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Everything posted by guzzijack

  1. Yes, but there's Honk and there's HONK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Graham
  2. Here's what I did to my '97 Cali EV Has a straight through exhaust X over and a PCIII. With no airbox lid intake honk could be problem as it gets reflected back in a big way by the large Guzzi touring screen (I tried it). But this seems to offer a good compromise and anyway I wear earplugs all the time . Graham
  3. Yes, fair comment, but my point is that in this case it appears that MG in the States(via the official dealer network) haven't even been approached by Pavel. :!: So why come on with the big hard done by story quoting $3K for an after-warranty clutch repair when the facts haven't been presented to them or pursued? If MG then decline stump upwith a warranty claim, well that's a different matter. During the problem period during the Aprilia takeover I had one or two issues with my Cali EV but once the claim had been entered by my OFFICIAL dealer it was eventually sorted with no quibbles - might have taken some time and a bit of pushing by me now and again, but they didn't query anything. If they don't know about an issue then no-one can expect them to be clairvoyant and come and sort it out unbidden. Graham
  4. Richard - and Pavel, This message thread is also running over on the Guzzitech Forum and I am having a bit of a problem in understanding why the problem has not been referred back to MG/Aprilia/Piaggio in North America, either directly or via one of the dealer network. OK if the response from the one outlet it has been referred to was not positive, then go somewhere else - my understanding is that MG Classic who have been spoken to wouldn't warranty it but that is hardly surpising if they are not Official MG dealers The single plate clutches that have presented problems have been replaced under warranty - not just in Europe but worldwide - so before starting any pressure group, petitions, shouting and hollering on the forums etc. maybe there should be some personal attempt by Pavel to actually contact someone at MG or the 'Official' dealer network who WOULD be in a position to carry out the work under warranty. If the response is then negative by all means start complaining and seeking support. Graham
  5. After our 'Oirish adventure with the Cali EV ECU problem I am glad to report that the problem has now been sorted. This is the early '97- '00 WM P8 box but I believe the same principle applies to the WM 16M and possibly the WM 15M. To recap: the ECU power relay's live side switching path is through the keyed ignition with the grounding side though the ECU box, (via terminal 10 on the P8 ), with diode protection to prevent current surges, reversed polarity etc. Once energised the relay will then allow the ECU to receive power and liven up via terminal 20 and also supply a live feed to the fuel pump relay and directly to the the injectors - both those items awaiting control switching from the ECU itself. The bad news was that, possibly due to my jiggling the relays around, (I still had a couple of the crappy Siemens O/E in situ, Doh!), a power surge hit terminal 10 and blew the diode and track on the ECU PCB - although it would function perfectly if I jumpered across the power feed terminals of the relay (30 & 87). The good news is that I found a place that specialises in automotive ECU diagnosis and repair who were able to sort it. Although they were unaware that the WM series ECUs were fitted to bikes - they had only seen the P8 on Ford Sierra & Escort Cosworths and the 16M on Fiats - they had full diagnostics to test the unit and did the repair and test while I waited and all for £55 plus vat. Although mainly of interest to the UK readers of this list, the details of this very helpful outfit are: Auto Matec Unit 7, Stowford Filham Moor Ivybridge Devon PL21 0BE 01752 894842 www.automatec.yows.co.uk Ask for Mike. Cheers Graham
  6. Go here Manuals and pick up the Service/Workshop Manual (Officina), Parts book (Ricambi) and even the Handbook (Uso e Manutenzione) for many different models including a few V11 Sport variations. Happy downloading Graham
  7. George, Are you already a member of MGCGB? V Twin Rally August Bank Holiday weekend at Fordingbridge? Erin Rally weekend after next near Cork? Graham
