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Everything posted by fernando

  1. van i tried to reply to your personal message but it will not send it to you sayong your box is full. i saved it. anyhow , no vibration. the risers go on in ten minutes 1 1/4 or 1 1/2 inches higher than the oe and a 15 degree pull back at your option ,you can rotate until you feel comfortable. no vibration is added at all. no need to replace any cables .it is a take it off put them on installation. they are made by williamsville . you take off the clip on and let it hang by the cables you then take off the clamp and put on the risers and then slide the clip on back in and lock them . you are now set. results---- a little more leverage as you enter turns and less effort no pain between your shoulders after a long trip a more relaxed riding posture leading to longer more comfortable rides .
  2. chevis and demoon chevis, the bags have the bag mounts .also ,as posted i have the rear hanger from a bag that fell off my bike .this is good because it gives you the flexibility to ,using 3 screws ,attach this hanging adapter to an attache case ,or a bag ,and then attach it or hang it fromt he bag mounts. thus you can have an even bigger bag than the teknos if you so wish. but let me tell you that the teknos are fully waterproof and they also expand out . i did a 4 week trip with them and a tank bag and i carried all of my stuff. i do not know how to contact you. my cell is 305 389 4047 and my e-mail is --------ffb13@aol.com the bags are still in vermont where i left them in my house and this wekend i am going uo to get them and bring them back to connecticut where i will be as of next monday. dmoon, i had road tested the venture ,or the royal master tour deluxe which is the venture with out the fairing . before you buy this ,take it on a 2 hour test ride. it backfires , has little power ,some vibration,at times , and it is very boring.........i di like the bike ,but it is boring,boring. maybe this is good . but i still suggest that you test ride it. also , the yamaha roadliner , if you look at it, find out why they had to use an extremely heavy wheel up front.? it is a nice bike ,but you sit on top of it not on it . now for the harley.......... i have 800 miles on it . it is super smooth with no vibration at all except at idle in a stop light . as soon as you start rolling ,it is super smooth .....the smoothest bike i have ever ridden. also , 98 lbs. of torque and 711 lbs (heavy ) but you do not ,ever ,feel it . i can back it up in my garage ,manually. also, as you ride you have to keep your eye on the tach because it goes up to 7,000 rpm and you think you are at 2,000 rpm ....it is that smooth. many times i have been riding for a while and when i look at the tach ,i am at 5,000 rpm. and ,max torque arrives at 3,000 rpm. the 6th speed is also nice for cruising at 85 mph.but beloww 55 mph a sort of rumble sets in. also ,ground clearance is 28 degrees on the left side and 32 on the right side . i have scraped the footpegs dozen of times and when i approach a sharp turn i sort of slow down .....i am still trying to find my way here. if you do hairpin turns fast,or 90 degree turns super fast ,(which we all do in the v11 ) ,the footpegs will touch and you will hear it soon. on the backroads i had it up to 85 mph and did some curves and it is extremely stable and well planted with no wooble. on the pike i went from 70 to 100 in a breeze, and it there was some helmet turbulance but the bike was again well planted and steady with no effect from sidewinds ,but there was little wind. i am in short very impressed witht his bike and after 2 test rides up in vermont i got it ,and the more i ride it the more i like it . it is also very comfortable and i am now thinking of adding the hd rider backrest to it . if you want to see the bike go to the hd site , click on usa click on motorcycles touring click on street glide click on indigo blue and dmoon , the harley's are being discounted .not the 2007 ,but maybe by this time next year they will be . i saw a $ 20,000 street glide 2006 for 17,000 at the stamford conn. dealer today. it is not as good as the 07. another plus is that there are harley dealers every 50 miles . in florida alone ,from jacksonville to miami i must have counted 13 dealers or more . and the hog club is phenomenal in case of a breakdown. also, i still miss my guzzi and i am tempted to go back and buy it back, i will go back to vermont on thursday to bring to the harley dealer my titlle and the second seat,and the original risers . he is giving me back my williamsville risers and the gorilla alarm.and other stuff i had on it . we will see what happens when i see it . i fell in love with the guzzi when i first saw it and got it on the spot .who knows ,i may do it again,nut i have asked my wife to keep reminding me of all the problems . and the guzzi guys i meet all over are just great.
