle?
  9. Push polling much, I may have moved hypothetically for the purposes of the questionnaire .
  10. Murray

    Bike lift

    I don't want to go to the length of dropping the engine from the frame, at least not in my lock-up, but everything else would be within my capabilities. I need somthing that gets the wheels off the ground and raises the whole bike so its easier to work at. Thats why this lift seemed appealing as it does both, but I'm a bit worried about the narrowness of the lifting surface, and that's not entirely unjustified, see Steve's post what I could do is fit a two rods to the bottom plate of the lift that are in line with the bike, so it wont tip forward or backward so easily. hmmmm Depends on the space you have but a basic ramp platform and a couple of paddock stands will do what you want it to do. The stand originally posted usually rely on sitting on the bottom frame rails of the bike. Mainly seen them used on cruisers and ATV's I suggest if you want something a bit more than paddock stands save your dollars for a bit longer and get a full platform.
  11. Murray

    Tire time

    Just switched to BT023's can't comment on life they've only done a 100kms or so. They do steer and grip quiet nicely the 016's I replaced always felt a bit tucky through the front end below 70kph I think its something about modern tyre on a bike with old geometery.
  12. Nother righty.
  13. Crazy? more like blind and dyslexic. you'd have to check the handle bar diameters the actual switchgear itself would be too much of a problem its the wiring and associated relay logic associated with the BM gear. Wires that currently run the rh indicator would need to be changed and the cancelling system on normal bikes is a simple mechanical system where as for the bm you would probably need some kind of relay arrangement.
  14. Contact your local raceshop/people who do the local racing series suspension setup and tuning. Fair bet there will someone who can have a look at it and can do it. Generally they can be rebuilt.
  15. Toying with the idea, will have to sit down a do some serious maths to see if its viable.
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