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Everything posted by fernando
hello guys i have been out of here for some time and came back to see what is going on. i miss my tenni, a lot ., the street glide and my 1982 r100rs are great bikes but do not have the soul that the v11 has . but it is reliable which as many of you know mine was not . anyhow ,,in case any of you are interested ,i have 1 ----------the original soft bags with the mounting brackets ( to get visibility i wrapped yellow naugahyde around the bags .) 2-------------the bar risers, the good ones by that company in new york state . ( they do take the pain out of the back when riding for days on at over 12 hours per day ) if anyone is interested e-mail me at ffb13@aol.com (fernando fernandez)
this may be an april 1 joke .but ,on www.webBikeWorld there is a report of a local guy who built a 6 cyl guzzzi on a centauro platform. and the report goes on to say that guzzi will build 6 of them this year and more in 2009 the weight of the bike is reported there as 948 est. kg. so this must be around 2000 lbs. anyow , a nice photo and report ..has to be an april 1 deal car was really long and the report said that it had a video camera in front to look around corners. back in the 60's i fell for an e type jaguar with 3 6 cyl engines attached together .looked great ......... fernando
well, somehow i remembered my password. been trying to get in to reply for a while i have a set plus all the mounting brackets that go on the bike to mount the bags to the bike . this is what i got the mounting brackets ( plus an extra set of brackets for any bag ) a set------- one of the bags is in excellent condition the other bag i got from marsh motorcycles when mine dropped off the bike and was run over by an 18 wheeler.......this second bag had some scratch marks on it and had some tiny holes on the corners. i then applied some foam to the inside to close the holes ,(you cannot see it ) and it worked. then ,to give the bags some visibility i wrapped 85 % of the bag with yellow waterproof tape around the center and towards the back so that it would reflect. some do not like the look of the wrapped yellow . you cannot take it off-------it may damage the original material. but if you do not like it you could get some black vinyl and using vinyl waterproof glue like the one i used for the yellow you can re-wrap it . ALSO, i have the original bag attachement from my oe bag .that fell off the bike . this is good because it gives you the ability to mount another bag ,such as an attache case or an aluminun bag or other to the bike . also , lets say that you want larger capacity bags .........all you do is buy the bags ,say givi, then remove the mouinting brackets from the tekno bags and attach them to the givi bags and you can then mount the givi bags on to the bike mounts. if you want to see pictures e-mail me at ffb13@aol.com and i will do so. i am now in connecticut and the shots may be in my computer in florida......i will be riding to florida on sunday nov 25 and will get there by the 26th or so when i will be able to send them. i also have available the riser kit for the handlebars .....thses are very hi quality ones made by an outfit in new york state . the bags cost me $ 525 but i know i will not get 1/2 of that the risers are $400 or so and 1/2 will be ok.
thank you french bob and orson, i really like italy but not south of milano. in a car yes ,with air condition ,not on a bike .it is just too hot. and last year as i was about 30 k's from sienna ,a guy in a maseratti cut me off on a road and i ended up chasing him , passing him and kicking his door as i went by...i know ,stupid , and road rage ,but i had to get it done and i think i scared him for he slowed down and stayed way behind me. also in thhis area it is too hot and hotels are difficult to get except during the months that you mentioned . the passes and the small towns that are in or near them are what i like . in the dolomites i like cortina d'ampezzo,and some of the smaller towns there but i like to walk at nite and only in bigger towns can i do this. and cortina is not that expensive during the off season , and in the pyrennes there is a small town that is sort of in the middle of two mountains,i forget the name now ,but it is just after you climb up from carcasonne and before you start the last climb into andorra la bella . also, in the austrian passes there are quite a few towns that are great. ,nearby ,not in them. and as a last stop on the way back to germany i like to spend 2 days in lindau in lake constanz and then ride south and around the lake into the swiss passes and back to heidelberg . in italy ,around lake maggiore and como there is a lake in between , that has some great riding roads , and scary as you descend from the top of the mountain and down into the lake area . it is called lago d'idro and roca d'anfo. i plan to ride this one which i have never ridden ,next year. well, again thank you for the info and i will ask the guys going with me if they want to do something different this year . i will show them your post and see what they say.
