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Everything posted by scre103

  1. It fits into a hole in the back of the headlight lens under the bulb mount, and it has the shape of a bullet. and yes there is a wire to it as well as a ground wire.
  2. Changed my oem bulb yesterday to a piaa and noticed a sensor? in the back of the headlight. I disconnected everything to clean the chrome headlight ring and removed this bullit shaped device and was wondering what it is?
  3. Dlaing, Thanks for chiming in. I had Guzzitech set me up with my penske based on my full gear weight, riding style etc. I have no idea what my spring # is but I weigh about 200# with gear. I havn't done a thing to the shock or front springs yet but plan on setting up sag when I get a better understanding on how to set it up , what it does to the riding characteristics, and what I'm missing out on by not doing it. The bike seems to ride fine and takes bumps fine, but I'm sure tweeking it would be optimal.
  4. At one end of the reservoir is the click adjustment at the other is a screw off cap. Is this port used for adding air to the res or oil? If it is air and the res is empty what effect will that have on the shock? thnx
  5. My installer told me the penske rear shock I ordered was 10 mm longer than the originals , will this make a difference in ride, and will there be any adjustments i can make if it does make a difference. The install went well however they were not able to grease that hard to get to grease zerk on the shaft. Getting my bike bike back on monday, can't wait!! Not really sure how i am going to adjust the shock with all the click options both on the shock itself and the remote reservoir. My penske is the 8983 dual adjustable.
  6. I weigh 200# with full gear, what would changing out the front springs run me aproximately $$$$
  7. I went with the penske dual adjustable rear shock model 8983 which was custom built for my weight and riding preference. The front shocks fit the Greg Fields description C, the bike should be done in a day or two and the installer said that he would make necessary adjustments front and rear once I've taken a few rides. There may not be much he can do based on the excellent discussions here. I'll post an update after I get my bike back. Thanks everyone.
  8. New rear shock being replaced on my v11 sport. Do the front shocks need to be adjusted as well, or should I ride first and see if any adjustments need to be made ? Could use some info from others who have had shocks replaced as to what kind of expectations I should have/ or what the installer/ dealer should be expected to do as far as bike setup. thnx
  9. Planning on ordering a penske rear shock model 8983, looks similar to the oem white power setup, how long is the hose? I guess i could run a strig along the hose but thought someone might come up with the exact length. thnx
  10. Had a motorcycle magazine with an add for billit aluminum fluid reservoirs and can't find it, and it was a new startup company that was in the process of developing these reservoirs. They had one for the brakes but were in the process of developing them for the guzzi clutch fluid. they came in several colors. Does anyone know of anyone making these for guzzi's, in particular the v11 sport? thnx
  11. the fork hit my tank on the left side of my 2001 v11 due to the swelling tank phenomena that many v11 owners experienced back in the day when there was about 12 feet or so of rubber hoses and california emission vapor absorbtion cannisters stuffed under the seat. Some blaimed a faulty fuel line check valve under the tank, and they poked holes/removed/replaced them hoping it would help. Others drilled holes through their gas caps. there were all kinds of things people were doing to their bikes to get rid of the so called " tank suck" condition that these early v11's suffered from. if you go back far enough in the forum post history, you will find dozens of posts on this topic. i had all the emission stuff removed and placed caps available from bmw on the zerks where the black hoses come off on both sides of the throttle bodies. this greatly reduced the shrinking and expanding of the tank. this seemed to be the most popular fix. there are still some minor expansion changes like ratchethack pointed out.
  12. in the process of choosing a rear shock for a 2001 v11 sport, the oem sachs is toast. spoke with penske and they want me to send my shock to them so they can build it to spec, whats nice is they have a ride height adjuster, however the quote was around $875, also got an email reply from technoflex who said they can do it. anyone have any experience with them. i will also contact ohlins and works performance today. i read the thread that someone posted on shocks, very helpful. any feedback would be helpful.
  13. can someone provide me with step by step instructions on getting down to the rear shock? Also some shock brand suggestions would be helpful. this is for a 2001 stock v11 sport. thnx
  14. Would someone be kind enough to guide me through, step by step , getting to and changing out the rear shock, and any shock brand suggestions would be great too. this is for a stock 2001 v11 sport. thnx
  15. Just spoke with my local guzzi dealer and he only installs tires that he sells. he has the pirelli diablo corsa's in my size. what do you think about this tire. scre
  16. Ok' They are bridgestone battlax bt57r radials and i basically just cruise around on them in northern illinois, nothing aggressive, i would say sport touring. the tread front and rear touches abes head, there's no cracking that i can see. does this help to evaluate them. thanks scre and yes they are 170/60 zr17's. you say i should go with 160's ? scre
  17. I have a v11 sport with 5000 miles, it's a 2001 model. the bike is heated garage kept and no tire rot is detected. are these tires still safe or do they need to be changed ? thanks also what would be a good tire replacement.
  18. in the photo of the v11 sport pictured on the home page " photo of the month", what is the white cylinder sticking out of the front of the engine? is that the moto speczial v-sump? what does it do? thanks. awesome bike
  19. took a ride yesterday and while shifting into 5th gear suddenly i was just revving, obviously in no mans land between 4yh and 5th gear. usually when this happens, and i'm out in the country i will just engage the clutch and coast to a stop, then shift down to first and take off. but what if i'm on a four lane and this happens? so i double clutched and waited till i thought everything had stopped spinning inside the gearbox---- and shifted into 5th and wham, the gears just jammed themslves into 5th. it sounde d ugly even with earplugs on. in the past when this has happend i've tried shifting the other way-from lets say 4th to third and the same thing has happend, uglyness. question: what do you do to get back into gear when you are in a false neutral without grinding up your gears short of having to come to a complete stop. also what kind of damage/abuse is happening to the gears and tranny when doing what i did? i.ve read all the posts about slower shifting, shifting at higher rpms, more deliberate thuoghtful shifting, preloading the shifter, but false neutrals still happen!!!! thanks scre
  20. i had the 1000 mi service so i'm assuming it was done. just had my 12 year old porshe in for service and asked my guy if the transaxle gear oil should be changed and he said not yet, it's mileage not time that determines when to change it.
  21. my rosso 01 vll has only 6000mi as i have many vehicles,boat, golf, and four kids and can't get to them all. when should i change the fork oil? i ran into my ex-guzzi mechanic at a honda dealer today while i was checking out the new joe rocket mesh pheonix 4.0 jacket, and let me tell you that is one nice jacket, i think i will replace my first gear mesh tech with it and give the fg to my kids, anyways he said to replace it soon ,for several hundred dollars for labor. however i just read a post in the archives to change it at 40,000 mi. what should i do? thanks scre
  22. rossoandy,you have your rosso posted as a 2000,did the rosso come to the uk in 2000, my rosso here in the usa is a 2001 model. scre
  23. great idea brian, why didn't i think of that!!!!
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