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guzzi jon

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Everything posted by guzzi jon

  1. First, I screwed up and posted I have parts that need to be picked up locally, engine, trans, etc, but did not say where I live, I live outside Los Angeles. I have these bits for sale, if you can fetch them, or have a freind fetch them, I will cut great deals. I dont want to do ebay even though I could get more money, I have no way to ship, other than the little bits. If you want some of the stuff, call me or email me. I am reposting the spam from the selling forum based on input from other users, If I should not, let me know and I will kill the thread Thanks, First I want to apologize to those that contacted me regarding these parts last year, family stuff happened, and I apologize for not contacting you. The family issues are resolved, and I have some great 2002 Lemans bits for sale. If you can pick them up or have them picked up, I will really deal. I put some numbers against the parts, some are likely high, some may be stupid cheap... Oh well. I see someone wants a cheap subframe, fetch it for next to nothing. Thanks for looking, and again, apologies for not responding in the past. Parts are all laid out in the gayrage and ready for pick up. Hope to hear from some of you. I prefer Paypal but will work with anything Need to get rid of some parts, so I think I am discounting them, this is from a 10K perfect running Lemans until a truck tried to kill my friend: The parts have been inspected and the scrap has been scrapped, the rest of the parts are 10K mile great parts The caveat, other than a few small bits like the ecu and PCIII, I cannot ship, working 7 days a week and just cant do it. If you want some of this stuff, call me, I am reasonable except for shipping as I have to get my sick wife to do the work. If you or a friend can come by and check out the bits and handle the shipping or pick them up, I will work with you on the price. Email me at jon.margrave@timco.aero or call me at 818.203.5563, or leave a message at 818.346.3350 2002 Lemans Gas tank, one 4 inch long scratch, one half inch paint scrape. With a paint job, this tank would be perfect, or with a bit of touch up would be good. $50 2002 Lemans rear wheel, complete except for the disc that I promised Roper (splines are perfect) Has a good tire on it too $150 Perfect running engine which made 85 bhp $500 Throttle bodies from the same with throttle assy and cable $ 175 Transmission, smoothest shifting trans I have ridden, including jap bikes $400 Brembo gold line front brakes with full system, radial brake MC, steel lines and brembo gold line calipers $450 Rear Brembo brake with MC, steel line and caliper $230 Triple trees $30 Front forks with traxxiom dynamics fork springs, fully inspected, work great $350 2002 Lemans wiring harness $30 2002 Lemans ECU $350 Matching PCIII that pulled 85 BHP plus got 42 mpg $200 Lots of frame stuff, you offer Swing arm with UJ in it $100 Pork chops and passenger foot rests with mounting stuff, your offer FBF X-over, perfect condition, great welds $65 - Sold Both stock black mufflers, excellent condition $75 Custom modified airbox allowing better power, better mpg and cooler running $15 given for free Rear subframe and other steel stuff, perfect condition, all for $45- Sold All kinds of other stuff that you may be interested in, make an offer
  2. First I want to apologize to those that contacted me regarding these parts last year, family stuff happened, and I apologize for not contacting you. The family issues are resolved, and I have some great 2002 Lemans bits for sale. If you can pick them up or have them picked up, I will really deal. I put some numbers against the parts, some are likely high, some may be stupid cheap... Oh well. I see someone wants a cheap subframe, fetch it for next to nothing. Thanks for looking, and again, apologies for not responding in the past. Parts are all laid out in the gayrage and ready for pick up. Hope to hear from some of you. I prefer Paypal but will work with anything Need to get rid of some parts, so I think I am discounting them, this is from a 10K perfect running Lemans until a truck tried to kill my friend: The parts have been inspected and the scrap has been scrapped, the rest of the parts are 10K mile great parts The caveat, other than a few small bits like the ecu and PCIII, I cannot ship, working 7 days a week and just cant do it. If you want some of this stuff, call me, I am reasonable except for shipping as I have to get my sick wife to do the work. If you or a friend can come by and check out the bits and handle the shipping or pick them up, I will work with you on the price. Email me at jon.margrave@timco.aero or call me at 818.203.5563, or leave a message at 818.346.3350 2002 Lemans Gas tank, one 4 inch long scratch, one half inch paint scrape. With a paint job, this tank would be perfect, or with a bit of touch up would be good. $50 2002 Lemans rear wheel, complete except for the disc that I promised Roper (splines are perfect) Has a good tire on it too $150 Perfect running engine which made 85 bhp $500 Throttle bodies from the same with throttle assy and cable $ 175 Transmission, smoothest shifting trans I have