hello guys ,and thank you jaap for the password . i am planning a trip to europe in june 2008 ,my last trip was last year also in june . but ,this time i found out that there is a dealer in mandello d'lario that rents bikes . agostini i am currently trying to get bikes from him and he seems to be very honest and straight forward . there are 3 of us guaranteed and 2 more that may or not come . and agostini cannot at this time guarantee which bikes he may have in stock. we need 2 norges and 1 california or bellagio for a rider who has a 27 inch inseam. anyone here knows of anyone else who rents ? i usually and for the past 15 years have rented from kopf in germany but it looks like the bikes we need he does not have . also, i have another question. i usually ride in europe in late september /early october ,or last year for the first time we went in mid-june . always for 4 weeks .but the swiss passes were closed due to snow. and in september we usually run into hotel problems becasue of all the conventions etc.... so the question.......anyone here has a time preference when it is best to do the dolomites ,and the austrian and swiss passes ,etc.... i plan to ride from either germany or italy to the swiss passes and on to chamonix and from there to provance and up to andorra (pyrennes ). and this time we will not go to barcelona . we plan to return from andorra to st, tropez and on to slovenia and from there up to dolomites ,munchen ,lindau and then on to return the bikes . fernando
thank you van. maybe there will be . we will see . by the way does anyone knows if they rent moto guzzi norge some place in italy ? or germany ? ff
i am putting together a small group of riders who would like to join me on a 3 to 4 week trip in europe . we will leave from heidelberg ,and ride the passes to the pyrennes ,and from there back through france to northern italy and ride the lake regions and the dolomites from where we return to heidelberg,via the passes . if anyone is interested please let me know via e-mail to ffb13@aol.com so far i have one rider from california joinning me . had 3 other riders but due to financial reasons had to drop out .
it has been about 9 months since i traded in my tenni for a 07 harley street glide . i miss the guzzi. and it would be great if and when they resolve the parts inventory issues and get more and better dealers ,i could go out and get a norge . i saw scores of them in italy a month ago and all were painted green and white and had fancy lights on them , oh yes ,the belonged to the torino police and some to the carabineri force. and my tenni , it ended up in the hands of a friend in vermont who lives about 10 miles from me . he heard about a tenni being at the harley dealer in barre ,vt. and called me to find out if it was mine . he got a great deal on it from the dealer who made a $500 profit on it and no more . the bike sold within 4 days .
sorry to hear about this and glad you are all ok though hurt. it is a shame when idiots cause accidents and then they get a fine , what ,$ 50. or so. same thing happened to me 2 months ago when a woman shot out of a driveway and hit the car in front of me and i low sided and slid for 10 or 15 feet or so ,i did not end in the hospital because my undergarments are all armored so not even a scratch but lost jacket and pants,and one sidi boot. i guess it comes with the territory ,and the reason i am talking about my situation is to encourage you guys to buy and wear protective clothing .it works and is better than not wearing it . i know ,it saved me from multiple skin grafts all over .
jens, thank you for the reply and you are right ...common sense is it. but we have too many lawyers in the usa with little to do.so ,if it moves ,they sue. that is why you cannot get 85 % of the helmets sold in europe in the usa ,and so on. and, as i read your post i remember that a friend of mine in germany who is also a guzzi guy , offers thru the motozpecial company (you may know it .they build bikes and parts for guzzi in germany utilizing italian designs ,and also front forks and entire bikes with guzzi motors ) a few guzzi products of his own design and with the guzzi name . one of them is an actual --boomerang ---(the australian type ) with the guzzi logo. and yes ,he has had zero problems . i guess that company ,guzzi ,is so mismanaged that they have no idea what is going on,and in any event ,any project like this helps push their name ,and that ,right now is better than they earning a royalty on someone else applying their name to a new product.
jens , i like your idea and i see a problem .but do not let me disuade you . the problem is that you have a limited audience in here and you need 50 watches sold. you will also need clearance from moto-guzzi to do this . then you take into account the taste of all here and you will probably get 5 different , " i would prefer this over that " in every 25 or so replies . and so , you will sell maybe 2 or 4 watches per 100 of audience or potential buyers , you then add in the cost factor and you may lose 1 or 2 of these . thus ,yes it can succed but only if you have a advertising effort that reaches " x " number of moto guzzi aficionados . agin , i like your idea ...................the design ,for me ,(re-read above)is not what i like . years ago i bought a watch that had the face of a 1950's mvagusta tach,and i still have it .but ,it ran as an ad in a major mail order book, i think it was herrington. so, my two bits is that you ,if you decide to tackle this as a buss. opportunity , design 2 or 3 models based on different watch designs,i.e. a flat ,thin one, a large one ,etc, or only one design,and 2 or 3 logos, ie bmw ,ducati, etc... and then of course,even for moto guzzi ,you will have to get their approval to use their name or fascimile ,otherwise you will be ,or can be sued for copyright infrengement . and of course you will have to indenmify the mfr. agaist possible law suits,( welcome to the usa ).and thus you may have to carry product liability insurance. i hate to be a bore ,but i do like your idea .and i hope that the details to carry it out will not be construed from as this being a negative post. only trying to help. fernando then approach one of the mail order houses such as brookstone or sharper image and try to work out a deal. sorry jen, i posted the above after reading the first page only. congratulations on the number of orders that you have received . my only concern is the liability issue .trademark infringement .