  8. Hi George, I'd say it's a bit early to worry about low speed jerkiness until you at least get the 1st service out of the way - don't forget Guzzis have an extended running in period it was 12,000 miles plus before my EV really settled down. Tell the dealer about the problems and they should at least check out the TPS and throttle body balance. 2.5K revs are pretty low. Although it's a big ole V twin these motors like to rev and once you've cleared the initial running in rev restrictions then start to give it a handful - don't let the engine lug in the meantime. Isn't the 1st service covered as part of the deal? I recollect that mine was apart from paying for the fluids. Where in Somerset are you? i'm just over the border in Tiverton. If you haven't already signed up then the MGCGB is a very active and helpful club to join - excellent bi-monthly magazine 'Gambalunga'. Also a UK discussion group on the go at Guzzi Forum Cheers Graham
  9. Can anyone tell me what the UFI filter part number is - not the Guzzi P/N. Is it the same as the other EFI big twins i.e. Cali series bikes? Graham
  10. Relays, relays, relays. Did I mention relays? If the relays fitted are the O/E Siemens variety, they have a bad rep for causing all kinds of electrical grief. Usually checkable by swapping them around to isolate/cure the problem (make a note of the order they start in and where you swap them to otherwise you'll not know which is the duff one Get some equivilent Bosch or other make to carry as spares. Having said all this my '97 Cali EV has, in 6 years of ownership and 50k miles, never crapped a relay and is still on the original battery - TPS went nasty on me at 30k though. There I've done it now, I just know the whole plot is about to go down under me this weekend. Should have kept it zipped Graham
  11. Or are you talking about the engine/tranny stand as shown here Guzzi Engine Stand Graham
  12. Rizoma Website
  13. Hi Paul, Yes, I've got a photocopy of that article which has been very well thumbed - so much so that it's nearly falling to bits! I agree that apart from the radical top end work that Dr John undertook with the LM1000 engine - lumpy cams, reshaped combustion chambers etc., pretty much applying the 'Muscle Car' philosophy - the rest of the bike seems pretty close to how it came out of the factory gates. He obviously went for reliability and the race results justified that approach with other teams falling by the wayside because of botched pit stops and mechanical breakages. Even more amazing was the fact that the opposition were running some very trick machinery. There's an article in this month's edition of Performance Bikes about a guy who's built a Honda VF750F endurance replica from the same era and the amount of dedicated raceware that the original bikes used is pretty huge - they never even used the VF engine and put the race-bred RS750 & 850 units in there instead! I've made some comments about the reason for using the V11 Sport engine instead of the LM1000 alongside the album pics - you probably won't spot them if you play the slideshow but click on the individual pis and you'll see them in the bottom left hand corner. To recap, I would have had to have new valves, the guides K lined, seats cut and also some mild porting work done. I'd factored in doing that but then a low miles (3k) V11 engine and 6 speed box from a crashed bike came along for about the same price as the head work alone! So that was a bit of a no brainer once I'd ascertained that Cliff could sort the sparks. I'm mulling over whether to hang on to the 6 speed box for use with the LM engine in another project next winter. Cheers Graham
  14. Hi all, I've posted a couple of requests for help on problems I've encountered with adapting a V11 Sport engine for the Tonti frame and have been very grateful for the help I've received from this forum. Some of you have asked for details of the build so here's an update. Things are progressing with the bike as and when time and funds allow and I'm aiming for a completion by the end of June, (or it had better be finished with by that time on pain of death according to my project manager aka 'her indoors'). Although I'm waiting for some major items such as the frame, fork sliders and wheels to come back from the powder coaters before I can start reassembly, I am getting things in place and ready for when that time arrives. The main differences between the LM1000 and V11Sport engines which I have had to address were; 1) timing cover replacement for an EFI Cali version as the upper mounting points for the V11 spine frame do not clear the Tonti frame down tubes; 2) adapting the twin oil return feeds to the LM heads from the Tonti frame to the single takeoff required for the V11S; 3) New ignition system required as I wished to retain carbs but with the V11S engine having no distributor had to find another method of firing the coils, (solved by Cliff Jeffries). Pics of some of this are in the photo album below. I've got all the early LM IV bodywork I need, although the front mudguard is a bit ropey and I could do with a better example if anyone knows of where I can pick one up from? I'm also on the scrounge for some of the '80s era stickers to complete the ensemble as per the original Dr John bike. I've started an album at www.kodakgallery.co.uk where you can view the Dr John bike in all it's glory and some additional snaps of the ongoing work. Dr John Album If you have any of the stickers which you can part with, (I'll pay or swap something if neccessary ), then mail me off list at guzzijack@yahoo.co.uk to discuss. Cheers Graham