  3. i had to sell my tenni due to the amount of continous problems i had with it. the last straw was getting stranded for 10 hours when the fuel pump failed and then finding out that all local dealers including web dealers where out of stock and in back order . so , i got one in germany when i did my 5 week trip and instaklled it myself. then ,3 days ago i went to my place in vermont and the bike ran fine . actually it ran great ,but every now and then , it would vibrate in all rpm's ,,not too good . but maybe just a little dirt in the line ? . but on friday morning it would not start and after many tries it did but the starter motor was sort of struggling or sticking and this to me was a bad omen so ,after going into a bmw and hd and honda dealerships i decided to trade it in for a harley street glide . i got a lousy deal of 5 g's for the tenni , ( the bmw dealer offered me $ 6,200 ) . yes i know i could get 7 or 8 for it in e-bay. but i do not want to bother so i took the hit and rode out with the 2007 street glide .which by the way ,it is super smooth in all gears and rpm's .and not so bad handler . poor ground clearance ,28 degrees left and 32 right and i did scrape the footpegs many ,many times , but ..... i removed the bags and the hanging wires ,i also have a bag adapter that you can install via 3 screws on any bag or attache case and then hang it on the wire adapters. will sell all for $250. also have the thomasville hi risers which look as good or better than the oe ones and are 1 1/2 inch taller and do take a lot of strain off your neck and arms .original 450 plus tax and ship. will sell this for $ 300. i have made this offer here and in the mg north east site . anyone interested e-mail me at ffb13@aol.com and, yes ,i do miss the bike ..........i do regret selling it ...........but what good is it if i cannot trust it to go on long trips and the dealers are few and far in between and they have poor factory support. the bike was sold in vermont and he told me that he would sell it to the new hampshire dealer for sale. so if any of you are interested you now know where it is. and, who knows , when i take my new harley street glide to florida where it belongs , and when i come back i may come back and get one of the newer guzzis................maybe in 3 years or so there will be more dealers around ,who knows .
  5. every time i try to post photos it does not happen . i must be doing something wrong but do not know what ff
  6. i keep getting disconnected . explorer issue / anyhow , a great 5 weeks ,and great bunch of guys i met . ran into a vette club meeting with approx 200 vettes in lienz austria . and saw some old x ,c and d type jags doing the glockner pass maybe some photo tickets ,but from the front ,so may have gotten away ?? was in germany for the mundial ,and saw some teams in the stree. the rt behaved great. we covered approx. 5,000 miles and used only 1 quart of oil. and mostly ay high rpm,s ,in the passes ,mostly first and second gears at redline most of the time . average was 34 mpg at high rpm's up to 39 or so in slow areas . a surprise that the access to the glockner pass is now $ 42.00 they do give you a magazine and some decals. and hundreds of bikes there as well as in the dolomites where we ran into a yamaha get together and at 2,000 meters ,into a hail storm -took refuge in an alpine hotel for 30 minutes and then on the road again. only mishap, in the grimsel pass at 2,500 meters with no barrier on my right side as i took a hairpin turn a big,red bus came at me and did not give me tight of way..i was going up. he kept pushing towards the precipice , i decided to put my feet down,freeze,close my eyes and hope for the best. les ,who was behind me told me that he missed me by 2 inches or so and that my right foot was 6 inches from going over........... a big ,major time scare. the bike was fine to a sustained 100 mph but above that it was buzzy and did not feel right.les felt otherwise having never gone that fast for a sustained period of time and decided to go up to max for approx. 2 hours on the autobahn...he waited for me 15 minutes . and , my friend agustin from reutlinger in germany introduced me to hans peter the owner of moto-zpezial. a guzzi only source of parts and bikes mafr. by him using guzzi engines. look him up at www.moto-zpezial.de he has factory manuals, and everything including parts that he fabricates for guzzis.italian design ,german manufacturing. i am waiting to repeat this trip with some changes ,maybe next year. will avoid italy and the riviera next time as they have become zoos.to many tourists,too much money ,in the riviera . only exception may be st.tropez,cap d'antibes and monaco. firenze and siena ,now charges to enter churches and they are under restoration. for the mueums you need to reserve a day in advance in order to get in line for 1/2 hour instead of 2 to 3 hours ,and many of the good paintings are out on loan. the academia to see david ....FORGET IT. 4 hours and more . best motorcycling is ........ the dolomites , the swiss passes the austrian alps and valleys , the pyrennes up to san sebastian ,lourdes, and pamplona .. the tuscany area ,forget it ,as far as i am concerned . cheap , but too hot and too many tourists. oh yes , slovania is a must, ff