in case anyone wants to join, on june 15th i will leave coral gables ,in miami , for gattlinberg ,tenn. there i will meet at the econolodge hotel 4 or 5 riders coming down from connecticut . we will stay there riding the dragon's tail and other local roads including the ashville castle until thursday june 21 when we head north to connecticut via ,????? we may take 4 days or 2 days to get back,depending on weather and if we go into local roads in tennessee,west va. and ohio/pa. anyone interested ,we will be checking into the econolodge in gattlinberg on the 17 th of june fernando
well, will go by and see them .thank you skip and jane. kaput , i am local and also live in connecticut .but i go back and forth. the most time i spend here is in the summer and from january to may. anytime you want to go for a ride let me know. i have some friends from conn. down here and took a lousy ride yesterday thru downtown miami which is like a new city being totally re-built .there are so many buildings going up that the entire city is a construction site. anyhow, we are going to ride to flamingo city in the everglades sometime next week . e-mail me at FFB13@AOL.COM and if you want to we can set a meeting point . fernando
kaput , where are you in south florida ? i am in coral gables . fernando
i may be going to daytona this year becasue i will be in jcksonville at the mayo clinic for usual check up and just realized that i will out of there by march 2. so ,only natural to ride the bike instead of the car to jacksonville from miami . and then on the way back spend one or 2 days there , in daytona , attending the circus . if anyone has plans to attend let me know . i am on the prowl for a new guzzi after having sold my tenni.
yes , i think that this was the bike. and a correction, i was in the grand caravan. the bike was on a pick up truck ff
last week i was driving from long beach to santa monica on one of the interstates , i was staying in st. monica (cannot take l.a. ) and on my way to st. monica a guy in a pick up truck had a black and green ? moto guzzi ,on the back. it was on a dodge grand caravan and stayed close for a while . anyone here ? loved the bike , i think it was a 1980 's model ? fernando
antonio, happy you got yours for 50 euro.i guess you got the bags only . mine are 250 for the bags with the mounts that attach to the bike . and 250 for the risers as posted plus 20 for shipping each or both together ,this in usa dollars and shipping is to the usa only. i have had some calls and everybody wants a better deal ....well ,good luck elsewhere. and to joe, you are rigth ,the risers are $ 375. from williamsville ,but i paid 425 including freight and tax. and to kilosjon,........... what do you mean with mounts ?? if you mean the bags ,, yes ,the mounts that attach to the bike and then the bags are mounted on them come with my bags. i think that this is called the wire hangers . and, i am going on a trip this friday and will be checking this site again some time in late october around the 30 th or early november . ff fernando
i had offered these tow items for $250 EACH ON ANOTHER POST AND HAD ONE TELEPHONE CALL AND AN E-MAIL BUT NOTHING EVER CAME OUT OF IT. I OFFERED THEM TO THE NEW OWNERS OF MY TENNI BUT THEY TELL ME THAT THEY CANNOT AFFORD THEM RIGHT NOW AND ALSO THAT THEY DO NOT WANT THEM. THEREFORE (sorry for caps ,i was not paying attention ) if anyone wants them. the bags come with a third bag adapter that allows you to screw them into a soft or hard bag and put it in the hangers on the bike .so you now have 3 bags ,one of them your own. i like them better than hard bags specially at high speeds because you do not even know that they are there which is not the case when i put the hard bags on my bike.there was some wobble / and the bike jsut did not feel right . the soft bags are perfect, if you have to expand them out (they expand ,i think 2 or 3 inches to add capacity ) you may feel some of it in the handling . i have carried 3 weeks clothing in them and just fine and very waterproof. HI RISERS- these are also just great. you do not get the pain between the shoulders ,nor wrist . and it takes less than 10 minutes to mount both . just remove crews ,pull out the clip-on ,let them hang by the wires/hoses ,take out the existing clamps , add the new risers ,tighten them slide the clip ons back tighten them ,and you are set very high quality look from a one piece aluminun billet 6061-t6. it does not take away ride quality . all controls remain as they are .no need to change anything. and it looks like it belongs on the bike .unless i pointed them out even guzzi owners could not tell they are on. they rise 1 1/4 inches and have 15 degrees of pullback or forward rotation to place you and your wrists at a comfortable angle. there is no vibration.(someone asked me this ) and ,the handling is enhanced because you have more leverage,it takes less effort to lean the bike in. fernando you can e-mail me at ffb13@aol.com or call me at cell 305 389 4047. add $20 for mailing each via ups or $ 20.for both together also , i found out there is a major ups shipping point 10 minutes from my house in connecticut. also ,i can only ship or do this next thursday the 5th or oct , 12 thursday becaus i am going away on a trip to the west coast and will not return until november 29th
wildbill , our site is at yahoo groups . FreeToRide@yahoogroups .com , i think. anyhow if you go to yahho groups you will find it. and sign in. or maybe if you send us an e-mail ,i do not know if this will work. ,if it does not then send me an e-mail and i will send you the e-mail address of the owner of the site and he can tell you how. the e-mail for free to ride is : FreeToRide@yahoogroups.com ( i just looked it up in my address book. i am lousy in computers and cannot do much .sorry that i cannot be of help here .) my e-mail is ffb13@aol.com and please note that if do not answer for a few days is because tmw. i leave for vermont to do the 1,000 mile service on my harley and add some accesories ,with 2 or 3 guys from ftr and will come back to connecticut on wednesday for a few hours and then by car back to vt.and do not have a computer in my vt place. fernando and, i was just having fun with the honesty bit. i know what you meant . hope that you can join us for our rides . i just read that because the rain stopped at 2 pm , a couple of guys are riding this pm around the shore line.
