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Everything posted by KiloSjon

  1. I don't want to sound as a NoNo or dumb*ss, but how would one lubricate this? There is no room where the oil could go (that explains my previous nono remark to use WD40). Off course one could apply some drops of oil to the side, but then it wouldn't be lubed. Would it be necessary to remove it and apply grease?
  2. OK: "Nudity or nakedness is the state of wearing no clothing. It is sometimes used to refer to wearing significantly less clothing than expected by the conventions of a particular culture and situation, and in particular exposing the bare skin of intimate parts and has analogous uses."
  3. KiloSjon

    V11 luggage

    Oh I definetely agree, but on my previous bike I fitted 2nd hand Krauser 40l bags, for only 195,- in total... So it's just what you are comparing it with. Having dry clothes after a long trip in the rain: priceless...
  4. Wikipedia: The Hells Angels is a motorcycle club formed in 1948 in Fontana, California, where the local chapter remains active. A successor to the late-1940s club, the club is said to take its name from either the movie Hell's Angels, directed by Howard Hughes or from the U.S. Army's 11th Airborne Division.
  5. KiloSjon

    V11 luggage

    Thanks, I will give them a call. So if I'm correct I can expect a price of around 250 EUR for the rack that doesn't fit out of the box?... (add 175 for a set of used bags, and it becomes a bit of an expensive adventure...)
  6. KiloSjon

    V11 luggage

    I found some HB Junior bags (both in 30 and in 40l) on ebay, but I cannot find a rack for mounting them. - Is this available for the V11? (think so, but cannot find it used) - If so, what would it cost new - If not, what would be compatible bikes to buy it from? (for example I found some used racks from a VFR and a CBR1000) Thanks
  7. (honest mode on) If they did, I probably wouldn't be riding one... (/honest mode off)
  8. I tried that on a test part, and I would be very careful with that, since the harley paint will bubble if you heat it too much, and then you are where you started (with bubbly paint on your engine)...
  9. HCS Zoetermeer, 29 euri, 98606bf Harley texture black Thanks, mine looked terrible too...
  10. I do not agree, when the temperature is too low, or the applied layer is too thick, it becomes flat black, but if you dust it in a warm garage and are patient between te layers (which you where, I know, but I barely wasn't) then I think the result is much more than flat black (see pic)
  11. I already bought the paint but thanks for the suggestions (you also Guy). The temp really is important, and therefore I heated the garage until nice temperatures. Worked very well, but if you rush it, it will become plain matte black. Will post some pictures shortly on the result... Mark
  12. No, and since I was free (and did not have to go to Eindhoven for work) Zoetermeer was closer... On the other hand, a visit to eindhoven could have been combined with a 'bakkie' at your place...
  13. Cool, was thinking on doing the same, but then Paul came with an offer for Termi's I couldn't refuse... Back on topic: What time it is? Time to wait for my parts to come in... Hoped they would be in today, but have to wait a little longer... Can't wait to
  14. You can use it for the engine. There are some other threads on it, use the search to find them... (it requires a lot of patience to put on 4 or 5 thin layers, but the end result is really cool...)
  15. What are you building?... BTW it's time to finish my bike, so I can also enjoy the beautiful weather...
  16. I'll be together with a friend, he's on a R1100R Seems like all the ingredients for a fun tour... I'll put the campsite in my Garmin, maybe we'll meet... (would be nice!)
  17. If you see a Champagne Lemans with Termignoni's (and champagne BMW helmet), it's me... ;o) Is that campsite near Merano worth the visit? (not sure where to go yet)
  18. June8th: departure from Baarn to Beaune (FR) via the Vosges (FR). Then to Camping Moto in Montclar, DrĂ´me (FR). Then to Mandello (I) (perhaps via Suisse), the Dolomites, Bolzano (I) and the night train to Dusseldorf (D). Then back home, work a week and to Boxmeer (NL). Was thinking the same, never hurts and may help... Thinking of it, the fine is not the real problem, sitting on a police station with your mufflers removed really is...
  19. The (very interesting) site with movies from mountain passes RoadMC.com has an overview of fines for speeding in various countries. Since I'm mounting the Termi's and plan to drive through belgium, france, italy and germany (and maybe Switzerland) in June, I'd like to know: what risk do I take by driving there with open pipes? (never hurts to look for some Db killers, but I'm just curious)
  20. Looking for a rear brake disc for a V11. Straight and in good condition.
  21. Coming from the so called "reliable" honda's, the Guz is simply superior. No problems and enjoyed every minute... Off course, every bike can have a problem, and mostly when you have a problem, you post it here to share thoughts and seek for answers, the majority of the V11 riders do not have problems (and do not post that here...). Go and ride it, you either love it or hate it. If you love it, then problems will be perceived as "character"...
  22. You are sounding like a pro on this... The frame paint is not "just black" but less glossy. Do you reach that result with the method described above? Hammerite worked for me in the past since it strong and easy to apply...
  23. Working on the rear end of my bike, I see some rust on the frame. To touch it up I will use Hammerite, since it can go directly on metal and rust (off course I'll remove as much as possible). For the Battery holder (where due to a leaking battery in the past, all paint is almost completely gone) I will use this as spray paint. I was wondering, since the black that is used is not gloss, but "silk", what paint do you guys use to touch this up or do a repaint job? Do you then also use primer, and what paint is hard enough to be on the frame? Or is this all powder coated?
  24. With this change, you can put me on the pre-order list... I think this watch really is Cheers, Mark
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