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Everything posted by JoeV11

  1. JoeV11


  2. I have two of these popular accessories left. CNC cut steel, TIG welded, semi-gloss black. Makes your bike look like the designers at Moto Guzzi intended before government regulations interfered. Totally reversable if you move to a police state, lol. $100 including USPS Priority shipping to US. Foreign shipping extra. Contact me via email sa.vino@hotmail.com Thanks Joe
  3. I am selling my 2004 V11 Sport Naked. It has been a good bike but I've gone to the dark side (Harley) Features include Two Brothers carbon mufflers with dB killers; Stucci crossover; air box mods; bar end mirrors, and my custom fender eliminator! The speedometer says 5500 miles but replaced the original speedometer at 8000 miles, so it's really 13,500 miles. Serviced regularly, all fluids changed at 8100 miles. Just did oil/filter change (dropped pan) and valve adjustment (Euro). It is in excellent shape, except for a few cosmetic problems caused by a 5mph fall in a parking lot. Pirelli Diablo tires with 6000 miles on them. Still have good tread on them. I'll send full sized pictures if you are interested. Website limits size. I am located in Eastern CT. Send PM and I'll respond via email. Thanks! Joe
  4. Ha you guys are too funny! The bike ran great the other day, just like nothing happened. In fact better because I adjusted the valves, changed spark plugs and the oil. Also, I re-checked the mileage - only 5K since last oil change. Now I just have to wash and wax it before putting it away for winter. Joe
  5. Well Doc you were right! The left side was pretty loose so I knew I was onto something. But the right side was the problem: That's some air leak! Tomorrow's test ride will confirm it.
  6. I think it was a squeak. It's been a few weeks now. I'll check those things anyway. The fuel pump doesn't make the noise when I turn on the key. I just tried it three times in a row. Thanks, though. I remember going on a trip when I first got the bike and it made a similar noise for a minute or so. I thought it came from the front of the motor at the time. This also sounds like the front or middle of the motor. That's why I checked the alternator. Could it be a cam bearing or the cam chain? A search revealed the chain lasts 50K miles or longer. The motor is still apart. It's supposed to rain all next week so I'll get back into it again. Thanks again. Joe
  7. This can't be good. The other day I was riding home and as I turned into the road leading to my house I heard a loud squeaking noise from the motor. I pulled in the clutch and it kept squeaking. It seemed to be idling rough but it kept running if I gave it gas. Since I was only about three miles from home I drove it back slowly, but it wasn't running well, needing more gas than usual. I know I was overdue for an oil change (8k miles on synthetic), so my thoughts immediately went to cam or rockers or worse yet, crank bearings. A week later I started it and the noise hadn't gone away. The bike has about 13K miles on it. Finally last night I checked the valve clearances and they were OK within .001" (they were due for adjustment anyway). I pulled the oil pan and there wasn't any great quantities or large bits of metal, just a slight coating of very fine powder in the center valley. The cam lobes look normal, and the rod bearings aren't noticeably loose by hand. Tonight I thought maybe the alternator was rubbing but it was fine with at least .010" clearance to all of the stator coils, and no signs on the cover. I spun the motor by hand with the alternator nut and heard nothing abnormal except a very slight clunk if I rock the crank back and forth and only when it's pointing straight down (not bdc on either cylinder). That may be odd or may be normal, I don't know. The next thing is to start pulling bearing caps, but I thought I'd ask the internet first. Has anyone heard this squeaking sound before? Any ideas what it could be? Should I just add fresh oil and hope for the best? Thanks in advance, Joe
  8. Thanks for the pictures! Just so happens this is my racing crew: I was there for practice on Friday but burned a piston and had to go home. Of all the spare parts nobody had a standard bore piston! Even my spare motor was too sloppy to use. Oh well I'll just get it ready for June 14th when it's just bikes. Joe
  9. Thank you for the overwhelming response to my fender eliminator! The first batch is sold out already. But I will get another batch made soon (in Guzzi time). Joe
  10. I bought one of those kits a few years ago - I really need to get moving and install it. At the same time I bought a dual relay kit from him and installed it in my car. That made a world of difference too! Joe
  11. For anyone that wants to keep the original tail light (and save a little money) I have finally reproduced the fender eliminator on my bike. It tucks in close to the seat and retains the original frame and plastic shield to the underseat. I have never had a probem in the rain - the plate deflects it well enough, maybe because of the angle? Details can be found here: http://www.v11lemans...showtopic=15490 Thanks, Joe
  12. All the years I've been on this forum, that's the general consensus - I'm surprised it took a page and a half before someone mentioned it. Mine has become worse this year so it's probably time for another tuneup. Joe
  13. JoeV11