wild bill ,, the " is it true " remark can be interpreted many ways . i will assume that you meant ,if others have heard the same. i have never lied in my life ,regardless of consequences. anyhow. yes ,it is true . i stopped over at Canton Cycles on my way back from vermont in my new harley. i was riding with a friend who owns a bmw and he wanted to hear it from the horse's mouth that they Canto Cycles are in fact dropping bmw. so, i met with the owner ,and he confirmed that they are out of bmw and another brand that they carry and i forget now what that is. now as to why or when ,i have no idea but the when is soon ,maybe in 2 months time and all beemer parts,etc..are now on sale to close them out. when we talked about guzzi and i told him about all of my problems he was upset at me for talking about it and we were alone ,i then ,on my way out approached him to say good bye and there were other customers around and he introduced me as a person who was upset at guzzi and who claimed to have had problems with the guzzi. he also told me that he is married to an italian woman and that he loves everything about italy,and i told him that so did i .and that i loved the guzzi and that it has a very special place in me as a motorcyclist since age 12. but that yes i was very upset at the guzzi factory ,mgt. and usa reps. and that because of that i had ,the previous day, traded in my tenni for a harley street glide ,which he saw. he mentioned the problems guzzi had had and the whys which i assume we all know ,and how piaggio is out to fix everything and put money into the brand. he then confirmed that he was bringing in guzzi motorcycles and he raved about the latest guzzi bikes . he told me that he is also taking over vespa. now ,this is a very nice ,honest man. we had heard rumors thru my Free To Ride club (a web based site here in conn. where we post rides almost daily ,(i just posted one to vermont for tmw. and 2 guys are coming with me ) that he had sold out his place to a major dealer from hartford .and that he was out of the bmw buss. when we visited him we got the actual version from him . and what he said and what i heard ,i reported above. so, yes ,canton cycles,according to the owner is taking on moto guzzi and vespa ,and i think he mentioned another brand but it escapes me now , i must be having a senior moment . fernando
the goose is a very special motorcycle. i would have never sold or actually traded mine in had it not been for what has been reported on this thread. i just love that bike, but,when i called ,back in july, 4 dealers ,and anoutside guzzi parts supplier and they all told me that very simple fuel pump was in back order and 2 dealers told me that they could not tell me when it would come in ,i then thought of the other potential problems in the pipeline ,and had no other recourse . also, i understand that the v11 is no longer being made ............well, the norge is a v11 ,so maybe there can be parts available in the future. and ,i met a dealer in canton conn. ,canton cycles ,a bmw dealer who gave up his bmw dealership and is now taking over vespa and guzzi. who knows what will happen ? fernando
jon and penny sutton who own the CARAVAN B & B on route 100 vermont, just north of waitsfield outh my tenni yesterday and it is now in their home . from an email i got from jon both he and penny have ridden the bike and love it . i think that jon can work on the bike therefore it is a perfect fit for him. had i been able to work on it and get parts i would have kept it.but my ability does not extend beyond changing the fuel pump and setting valves and plugs . i am driving up to see them next week.and see my bike again. i am very happy that it went to them. i will be e-mailing them a copy of this page and put them in touch with the v11 forum in case they are not already here. ff
have gotten some e-mails from jon in vermont who went to see my bike and i think he is buying it today for $5,000 from the harley dealer congratulations jon ,aside from all the problems i had and the lack of dealers ,it is a great running bike. jon i know can work on the bike .his nearest dealer is in new hampshire ,about 90 miles or so away. i am happy that a fellow guzzi owner got it . fernando