ridden, including jap bikes $400 Brembo gold line front brakes with full system, radial brake MC, steel lines and brembo gold line calipers $450 Rear Brembo brake with MC, steel line and caliper $230 Triple trees $30 Front forks with traxxiom dynamics fork springs, fully inspected, work great $350 2002 Lemans wiring harness $30 2002 Lemans ECU $350 Matching PCIII that pulled 85 BHP plus got 42 mpg $200 Lots of frame stuff, you offer Swing arm with UJ in it $100 Pork chops and passenger foot rests with mounting stuff, your offer FBF X-over, perfect condition, great welds $65 Both stock black mufflers, excellent condition $75 Custom modified airbox allowing better power, better mpg and cooler running $15 Rear subframe and other steel stuff, perfect condition, all for $45 All kinds of other stuff that you may be interested in, make an offer
  3. After a couple of years, and now working 6 to 7 days a week, I realized I would never get to tear down the lemans that wallis and I co-own after an unfortunate front end crash. So I hired a young mechanic who races AMA from my complex to tear it down, it is now torn down. Before I ebay this stuff, I wanted to offer it to the forum first. It is just about every part except the front wheel, and front plastic and instruments (plus Don Garcia got a part, and Andrew bagged a bit or two for his racebike. I cant tell if the frame has any issues, but spiney's dont do well when they stop quick. This is from a 10K mile, perfect running 02 Lemans. email me if you are interested in stuff, I would like to sell the engine and transmission to a needy local as it was making 85 bhp and the transmission was the smoothest shifting guzzi I have ever ridden plus shipping costs hurt. Also have ECU and PCIII and cross over ect. New Rich Maund seat as well. email me with any questions. It looks like I have about 200 items to post to ebay, so anyone wanting to get a first shot at stuff, and save me the hassle of posting 200 items on ebay is welcome to email me. I take Paypal, personal checks after they clear, money orders that are not from the 7-11 and mana from heaven.... Perhaps even some really good amway soap, you can feed your kids with that stuff..... show the plan My email address is jon.margrave@timco.aero I will try to get up a list with pics Sunday, but i am only selling excellent condition parts and assemblies, anything with damage is in the dumptster. Proceeds from this sale will go to w who got a new shoulder because of a bad driver, and some to the young kid who did the great tear down and packaging of the bits.
  4. I was fine, I was riding my Griso, and my friend who now has a scura and a stelvio was riding it, he was cut off and has a new shoulder, but he was wearing good gear or the truck driver would have killed him. He's a great guy and took good care of me, half of the proceeds from this bike will go to him. Cheers, Jon
  5. OK, I found it, never mind...
  6. I have not been to this forum for a while, and it is much different. Next to my post, it states it has been "moved" what does this mean? thanks, jon
  7. Sell the engine with everything intact. The bits and pieces, if you sell them all separately, you will be waiting a while to get rid of everything. What is the story on the custom seat? If it is in one piece, i may be interested. The rich maund seat is in new condition, it was only a couple of weeks old and incurred no damage
  8. Hello all, I am getting ready to part out our low mileage 02 Lemans. It has gooned forks and fairing. But the motor and trans and all the odd bits are 10K miles perfect condition. This bike made 85 rwbhp, and shifted like the best jap bike. My question is, should I sell the engine with the throttle bodies, ECU and PCIII, should I sell the front brakes as calipers, braided cables and master cylinder or as a set. etc, etc, etc, or piece them out. If interested, I will post a comprehensive list of the parts available prior to ebaying them. As the gent who crashed it paid me for it, he will be included in any monies obtained. Thanks for any feedback, Jon Before After
  9. Did you have a custom dynolink map made, or down load a map for your bike? I got better mileage and much better performance on my 02 Lemans with a custom dynolinked map, went from ~33 mpg to nearly 40, and ran better and faster. when looking at the map, it was cutting fuel in more places than it was adding it, each guzzi is different, and to get the full benefit from a PCIII or PCV, you gots to optimize it. If you did this, did the dyno operator know the optimum AFR for guzzi's, its not the same for all bikes. just sayin
  10. My 02 Lemans with a fbf crossover, mistral pipes, open airbox and dynolinked tuned PCIII was the best running guzzi i have ever ridden, it made 85 bhp rear wheel and ran sweeter than any bike I have owned, including japanese bikes, shifted better than my new griso or breva and was faster too.... put a rich maund seat on it and just racked up the miles, absolutely bulletproof
  11. I haven't the patience to read through all the drivil, partitiurlarly certain legends in their own minds.. I have dealt with Klause on Wilbur and Hyperpro, if it ait right he fixes it, that's it.....not a bad policy some shops in seattle and in houston do the same thing, go figuire.....