    Speedo Cable

    I just buy a universal repair cable at an auto parts store - cut to length and swage on the tip. The speedo cable breaks about 3" above the tranny because of binding. Consider it a consumable like oil and gas - the new cable design is just as bad as the old, maybe worse. Joe
  14. JoeV11


    Me too - the made it difficult to support my torso without putting excessive weight on the handlebars. But I sold them to someone who presumably is very happy with them. So no way of telling what will work for you. The beauty of the Buell setup is they are cheap, and if you don't like them you can easily re-sell and get most of your money back. Joe
  15. Squeel like a wallaby? LOL Je
  16. I'm starting to get funky things happen while downshifting. Occasionally coming to a stop, when I pull in the clutch and down shift a couple of gears, the lever doesn't return. I release the clutch slightly and then the lever comes back and I can continue going down the gears. I never noticed what gear was the culprit or if it was the same one every time. Is this a sign of impending spring failure? Changing the tranny oil over the winter didn't seem to affect it. Thanks Joe
  17. Nice job, SH. Not too ugly really. I just noticed my bike gets louder after extended riding and the crossover is floppy, so maybe it's leaking. Does anyone know what would be the effect of just removing the crossover and blocking the openings? It wouldn't be as pretty as older style pipes but wouldn't cost hundreds of dollars either. Thanks, Joe
  18. There should be a little washer under the head of the core at the speedo end - you need to pull the core out to install it. If it doesn't fit there it's probably for the sender. Joe
  19. I agree modifying your seat is the way to go. Those add-ons only make you slip around more. I used Spencers in FLA - he does a great job, is fast and cheap! I got his "long distance" foam/honeycomb installed for $75 and one day turnaround! I took it for a short ride last Sunday and it felt so comfortable that I'm looking forward to long trips when Spring weather actually gets here. I immediately noticed the lack of pressure points. Joe
  20. When my speedo died at 8000 miles the dealer got a brand new one under warantee. The knob that came with it didn't work so even they had to epoxy it together. When this one dies I'll buy a bicycle speedometer and move the tach to the center. Joe
  21. I'm impressed you did all that and usually try not to pay people to do stuff that I can do, but I had to tell everyone about Spencers Moto Care seat service. He replaces the lower portion of the stock foam with a honeycomb material and a layer of different foam. When I got it back yesterday I couldn't go for a ride because it's 20 degrees and there's snow and sand on the roads, but I immediately felt the pressure points were gone. There is no loss of lateral support like an air pillow because the top part of the seat hasn't changed. I am very impressed. Not only that, it cost me only $75 plus shipping both ways and he shipped it back the next day after he got it! From the outside you can't tell he did anything but as soon as you sit you know! Joe
  22. Well there you go - I got an email from the valvoline techs today as well as a quart sample of Dow-Corning Moly. Here is what valvoline had to say, and it is rated GL-5/MT-1: From investigation, it looks like the additive is going to be Agip Rocol ASO/R or a Molykote Type 4. Either way, these two products look to be an additive required for the extreme pressure properties of the fluids. Our SynPower Full Synthetic SAE 75w90 does contain EP additives, but nothing that is matching up to the specifications of each of these additives, therefore we would still recommend using the additive with our synthetic gear oil product. So I'll be putting in the moly shortly. Joe
  23. I just found out something good that I wanted to share: I asked the valvoline techs about using additives in their SynPower 75W-90 full synthetic gear oil which is rated GL-5/MT-1 and this is their reply: From investigation, it looks like the additive is going to be Agip Rocol ASO/R or a Molykote Type 4. Either way, these two products look to be an additive required for the extreme pressure properties of the fluids. Our SynPower Full Synthetic SAE 75w90 does contain EP additives, but nothing that is matching up to the specifications of each of these additives, therefore we would still recommend using the additive with our synthetic gear oil product. On another note I just received a quart of Dow-Corning Molykote in the mail, so I'll be adding a bit of that shortly. Thanks for the heads-up on free samples. Joe
  24. When I got to work today there was an email from Dow saying the moly sample I requested was being shipped. So no reason to use any questionable stuff in my gearbox. Now I am waiting for Valvoline to answer my request for information on the need for anything. In the mean time, I'll see if the gear oil label says GL-5. Thanks, Joe
  25. I asked a local machine shop if they had any molykote and he gave me a tube of ARP rod bolt assembly lube. It says it's a "superior moly lube", but will it work in my rear end bevel box? I just drained it and added Valvoline synthetic 75W-90 gear oil in there now. Thanks, Joe
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