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Everything posted by Cleanwater

  1. Cleanwater


  2. Rich surfaced pretty quick and is doing my seat. The email you all provided worked. Thanks folks.
  3. I just did. Hope it works, thanks/
  4. Folks- I boxed up the seat for my Monza today and went looking for Rich's address to send it out. The web site is dead. I poked around a bit on the web and found a number but the woman who answered was very short with her "no no no this is not a seat shop." Is Rich still working on seats ? Anyone got contact info ? Daniel Cooper
  5. Hey I boxed up my Monza seat and went looking for an address to send it to. The web site is dead, and the phone number I came up with from Wild Guzzi gave me a very angry woman. Where do I send my seat Rich ? Daniel Cooper
  6. The draft State Implementation Plan (SIP) for the Clean Air Act for California includes annual inspections for emmissions compliance for motorcycles. The draft points to the high frequency of emmissions system tampering for motorcycles. Lets hope (and push the AMA to advocate) that the testing only applies to new motorcycles...
  7. The II motor is entirely different--different castings, different oil pathways, etc etc. It has a pointless ignition that is loads of trouble. II's have very low resale value because of the problems and lack of interchangeability. Go for the III.
  8. They are nice little bikes. The III is the way to go. If it is for your wife, change out the points for a Dyna pointless ignition. Also get some carb sticks and sync the carbs. You should plan on syncing the carbs every time you change the oil. Keep em synced and the thing runs great. 2700 is high for a V-50, unless it is low miles and in very good shape.
  9. OK, so I did a search and went to the pyro Dan wesite. Are those relays the solution to all my woes ?
  10. So I sent to meet the wife for dinner after work, and pushing the starter button, nada. Fuel pump whistled and shut off (so its not the sidestand switch), a relay clicked when the button was pressed, but nothing at the starter. Bump started it, put the trickle charger on overnight (green light on) and again nothing at the button. It did this once before on a trip from LA to SF, about 90 miles from home at the gas station, but then it fired up. That was about a month ago. This is a 2004 Rosso Corso. Parked inside--all the wiring is very clean. I thought the relay issues were all worked out by 04 ? If needed, who do I order the new ones from ? Maybe the starter button on the bars ? Anyone else had these problems ? Daniel
  11. I'm with ya. Why do we have to scroll through this shite to find something to do with our bikes ? And why do motorcyle people always include these assinine "individualists" with pre-packaged neo-con opinions ? Freedom ! Terrists !
  12. Or the Contis--Road Attacks--I am much happier with these tires than the stockers.
  13. I put on some Conti Road Attacks after 6K on the stockers. They worked extremely well on the trip from SF to LA two weeks ago, good wet and dry, better turn in, more stable and better grip. The tire says "Road Attack" in lettering about 1/8 inch deep on the tread, and it is gone in the middle of the rear tire after the 600 mile ride, so we will see if it lasts the rumored 5K.
  14. I will take one set, please thank you.
  15. Where in Nor Cal are you ? I would love to come see the bike and listen to it on the road. I will be riding home from LA to SF on the 8th or so. A trip up the Coast would be fun. The weather has been stunning other than the downpour yesterday.
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