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Getting the air to do a 180 degree turn back into the carbs would be tricky especailly with the distance that need to be covered on the Guzzi. Not to metion the tuning effects of have a excessive long intake tract. High speed reliablity with cooling whilst I can't speak for the modifyed motor the stock motor will run pretty well all day at or near redline on a warmish summers day (ie 36 celcius plus) with no ill effects. Its far more likely to overheat in heavy traffic. The orginal airboxs on the sport were actully fed by the tubes at the side of the fairing supposedly providing some ram air effect. Didn't have any effect below 100kmh and to be honest the way the airbox sealed I couldn't see it been particulary effective above 100kmh. Some of the tuning problems were also supposedly related to the harmonics of the airbox. The keliens with the pod setup worked so much better than the orginal delorto's you wonder why you ever messed with it in the first place.
The centurao has the detuned four valve motor similar to the orginal daytona's. The Daytona Racing and latter the RS Daytona had the factory C engine kits fitted as standard which makes a significant differeence. The standard four valve motor is a little smoother and spools up a little quicker than the two valve but power is pretty well line ball and the four valver is down slightly on torque. The C kit motors are siginficantly faster. Unfortunatly for those residing in the USA the Daytona RS (Dunno about the racing) due to emission laws the the RS Daytona's were only ever fitted with the Centuaro motor. C Kit is good!
Its still as ugly as sin IMO and I would of prefered to see the same effort go into getting the MGS-01 Series into production rather than this bike. I think it's destined for the sales mediocraty that afflicted the Centuaro. But thats my opion.
The only time I have seen a similar failure was after a pretty severe contact with a gutter/kerb. I would suggest there is more tot he story.
Speed limits I'm leaving alone but with reagaurds to the yellow advisory signs this seems to be a common theme that they are posted at around half the speed you can achive on a relativly late model motorcycle. However its worth keeping in mind that those signs arn't purely for our benifit. The signs are usally set so a 120 tonne road train can take the corner at around the speed posted without too much trouble in dry normal conditions. Add a fairly heavy duty of care on the athourity posting them in a fairly litigious society and its quickly apparent why they are so conservative. They do hovever provide a rough guide when blind riding a road.
Isn't this a blinged blinged out Furia? I think I read something about some aniverary of some clothes manufacturer the kind of if you have ask you can't afford it. Total production run of six or eight bikes in this trim. I kinda like the Furia the only thing that really puts me off is forking out that much is the five speed box if I'm spend that much money I want to upgrade my 1100sport not simply replace it with more of the same.
Bring on the water cooled machine. Kinda suspected as much 2 valve air cooled MGS doesn't really cut it for me. Wonder how far the VA10 is away from production.
I'm not sure about the V11 but assuming most spine frames are the same the major obstical was the front engine mounts which bolts directly into the timing cheast cover. On the 1100 sport these mounts are welded to the frame however thinking about it I understant that the V11's are bolted. So you may well be able to do it in the frame. If you are planning on doing this make sure you have a deep 27mm socket of tube spanner for the nut behind the rotor. Because we were removing the engine gearbox anyway at the time we didn't seriously consider doing it in the frame. You may have to consider removing the front wheel just to make life easier.
How does it work? not very well! There is a very light spring that holds the foot against the chain. I had the motor out of my 1100 sport for a rear gearbox seal at 25 000kms and decided to do it while we were there. The Chain after 25 000kms had 5mm slack with the factory tensioner in place. Fitted the ago/ harpers/blade style whatever else you want to call it tensioner which removed all the slack the bike is still going strong at 90 000kms with no sign of timing chain problems. I suspect it also made the bike run better but as I fitted a set of 41mm flat slide carbs at the same time its kinda hard to tell. You would thing the factory would get of its rear and fix this. Big job to remove the motor just to do this but if you have it out for any other reason highly recommended.
Did you notice the difference between the two rpms for the power outputs. Theya re probally both right at 7500 the motor produces 87hp and at 7800 the motor makes 91hp. Obiously crank figures the 1100 sport punches out around 75hp at the back wheel with termi system and Flat slides the two valver hasn't changed radically since then.
Not to be confused with the RS daytona which had a 17 inch wheel. Completly off topic but did anyone find out if OZ or similar company make a lightwieght 17/4.5 for a Guzzi? Enquiring minds wish to know. There is a set of Marvics locally for sale off another 1100sport but they are the full magnesium jobbies and I think they will be marginal on our crappy roads.
Ok I get the feeling if I asked about high rise bars lower foot pegs or after market tail sections I would of got many many relpies. There are some people that have done some work to thier motors. What were the results the Mega cycle cams intrest me but I'm not sure what variations on the theme are avalible.