  7. been back for 2 weeks now and here it goes. pickedp up the bike in heidelberg . les ,and me only. two others canceled at the last minute. from heidelberg headed to luzerne for the first nit and the next am left for the grimsel and furka passes only to be turned back due to ice and the closing of these ,so made a right turn in meringue and heade to bern ,geneva and final for the nite ,annecy. fro here to grenoble ,great women in both annecy and grenoble.les went bananas . from here we took a great road to avignon ,. next day to auigues mortes via the wineries in the region ,and from there to carcasonne. from here to aix les thermes towards andorra la vella ,and on to barcelona . great roads with moslty curves of all types and at all elevations . barcelona has to be the greatest city in europe right now. from here to cadaques qhere we stayed for 6 days . and on to st,tropez , , then to monaco ,and the riviera is a mess. from here to siena and firenze amd then on to lake garda and bolzano and the dolomites to cortina d'ampezzo. ,the glockner pass ,and then to munchen and reutlinger ,lindau and then on to the obelpass,furka pass,grimsel pass and on to zurich,straousberg and back to heidelberg. met with members of moto guzzi spain and stayed with them . also meet hans peter of moto espezial who makes ,in germany ,parts for guzzi. great guy and factory. having computer /connection problems ,will post again ff
  8. here i go again. last saturday i rode to lime rock conn. and on myy way back ,as i slowed down for a braking car my teni v11 lemans ,etc... shut down. to make the story short ,AAA said that they did not offer pick up of bikes even thou my contract specifies that they do,but not in conn, so after a while they agreed that i was covered and it took them from 1 pm when i called to almost 7 pm for the truck to arrive to pick me up and take me home. i stood by the side of the road for 6 hours or so. many stopped to help,mostly harley's and some bmw's but only 1 mg out of 3 that rode by. anyhow ,the problem ,i think , is the fuel pump. it did not whirrrr when i turned the key on and the fuse and releay have been ruled out by test. so i have called Marsh in hartford and have asked them if they would take the bike on consignment and sell it for me ,and to replace /fix the problem. i cannot have a bike that i cannot trust. this is like owning a jaguar ,great when it runs ,but you never know when it will blow up on you. because i am leaving for my motorcycle trip in europe tomorrow and will be away for 5 weeks i have no choice but to have a truck pick up the bike and take it to Marsh today or tomorrow if they say YES,the will accept it. the bike has 2 revised seats with 1 1/2 inch taller position and a combination of foam/gell and ensolite for comfort and zero vibrations.and less strain on knees . have gone 14 hour days and no pains anywhere after i modified it. the thomasville hi risers gorilla alarm 2 bags plus one set of bag hardware to adapt to say an aluminun bag or attache case etc.. wired for a valentine radar remote .with remote display on top of underside of windshield for a quicker view.the radar rests on the tank bag,inside. 16,000 miles. sorry to see it go,if Marsh says yes.but i cannot trust it. price,have no idea ,the book says $ 9,800. retail plus the bags and the alarm and risers are 450. but what the hell.
  9. have decided to sell the teni due to a lack of dealers where i like to ride . would like to hear from you guys on my potential listing below for e-bay. below ,and because i have never sold anything. (i usually keep all and then give it to a relative ). bike , 2002 v11 lemans teni number 117 2 custom seats as follows bottom layer ------gel next layer up----oe foam next layer up--gel next and final layer --ensolite shock absorbing matl. seat material---one suede second seat is porsche perforated red leather both seats have an openning in the middle to alliviate pressure points in the crotch and prostate gland area both seats are 1 1/2 inches taller than oe thus alleviating pressure on knees and taking helmet above the turbulence area also, 2 sets of risers oe risers thomasville risers (takes 10 minutes to change from one to the other all lines ,cables stay as is. 2 saddlebags oe ones plus one internal bag hanger wich can be screwed on an attache case or other type saddlebag and use as oe. it came off an oe saddlebag.if you screw it on the rear of say a hard bag you can then hang it securely from the standard hangers attached to the bike frame. wiring set for a valentine one remote . only wiring goes gorilla alarm system oil changed every 2,000 miles 16,000 miles on bike. new michelin pilot tires with 650 miles . fork oil just changed. going on e bay in one week. asking $ 9,800. which is book retail plus 350 for bags plus 400 for risers zero for seats but they cost me $ 1400 to put together utilizing a seat maker and myself. the openning in the middle can be reversed by adding foam here and sewing it back on. cost to do is less than $ 40. per seat. but must ride before doing it. it is extremely comfortable. gorilla 85. wiring for valentine 0 so, what do you guys think
  10. here i try again fernando
  11. i doubt that here are any tennis in south america. as a matter of fact, the only south american countries that have italian populations and also heavy italian industry presence are argentina and venezuela. i have seen guzzis as police bikes in argentina ,but have never seen a teni. same in venezuela.
