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Everything posted by Murray

  1. Are there better descriptions out and about. Looks like if you want to convert a V11 to a furia it is possible which is good because you then get the 6 speed box as a bonus. Hmm Paioli forks .....
  2. Whats the chances its a spun oil filter rather than a pump. They then topped it up to make the preasure light go out. Never carry oil on long trips there is usally plenty at the local servo if you get that stuck but for a Guzzi to have serious preasure problem because of low oil you would be down to the last litre of three. Two litres worth of oil leak is fairly easy to spot.
  3. Yes you have summed it up quiet nicely. Spinal tapp referance for those who are a little
  4. Kinda toying with dreams more than anything at the moment but I am kinda intrested in getting a set of Bitubo HDX00 forks. As best I can tell these are possibly no longer in production but they were Bitubo's superbike fork a couple of years ago. So they will be hidiously expensive if avaliable unless we can find some ex race's that are not compete shagged. Its a ore if someone comes across these in thier travels. As I said I am toying with idea's more than trying to follow a dfinate plan.
  5. Just got this back from EMA "Hi Murray, Thanks for the inquiry, unfortunately PVM wheels are not available at this time. The factory is undergoing an expansion project and they are now doing OEM wheels for BMW. It's unclear what capacity will be left for aftermarket wheels, we hope to have an update in the next few months. Please let us know if you have any other questions. Thank you for contacting EMA and have a great day! Jeff EMA Inc" So do Braking do wheels for Guzzi? or should we try and contact PVM direct?
  6. Do the PVM's include front disks? The others look intresting but I will stick with aluminium for what passes for a road around these parts.
  7. The other thing to look into is the build up of white corrosion on the bulb elements this sometimes includes the indictor bulbs which are probally on the same cct. Also the switch gear tends to get a build up of road grime if regulary ridden in wet weather causing all sorts of intresting faults.
  8. It was 45 today (celcius) hottest Dec day on record (since records began) for the region, you can hold up whatever scientific study you like it is happening, Anyway I digress the old fella still has one of the original suzuki 4 wheel drives 540cc three cylinders of screaming two stroke fury. Geared so low from the factory vertical walls barely make it hesitate well maybe not quiet but you get the idea. To be honest the thing has been next to bullet proof been the first car for both myself and my sister and used for any odd job that ever comes up I have much respect for the little jiggers. Kinda like the idea of AWD bcause here for towing you ethier buy a landcruiser, 1 I don't want the fuel economy , 2 I drive one for work and if I ever see the inside of one ever again it will be too soon. 3 or the frontal labotamy that seems to come with anyone who drives them in urban area's. Or you buy a stinking great sedan wagon or ute with RWD and a big six anyways I'll be keen to see how the new toy goes.
  9. Murray


    Wonder how much HP they got out of that one. Trying to get some footage of mine on the track will try this sunday. If you plug MGS01 into You tube you get a few vids too.
  10. This one! No No I meant This one! Geeze not real good at this internerd thing am I how about these? Just one more
  11. I think cliffs relies on having a distributor as an ignition scource the carbed sports don't have these nor does it have the cog on the cam to drive one. Odd pretty certian my local shop does have a diagnostic box but I don't think the'll loan it out halfway across the world. However the only time I have heard of them failing is after the battery was connected in reverse. Pretty reliable unit otherwise athough possibly the pickup on the flywheel or the coils hopefully moto inter have tried this. The inition is actually fairly sophisitcated it uses rpm and engine vacum to determine advance and things like Flat slides and free breathing exhaust systems do not seem to phase it as it measures how hard the engine is breathing. Carbed sports were late 1994 1995 and early 1996 surely there is a wrecked one or two around you could find..
  12. Ok so its not a V11, don't think people will mind.
  13. Murray


    Its working for me the screen is still a little jarring yep so usally we get new models about six weeks after they start rolling down the production line. Need to finish paying for the current toy first though.
  14. This is funny, we want a simple retro bike the current ones are too big complex and heavy. Guzzi spits out a classic bike, on no not enough HP to expensive it should go faster etc etc. No wonder guzzi doesn't listen to its customers they don't know what they want.
  15. Murray


    The only serious problem I have withthe styling is the screen does no integrate with the fairing well to me the styling of the Cagiva Elephant and the older aprilia Pegaso was a good thing in these bikes. The Stevio is pretty similar except for the barn door screen. It probally does offer good wind protection though dunno I'll wait till I see what one is like to ride before jumping one way or ther other.
  16. There is a specfic product used in the aircraft industry for stripping paint off fibreglass athough its specfically designed for polyeurthane paint. I can't remeber the product number but the company is called ardrox takes around three hours to d the job but if you bung it into a search engine you will probally find your local distrbutor. Failing that find Glider/Sailplane repair shop and they will probally be quiet familar with it.
  17. Think I would prefere a 160. The 1100 sports are exactly the quickest turning things around.
  18. I've got around a 9.5minute Video of a ride locally its currently 1.1 gig on 960 by ???? in quicktime. I've dropped some music to help drown outthe oversestive mics wind niose. My edditing progarmme is the standard apple home one so I can go in and chop out frequncies. Anyway Does anyone want to host it what should I cut it down too?
  19. Well done .
  20. Murray

    Going Racing....

    If you get the chioce get a latter model MGS, I've wacked mine on the dyno (late 06) and its mashing out some pretty big numbers. Mr Minneart is look at the dyno files to I dunno compare to others I guess I've havn't got me and a dry track day inthe same place at the same time yet summer's not too far away though. I don't think there will be too many 748's doing you in a striaght line on the MGS.
  21. Murray

    Aussie help

    Dunno why you can't post but fi you got to AGIOR.org and have a look at service parts suppliers and or www.MotoGuzzi.com.au will have a list of shops etc etc.
  22. Just out of cuirosity have you tired disconnecting the heated grips? Pull the fuse is the easiest these will be heavly wired and capable of drawing the sort of current you are talking about.
  23. Atilia Factory very nice.
  24. Cup of concret on your weeties in the morning or a nice big mug of HTFU. Ergo's are no different to the older 1100 sports and will probally stop the vague feeling the bikes had a reputation for by transfereing wieght onto the front wheel.
  25. Murray

    Going Racing....

    Have fun, was it your bike in Performance bikes a couple of months ago racing in the supertwins series?
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