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John Neeson

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Everything posted by John Neeson

  1. Did as you suggested Cliff: The fuel pump did not restart. I will buy a new rpm sensor and see if that fixes it - probably worth having as a spare anyway. Would a TPS failure not show the same symptoms?
  2. My 1997 Sport Injection will not start. The fuel pump runs for a few seconds as normal when the ignition is switched on. The starter motor turns the engine over, but it will not start. Removing a plug revealed that there was no spark. This would suggest that the fault is with the ECU, a sensor, a fuel injector (based on the list of faults that the ECU can diagnose), or a wiring fault. Unfortunately the ECU diagnostic LED does not transmit any diagnostic blink codes: it stays off all the time - even when I unplugged the TPS to simulate a fault which should be diagnosed. It seems likely that I have more than one fault to find. I have ordered the Technoresearch VDSTS diagnostic software, which should be delivered in a week or so.... Meanwhile, are there any other checks that I could make? I am not sure which types of sensor failure would cause this problem. I assume that the ECU software would use a default 'get you home' setting in the event of a temperature or air pressure sensor failure, and that the only critical inputs are the TPS and Phase/RPM sensor. So much for the theory. What I really need is real world experience of how these bikes go wrong. If anyone has had a similar problem, I would be garteful for any advice. thanks
  3. Eventually, I got approx. 2.8 litres in with the dipstick reading full. I'll drain off 300ml, and leave it at that. I think the workshop manual could be more helpful here, as this question must come up all the time. Still learning about the weird world of Moto Guzzi Thanks to all who responded.
  4. I am changing the oil on my 1997 Sport Injection (not changing the filter). Does anyone know the approximate volume of oil required to refill the sump? So far I've put 2.5 litres in, and the dipstick reading indicates almost full. I'm not sure how accurate the dipstick is with the rear end of the bike raised (on an Abba stand).I don't know how much oil is inside the filter, but I'd be surprised if it amounted to 1 litre. thanks
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