  12. F**k yeah! you should write a book.......
  13. I've spent some time with both Pete and Greg at the same time, they see pretty much eye to eye on all things guzzi. Greg's authored books, and both Greg and Pete, are globally respected experts on Moto Guzzi's, one of the other posters here is not like Pete or Greg, (although he may be bald and crazy looking, donts know) Edit: Greg's currently in Carlsbad with Dave and other dealers meeting with the CEO of Piaggio and other design/development guys, perhaps he could axe them
  14. Yeah, Johnny said it was a fortune to ship it, should have made roper stash it in his suitcase next trip over....
  15. Yeah he bought it from a collector in San Diego that as I recall sorted all the bits, I rode it frequently, perfect transmission... You stole that sucker for $100, when I heard that I told him to call me before he give stuff away....
  16. My brother in law just sold his green frame spiny low mileage trans for $100 US on ebay, he got more for his foot pegs than a perfect transmision.... ebay is fickle. If it was his transmission, it was sorted and had a bit less than 14k miles on it
  17. mario, I took the fairing off my eldo years ago, donts recall what you have. but fairingless, my eldo is stable as fast as it will go. My cal ss had a pretty bad wobble over 100, but then I figured out that half the spokes in the rear wheel were broken, laced up a new rim and the wobble went away, but I still aints paintin the frame red and invitin wobbles
  18. I gots the eldo a bit over 110 in veglia mph today, donts know how much that is in real speed, but the faster it goes the more stable it feels.... them eldos, made out of real metal and all are pretty stable. I think the steering dampers on em were more to keep cops from dinging the tanks by turning the bars too much with the cop doodads on em... an eldo at 110 sure sounds sweet Edit: I talked to some of the boys today about wobblin if you took both of your hands off the bars at 30-50 mph, they figured that dont happen anymore, but in the 70's you sometimes had to take both hands off to light up a bong hit.... but once you took your hit, all was good.
  19. Greg, I'm off to ride my eldo, but with so many roper v11 parts on it, should I reinstall the stock 40 year old damper? Inquiring minds, er, uh.....
  20. Greg, Will this make the short framed spineys wobble more? OC Johnnies wobbles like a mofo, he has to crank the steering damper down, and its been sorted,... some of them suckers just plain wobble
  21. You can read all this stuff, or do what most folks do. add pipes, x-over and dynolinked PCIII, your bike runs perfect, donts need no odd ball temp sensor or anything else. my 02 Lemans went from 77 bhp to 85 rear wheel bhp and got better mileage.... you can chase your tail, or you can quickly sort it, your call...... Oh yeah, I drilled 2 inch holes in the side and top of my air box, worked great
  22. Hey, I've been waiting to get trashed, WTF, insult me, I contribute to this site, I deserve to be insulted damnit!
  23. I had a bike that I suspected had sludge/swarf in the trans. I drained the trans oil, then sloshed mineral spirits about and let it drain, then I did it again.... got all the shit out and spent 5 minutes..... Let it dry overnight and add your oil. If you're truly paranoid, rinse the sucker out, why pull it to bits to get a bit of grunge out of the trans... I had reason to suspect the stuff, but in my bikes, drain and and refill.... only worked for 35 years
  24. Like Pete, I had a sweet 02 Lemans 85bhp at the rear wheel, ran perfect. I also have an 07 griso that when dialed in feels faster and gives the perception of handling better.... It makes 10 bhp less than my lemans, but is much more entertaining to ride..... (this is a griso forum isn't it?)
  25. Cool, you scientists are correct, you can do all kinds of things to make your guzzi faster (all more expensive than an old cbr600 that would smoke you) but if you want to go around a corner faster, have better feedback, setup your suspension better and enjoy your riding experience more, take some track days, they are the best bang for the buck..... You can trash me now, but only if you've had some track days.......
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