  12. GUYS , WHY BUY ONE. IWHEN I DID THE SEAT SURGERY ON MY TENNI i took the seat apart and made the openning in the center of the seat and then had a car seat shop sew it and staple it back together .i also added 1 1/2 inches of height which works wonders on my knees and now i have zero turbulance on my helmet. i also added the hi risers . and ,with my black seat ,i took it to the same shop ,after doing all the mods and also increasing the height , and got porsche red perforated leather on top and half way down the sides and grey color on the sides to match the tank. when i can will take a picture and post it. anyhow ,my point is that you can buy the same suede that comes in the bike and exchange it for the worn out one and any car seat shop can do it for you. in miami i paid $ 3o. for the brown one and $ 175 for the red including labor and material.
  13. well the day for the new tires is 4/11. going with the michelin pilots road whic i was told by rockwell cycles in ft.montgomery new york that this is the tire most riders here are going into . he sadi that the road holding is the same as the power but agin,i do not go into the track with this bike so .... the metzelers i like also. i have them in my bmw 1982 r100rs and just had a new set installed on my way to daytona.but it is 2 different type of bikes and eras. italian bikes with german rubber ???/ well ,was it not the germans who grabbed mussolini from the fortress where he was being held ?? yes , i know....and looked at what happened afterwards.........but the pirellis ???/everytime i have had them on any of my cars ,they have been a disaster........... REMEMBER ,WHEN IN ITALY,BUY SHOES ,SUITS ,EAT PIZZA , BUT DO NOT BUY REFIRGERATORS,CARS OR MOTORCYCLES WHEN IN GERMANY ,DO NOT BUY SHOES PIZZA,BUT DO BUY THEIR CARS AND MOTORCYCLES WHEN IN ENGLAND ,BUY SHOES AND SUITS ,AVOID CARS ,MOTORCYCLES ,ROLLS ROYCES (UNLESS THEY HAVE BMW --GERMAN ENGINES ) AND WHEN IN FRANCE ,.....DRINK WINE,AND BUY NOTHING.
  14. well , after many inquiries i decided to go with the michelin road . i understand it is the same compound as the power ,but will last a little longer ,like 6,000 miles ,thou i have been getting approx . 8,000 miles out of my bridgestones . but ,time to try something new
  15. frenchbob we arrive i heidelberg to pick up our bikes on june 3 rd. so far it is 3 of us . on june 4th my plans are to lead them thru strasdbourg,colmar,down to luzerne.......but ,we may go to klingnau switzerland instead if a friend who races cars and is home this day is there and we will then spend the day with him and his car collection. so, the 4th or the 5th we will spend the nite in luzern. then on thru gpass to zermatt where we nay or not spend the nite on to chamonix for one nite ,thus this will be the 6th or 7 th of june. from chamonix to annecy for one day and nite . the 8th or 9th. then we go south to avignon for one nite the 9th or 10th of june and from there we go to aguas mortes via les bains de provence. then on to carcasonne and to andorra on ,say the 11th or 12 th. from andorra to cadaques spain where we have a place ..after that we head cote d'azur to firenze and will be around tuscanny. so, the best time to meet up would be from the 6th or 7th of june thru the 1oth . what do you think and how do you propose that i change this section of my trip, will look at any suggestions you may want to make fernando
  16. to the frenchman who invited me to go to the tenni forum, now we understand why you are burnning down your cities.remember ,here in the usa we have no class distinctions ........... my bike is a v11 le mans first and foremost. tenni is only the color scheme,and back then , a better suspension -back then, again ., not now. .that is it. it is not about - being isolated and you better know your place buddy- , i had nothing to do with the seeting up of a separate section within this forum for tenni owners only. it is a good idea in a way, but bad in other. by the way frenchbob , if you have read my post about my trip in june thru europe ,i will,together with two othere buddies who i am leading on this ride , passing near where you live,in vienne. my plans are to head down from heidelberg thru the swiss passes to zermatt,chamonix and then annecy. from there we ride to grenoble and napoleo's route and on to avignon........ how about meeting us in grenoble or annecy ...?? we could ride up your way but it would be too much of a detour for us because we only have 30 days for our ride . it would have been great for me to show the others the great temple d'auguste et livie and the pyramide du cirque we then go from avignon to aguas mortes ,carcasonne ,andorra and cadaques spain wher we have an apartment ,and from there to firenze thur cote d;azur amd then north via lake garda to see the guzzi factory and so on.. hope that we can meet ...... regards fernando
