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Everything posted by JoeV11

  1. My ignorance of most of these bikes was easy to solve with Google Image search, and I suspect I'm not the only one that needed to see pictures of the bikes. I didn't know what many of them are, they seem pretty obscure, but they must be known to many of you to make the list. Bimota Tesi for me, that leading link "fork" and futuristic fairing did it. There are lots of good looking bikes in this poll! Could have picked the 916 or MGS-01, too. Thanks, Joe
  2. JoeV11

    Fairing ?

    What did the owner, nerocorsa, say? :-) nerocorsa@gmx.net
  3. Is it OK to use synthetic tranny and rear gear oil at the break-in fluid change (1000KM)? I am staying with dino oil for the motor, to help the parts seat better for at least one more oil change, maybe two. But the tranny and rear should seat much faster, no? Thanks, Joe
  4. Why do you think girls like riding on harleys? LOL Joe faster, faster, the lights are turning red....
  5. That's funny - I had the same problem when I picked up my bike! It was shipped to a friends car dealership, and when I came to pick it up, helmet and key in hand, full of excitement, click click click was all she had for me.... It took three shop kids to find that key latch! Joe
  6. My underseat factory tool kit came with the tool to remove the oil filter access cover LOL Joe
  7. I kept the bike, got rid of the wife! Lovin' every minute. Joe
  8. How much different are these from the ones already there? My V11 sport already has what looks like weights on the ends of the bars. Do the aftermarket ones help the mirror vibration? You probably have the same problem seeing what's behind you at highway speeds. Thanks Joe
  9. like this one? - Joe
  10. That's where I bought my V11 Sport - Bill was great! He arranged shipping, faxed paperwork to my DMV office while I waited, even threw in a couple of shirts. If I lived anywhere close, he'd be the dealer I went to. Joe
  11. S100 makes a great aluminum preservative spray. I used it on all the aluminum that I polished on an earlier bike, it kept it clean without coating with paint. One or two applications a season is all you need. Joe
  12. Greg Thanks for the advice. I took a look under my tank and decided I didn't know enough to even start this job. I think with your latest post I can get the tank off and do the job right. Just have to find the time.... Thanks Joe
  13. JoeV11

    First Post

    As one "new guy" to another - Welcome! Joe
  14. Hi everyone I'll be taking my first trip overseas in early November. It will be with a tour group, to Rome, Florence and Assisi. I was thinking it would be a good opportunity to get some Guzzi related souveniers, maybe even a good leather jacket. Are there any good motorcycle shows between November 9th and 16th? I'll have a little free time, and would like to do something different. Thanks in advance Joe Edit: Nobody has any advice?
  15. Wow, that was fun! I just took my first ride - 150 miles - to show off to friends and relatives. I went on nice curvey 2-lane highways, boring Interstates, and through little towns. It does it all well. I had a couple of issues, though, firstly the dreaded tank-suck! I'll probably remove the tip-over valve. Also there is a little leak at the bottom of my left fork that I'll have to track down. Lastly, the bike seems more comfortable turning right than left at intersection speeds. I don't know if that's how they are, or something is out of alignment. Can anybody shed some light on this? But overall it's a sweet bike. I'm still getting used to it, so the "chicken strips" on the tires are still about an inch wide. That'll change as time goes on. Joe
  16. Wow, that was fun! I just took my first ride - 150 miles - to show off to friends and relatives. The bike arrived at my neighbor's shop Thursday in the rain, with rain forcast for two more days. When I got up on Friday, there was a break in the weather, so I said "screw going to work, I'm picking up my bike!" There was a little bit of entertainment while we tried to figure out how to remove the seat to jump the battery, but finally one of the kids there noticed the key lock. Owner's manual was under the seat, too. Filled the tank, and took her home, with a few sprinkles along the way. What a beautiful sound, even with stock mufflers. Sounded like a hot V8 in my garage. But I need it to be louder on the road! Parked and took the car to work, since it was going to rain very hard that day. Here she is: Today turned out to be a return of summer, so after a few errands in the morning, I took off and got familiar with the bike. I love it! Still working on my riding postition, got a little sore in the shoulders. If I can't get used to the low bars, I'll raise them up over the winter. Might put lower Buell pegs on it, too. But I don't intend to change anything for the remainder of this season. I went on nice curvey 2-lane highways, boring Interstates, and through little towns. It does it all well. I only had a couple of issues, firstly the dreaded tank-suck! Also there is a little leak at the bottom of my left fork. Lastly, the bike seems more comfortable turning right than left at intersection speeds. I don't know if that's how they are, or something is out of alignment. But overall it's a sweet bike. I'm still getting used to it, so the "chicken strips" on the tires are still about an inch wide. That'll change as time goes on. Joe PS: Here's my chopper - Old Skool Baby!
  17. Nice pictures! That is one of my favorite race events - I usually go to that or the ALMS race every year. It's a great place to watch and even the big money pro events allow you to walk through the paddock and drool on the cars. My son is a big video game player, and he was thrilled to see some of his favorite cars in real life. I wish they would have a similar event for vintage motorcycles. Joe
  18. If you dare to look in the Harley catalogs, there are a lot of LED tail light and light/license plate assemblies. If I knew, I wouldn't have sold the Cat Eye one that came on my bike. Try Custome Chrome or Biker's Choice. Joe
  19. Hi there My name is Joe and I just bought a Guzzi. It seems most of you are in England or Australia, but there must be a few from the US like me. I found this site to be very informative, and friendly. My bike is a 2004 V11 Sport Naked, and it's on it's way from a dealer in Missouri. I hope to get a good month of riding in before the season ends. I'll have to share riding time with my other bike, an old school Harley chopper. The Guzzi will be more useful, I'm sure. Well this is just a short note to say Hi. I'm going to be posting more when I actually have the bike. Joe
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