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Everything posted by Murray

  1. Probally because Piaggio has this little side line, Helicopters and planes the aircraft factory was the reason the orginal Vespa was built.
  2. No the Guzzis the kill switch doesn't just kill ignition it will stop the starter from turning the motor.
  3. Most I have ever done is around 1100kms, Rding at night in the country out here is not a good idea most of the local fauna are nocturnal, including those infernal big brown grass hoppers.
  4. Kinda drifting off topic, doubble clutching a synchromesh box is actully really bad for it. It makes the syncro cones works twice as hard to match the various shaft speeds shortening thier service life dramatically. On a bike gearbox not so much of a problem. However do not get sucked into trying to flat change a Guzzi dirt bike style, probally not so much on the fuel injected ones but on the older ones if you found a false neutral really good way to over rev the motor and bend a valve or two.
  5. Murray

    Big Bore Mgs01

    Umm the MGS01 isn't a two valver.
  6. Hmm very dangerous thoughts for my bank balance at least.
  7. Intresting 14000 pounds for a new MGS-01 in the UK? the MGS01 in Australia retailed for quiet a bit more than that, closer to 19 000 pounds. Shipping one can't be that expensive.
  8. Well thats what some people claim, my experince all it did was lighten my pocket. took slightly longer to go off than mineral oil 9000kms instead of 5000 but for the cost and little to no benifit I'm back to mineral oil.
  9. Surely you have a local hydralic hose fitting franchise than could at least get this kind of stuff in. Kamatso sp? Hitachi Toyota all make forlifts/earth moving equipment/ tractors with some pretty serious hydralics I'd start there if the local hose fitter can't help you.
  10. Does anyone know this bike directly? ie its not a scam some trying to sell a bike they don't own etc etc. Sorry I'm still a little bit cynical regarding buying stuff over the internet dunno why I've never actually brought anything off the internet. If anyone knowes this guy directly I may and repeat may be intrested.
  11. Removed sitting in shed.
  12. Is Riding a Norge really much different to riding a Fat Boy? Who cares what others think that's the attiude that usally gets someone owning a Guzzi in the first place, what's it go like? mm still wana MGS-01
  13. Well I got the impression the MGS-01 is part of the line up, what motor will they put in it I ponder. Supposedly the first run chewed up the last of the four valvers. However if they do I will seriously consider it.
  14. Not at them moment the local dealer has a pretty good relationship with them I might get him to find out. The carbs are ont he bike because mine was a carbed 1100 sport to begin with. I still think fuel injection is better see my consumption figures int he Bridgestone tyre thread.
  15. One or two here Clicky clicky
  16. Thanks just about given up on a reply to this one. We'll see what the compression test/leak down test says when it goes in for its 100 000 service which is only 4000 away. I don't think a PC will help my bike its got some dirty great 41.5mm FCR'S which I am sure can be rejetted to suit though
  17. Odd the charging system on the pre 99 bikes is the same as the post 99 bikes to the best of my knowledge anyway. Its only ever changed for the 1100breva/griso. Athough having said that I have never actually felt the need to up grade the charging system on my bike.
  18. On my carbed 1100 sport I average 14-16kms per litre round town. If I really really pat it I can get up to 18-19km per litre. If I'm out for a squrit that will quicky disappear down to between 11-13. Got 240kms to 21.5 litres the other day good thing we don't pay the same prices for fuel you do in Europe. I usally run the tyres down to the tread limiters but may pull them early if winter is approaching and its getting down, preasure is kept at around 38-40psi. Didn't convert to mile per gallon as US gallon and English gallons are different and its a pain. Athough I amost never travel two up actually the pillion pegs might be siezed in the up postion I wouldn't know, carry very little when I travel and put most of the wieght in the tank bag. The vast majority of the riding is big stupidly fast sweepers a slow corner will be signposted at 60kph so there is not a lot of heaving braking comming in and accleration fron alsmot stopped at the apex. I also supect that the brigestone 020 that is sold over the counter in a place like the UK is quiet a bit softer than the 020 that is slold in Australia due to the average abient temps. I have no evedence one way or the other but just a genral impression.
  19. The 020 is a sport touring tyre genally on the sport I get 18 000kms out of a rear they do however take a while to heat up and start working evfen in sunny Australia . Depends on how hard you push things along I am currently running Bridgestone 014's which are supposed to be a sport tyre they do work very well but I think the rear may only last 6-8000kms. You get that on the big jobs.
  20. Poercommanders do die regulary I'd be disconnecting it.
  21. Twin plug heads, shorter stroke/better balanced, lighter internals alt now sits between the V.
  22. Intresting because they, INXS came from some obsucre Island in the Indian Ocean. Six degrees of serperation?
  23. Anyone had anything to do with them opions good bad ugly? Could you use it on the street or the engine ends up running such a high compression it will quiet happily run on desiel witht he sparkplugs disconnected and you need to use two stroke rpm to get the bike to crawl away from the lights.
  24. Murray

    magni fairing

    TLM seem to have pretty good contacts with Magni. Magni beena small company will probally quiet happily dig out the jigs for you if you wave the right amount of cash around.
  25. The head garusd are aluminiun depending on which ones you have they will be cast or billet. For the modest price of a new set of billet ones might be esier and sumpler. A not with polished aluminium thats note coated its an absolute firetrucker to keep clean especailly if you ride rain hail shine. I have a super motard with polished aluminium rims this is primarly a track bike so only comes out every now and then. They are a complete pain in the rear never ever again will I have raw polished aluminiun on one of my bike. Think long and hard about it before going ahead. I prefere to ride than fiddle with stupid stuff why I will never own a V-rod.
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