  17. i have worn out my 3 rd set of tires and need something new. i posted on this before but could not find the replies of about a year ago. anyhow michelin pilot ? or oe bridgestones ? what have you guys tried out recently / and like ? fernando
  18. i may be able to do it. it all depends on the guys that i am riding with in europe for the entire month of june 06 and if they enjoy it. if all is ok i think that i can make the trip . how many so far ? i will commit to it by september of 06 if you can wait until then for an answer. fernando
  19. final itinerary is as follows we arrive in heidelberg to pick up the bikes on june 3 rd and we leave heidelberg on june 4 th. if anyone in europe wants to join us part of the trip let me know. we return to heidelberg on july 1 ff
  20. anytime helicopter jim , is that you with the shirt off / and, isle of man tt i cannot do it ,too much of a circus nowadays . but maybe someday i will get up the nerve and go. i was very dissapointed the last time i went to lemans for the auto races . it is not like it was back in the 60's and 70's , again ,a circus nowadays . but ,everything changes ,all over . and not usually for the better. by the way ,if you guys want to see a great lemans racing movie ,there are many out there ,but i like A MAN AND A WOMAN because it is a perspective from ford motor company and it is in my opinion a commercial for the cobras and the gt40,s and mustangs of the era.
  21. in the december 05 issue of sport rider there is a tire test of top mfrs. i have a question------------- under the various tires they list riding categories and the best tire for that type of riding. under michelin sport touring----------------pilot road street------------------------pilot power street track---------------------------------------power race medium dot race---------------------------------------------power race my question is -they tested the street tyre --- but is it not the sport touring tire that most of us buy ????/ or is it the pilot power ?? the other 2 categories are for track work so i will not even bother. which is the best one for all around riding. and, they gave the pilot power the best rating for wear. thank you
  22. my final dates are as follows in case any of you guys in europe can ,eet us somewhere we arrive in frankfurt june 3rd we leave heidelberg on june 4th for switzerland and from there we head south and east. we return to heidelberrgjuly 1 st fernando
  23. orson, i found that prices in andorra are no longer that good. that is ,as compared to the usa. but ,if you think it worthwile i will shop around for sidi boots and dainesse all weather riding gear.do you have any experience on these items as far as pricing is concerned ? i know that i was able to recoup the vat tax when i left europe 17.5 % . therefore andorra ,last time i was there , was not that good. andorra is good or used to be ,prior to the euro for citizens of france and spain. but i am not so sure any more about actual day europe. as far as european prices for european manufactured goods i do not know any longer . but given the fact that most brands ,whheter they be italian or german or whatever , are now produced in asia,mostly china,their retail prices are about the same all over with the usa pricing somewhat lower than europe for the same item.
  24. i have put together a small 4 week trip thru europe. the trip will take place the 2 nd week of june for 4 weeks. renting bikes and departing from heidelberg d. from here we head to switzerland, thru luzerne up the alps thru brunig p. right turn to zermatt,up to chamonix,to annacy,thru grenoble and on down thru provence on napoleon's route to auguas mortes and nimes to andorra and from there either to barcelona or up to biarritz ,bilbao ,san sebastian ,castro urdiales down to pamplona and back to marseilles and trhu riviera to italy and back to heidelberg thru austria . the ride is not just for the sake of riding but will stop and smell the roses in many places and will stay in some cities for as long as we like as a group and then ride on. anyone interested please post or e-mail me. going-------- 1--myself 2 -- les , a rider from mass. from group that meets in vermont once a year for a week. 3--- mike , a rider from connecticut from the free to ride .com group. so far this is it. i do hope to meet up with some of the guzzi riders from the spain club. and one in germany. if any interest from you guys in europe to meet up please post.and if so ,i can post the route and estimated dates. we are going with only hotel reservations first day and last day in heidelberg. all other is open . fernando
  25. it would be interesting to see how the tenni registry identifies countries/bikes by number . in other words did the factory ship numbers 1 thru x to say italy, and 115 thru x to the usa and so on. a cross reference by number would be nice. fernando
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