My 1100 sport is comming up on 90 000kms and with the rate I ride especailly over the approaching summer it will be well over 100 000kms. Now I think I've lined up a motard to go racing and maybe the MGS-01 if it every eventuates. But it looks like the venrable 1100 sport is in for the long haul in my shed/garage. I was thinking of starting to collect bits for the invetable motor rebuild that will eventally be required. The bike is already fitted with flat slide carbs and full termi system so we can safely say thats sorted. Currently on the list is a deep V sump carillio rods and maybe a lightwieght clutch/flywheel. After that I'm not really sure one thing is I don't want to raise the compression ratio much as fuel stops can be few and far between and the ablity to put whats avalible in the tank without having to worry about it is worthwhile. So whats avalible Big bore kits? Someone said something abut a 94mm barrel kit but I'm not certian that will run with the 1100's crank. Lumpier cam, lightwieght pushrods? I am aware that extracting significantly more power out of the two valve motor is a bit of a fruitless exercise but if the motor is pulled down anyway.
If you go back the David hassehoff review site it has been pretty well consitantly updated since I first posted it. Re Stone yes seen it Gang movie set and made in the 70's (Australian) and the ride you guessed it Z900's and they ride hard too. If you manage to get it on DVD there is the 25 aniverasy ride as well as a docco on the making of the movie. Its basically a B grader made on half a shoestring the producers begged borrowed and stole anything they needed to make it. The Director dissappeared into obscurity started a cult following. Plot a bit flimsy some screams in the 70's fashions fophars and drowned in the street lingo of the day, ya dig man? But definatly worth a look there has been far worse drivel produced more recently on much bigger budgets. Oh and the Grave Diggers in the movie Kicked off the Vietnam Vet's M/C in Australia they even adopted the patch from the movie, Human skull with a slouch hat.
Your're dealer takes serveral weeks to change a tyre?? Most do it while you wait athough you have to book it in first. The tyres on the V11 are pretty common across all modern sports bikes so should be readily avalible at almost any bike shop. Changine it yourself is a little tricky tubeless tyres tend to have very strong sidewalls and stiff beads. Without a bead braker if would be very difficult. Howeve you can break beads by placing the base of a jack on the sidewall and attempting to lift something heavy (like a car) with the jack. You have to be pretty careful not to bend things like brake disks and scratching the living day lights out of the rim. There are some teflon rim savers usally avalible at most off road shops than are designed to go between the rim and your tyre leavers highly recommended IMO. Personally it too much trouble and much easier to go down to my local shop, athough they don't charge me for fitting ethier but I'd probally pay for it given the chioce between doing it yourself and paying for it.
I expect the MGS01 soon why you ask. Its really simply with the money I had put aways for the purchase I have decided to keep the 1100 sport and buy a supermotard and do a little racing for fun more than anything else. As Murphy is a complete bastard it will surely arive in due course.
King Chrome, Mini max, Hazet, Sidchrome all good middle of the range stuff.
Steering dampeners do not cure handling problems thats what suspesnion setup is for. Steering dampeners merely disguise the symptoms.
Yes do that get the suspenson adjusted up properly more importantly do the static sags and ensure the springs are rated for you. I think the current Guzzis suffer some stablity problems from the move away from true clipons to heli bars, handle bars whatever your variation is on the theme.The reduction on size of the rear wheel also probally didn't help (18-17) much better selection of tyres for the 17 though. On a bike with a already rearward wieght bias this has accentuated the problem. The only time I have possibly had something flexing on my 1100 sport was entry on the local track to whats known as the basin. Third gear 5-6000rpm down hill postive camber 180degree turn at a track day I possibly may have experinced some swingarm flex on my carbed 1100sport. Oscilating action from the rear end the latter 1100i's models they strengthened it it only ever did it once. But most definatly with properly setup springs the guzzi's get along quiet well and the V11 suspension is well ahead of what was fitted to the carbed 1100 sport.
I think you have a dirty earth somewhere or maybe the dirty fuse/connection. With no load it will supply 11.5 volts (little low to me) however with a serious current drawing load the dirty connection doesn't allow enough current to pass to power headlight /horn etc etc. Have you tired measuring voltage betweent he power contact for the headlamp and the earth contact instead of using any old earth? might be intresting.
I would say that your orignial problem was a relay problem. From memory the instrument lights electronic tacho and the ancillary lights except the headlight all run through the same realay. The headlight relay is powered off this circut as well. The wiring is configured in such a way that it will drop out all the lights whilst cranking the motor to ensure maxium starting current gets to the starter. It should then reset however a sticking relay will cause these symptoms which are very much like a broken wire except its very hard to find. As most things are when they aren't there.
Good excuse for a termi slip together system, well you didn't say it had to be realistic.
Be careful with sintered metal pads. They do bite harder however the also tend to eat disks. The EBC kelvar pads are pretty good and a regular flush and bleed of the brake system works wonders.
The two comments that stick in my mind from guys who ride these things. The four leading shoe system tends to servo on so with constant leaver preasure the bike will progressivly stop harder and harder. Some riders kept two fingers behing the leaver to flick it off again. The other one was, riding this bike is kind of intreting you apply they brakes as you approach a corner, go through the corner, then the bike starts slowing down.
I think you will fing the only cans witht he plates will be the carbon fibre ones. the Aluminium and stainless steel usally have such information directly stamped into the can. Titanium I dunno i suspect it might be stamped.