  15. Thanks, I'll bell them monday morning Graham
  16. Looking for a regulator/rectifier to suit the V11Sport engine. Anyone know the full spec of the O/E part and/or an aftermarket part and source in the UK. Graham
  17. The duff TPS syndrome appears to be more of a problem on those bikes where it lives underneath the throttle body i.e. Cali EV series etc. The fuel runs down the throttle butterfly shaft and penetrates the TPS giving rise to the 'Galloping Camel' effect. List of suppliers and alternatives in the Database section at Yahoo Guzzi GB Graham (One crap TPS on the shelf already)
  18. Hmmmm.............. CONCERN kr v11 sport. engine, flexible coupling and double moveable hose may break down. kr and ks v11 sport. flexible coupling and moveable hose may break down. DESCRIPTION If the engine is running at high revolutions, close to the rev limit for a prolonged amount of time, the connecting rod screws may give way and break resulting in engine breakdown. REMEDIAL ACTION Recall affected machines and replace connecting rod , spring drive and moveable hose with modified type. :!: :!: :!: Sounds like VOSN did a cut and paste of the usual MG Italian/English translation done by the Guzzi PR department with the dictionary they got free with a packet of cornflakes . Question still is : do I just replace the rod bolts (hopefully) or did the recall involve replacing the rods Graham
  19. Was it just the rod bolts? If that is the case then I'll certainly do that rather than faff around trying to identify if the engine was one of the affected batch. can you please confirm. Thanks Graham
  20. I have a V11 engine gearbox combo, low mileage UK market taken from a crashed V11. I've had a look at the previous recall threads and see that both the tranny and rod/rod bolt recalls were based on VIN numbers. Is there any way I can ascertain from the stamped number if the engine I have was affected and/or has had the work carried out? Or do I just run it and hope not to see a rod appearing where it shouldn't be? As security I have obtained the components from the tranny recall kit - is it much of a job to fit them as this will be the firts time I've delved into a 6 speeder. Graham
  21. Are you going to ride the BB into the office and hook it up Bettter turn the extract fans on first Graham
  22. Greg, I think you'll have to spring for a PC emulator such as Virtual PC or similar to run the PC software. If your PCIII is not a USB version you'll also have to get a USB to (I think) serial port adaptor to run inside the emulator. It's what I've had to do but then again I have the PCIII for the '97-'99 V11 EV with the P8 brain box that Todd was selling which doesn't have USB so things have moved on a bit since then. Graham
  23. Mike, I've had a look at the available banjo bolts after measuring the I/D of the return fitting at the engine. The match would be an M12 bolt for a 6.5mm I/D. So that's the size that the new spigot on the Tonti cross rail needs to be able to accommodate. I'm doing it in a few hours and if you mail me direct at guzzijack@yahoo.co.uk I'll send a pic when it's done. I can have custom hydraulic/oil lines made up for small money so this is certainly a cheaper option than sourcing a deep V sump! Not sure that would be doable anyway as I'm keeping the bellypan fairing and even trying to stuff a small oil cooler in there as well so not a lot of room to spare. Graham
  24. Can anyone tell me the size of the banjo bolt that holds the oil return (drain) line to the lower part of the spine frame on the V11 Sport? Need to know because I'm going to weld and tap the return on my Tonti frame to accept the return for a V11S motor. Cheers Graham
  25. Yes, a bit lazy of me I should have put them both on the scales before firing that off I presume from the lack of replies and info on this modification on the various web boards that it's not worth considering so I'll consign it to the 'rainy day projects' section and spend the money on something else (not difficult!). Yes, it's all being documented and all being well I should end up with a road going approximation of this Graham
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