My 1997 Sport Injection will not start. The fuel pump runs for a few seconds as normal when the ignition is switched on. The starter motor turns the engine over, but it will not start. Removing a plug revealed that there was no spark.
This would suggest that the fault is with the ECU, a sensor, a fuel injector (based on the list of faults that
the ECU can diagnose), or a wiring fault.
Unfortunately the ECU diagnostic LED does not transmit any diagnostic blink codes: it stays off all the time - even when I unplugged the TPS to simulate a fault which should be diagnosed. It seems likely that I have more than one fault to find.
I have ordered the Technoresearch VDSTS diagnostic software, which should be delivered in a week or so....
Meanwhile, are there any other checks that I could make? I am not sure which types of sensor failure would cause this problem. I assume that the ECU software would use a default 'get you home' setting in the event of a temperature or air pressure sensor failure, and that the only critical inputs are the TPS and Phase/RPM sensor.
So much for the theory. What I really need is real world experience of how these bikes go wrong. If anyone has had a similar problem, I would be garteful for any advice.