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Everything posted by unspace

  1. just curious. I have nerver been there, is it all HD bikers or also Euro bike friendly? here's the link to their website. http://www.tourexpo.com
  2. very well documented. Nice~
  3. trip to Captree, Long Island NY.
  4. everyone is going retro in design studios, classic is new modern. why give up now and go to 80'ish japanese bike? we had one of the best looking bikes like v11. Make it new again by not chaging (just little chages here and there).
  5. how do you find exhause leak at the header? I did find fine black dust at the tip of exhaust, it must be running rich.
  6. This saturday I took my rosso to bear mountain, it's about 160 mile ride round trip. As soon as I got out of traffic and was on Palisade parkway doing about 75 mph, I hear pop from engine. the poping continued for an hour, approximatly 10 times in all and it grdually stopped popping. on the way back it didn't pop at all. is this normal? was it over heated from traffic? anyhow, I had so much fun on this trip, rosso loves curvey moutain roads
  7. unspace

    new MG member

    Thanks for all the greeting, I really enjoy this forum specially when I’m away from my bike. Last week I was down in Orland with my girl friend…I missed riding for whole week. This week I’m riding everyday after work, just trying to get to know Guzzi. Guzzi demands total focus on shifting and matching speed in almost every gear especially first three, is this due to PCIII? slip-ons or is it due to my habit of riding HD sporster’s lay back riding style, not worring about which gear it’s in? What ever it is this demand of synchronization with Guzzi makes riding more exciting and challenging, it feels good to get better and better on Guzzi. I can wait till I could make some time to ride Bear Mountain sometime soon. Bar matchless and Marcus dairy looks cool place to hang out, at last riding with HOGS is an option . Rook
  8. unspace

    new MG member

    HI all, I’m new owner of 2004 Rosso Corsa. I wanted to get 2006 but it was discontinued. anyhow I found one near my area, the owner really took care of the bike and he also did most of the upgrades PCIII, Ferracci pipes etc. Since it’s my second bike, I did quite a bit of research before getting MG, my last two contender was MG Rosso Corsa and Duc Monster S2R 1000. I have been riding HD 1200cc sportster, which I still have in my garage. I wanted to fine a bike with good suspensions(HD suspension is horrible), stability for long distance and some mountain twisty capabilities. I did not want to buy a Japanese bike because the empty handling feel. First day on bike I did about 60 miles on highway and what a nice bike!!! I usually ride around 60mph but MG told me to go little faster I did slightly over 100mph, it was real nice with faring and it was really stable, I belive it's the Olins magic. I could enjoy power without having white knuckles(Japanese), sweet spot around 80mph. nice gentle vibration to communicate with motor and MG sounds amazing, it sounded almost like driving a convertible air cooled 911 between my knees. Aesthetically it’s one on the best design I could find. I have to thank many people on this forum for valuable information. Later, Rook.
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