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Everything posted by JoeV11

  1. I thought only Norges came in (refridgerator) white~
  2. My riding buddy who builds carbon fiber masts for sailboats uses two-part urethane clear on his parts to prevent UV damage. We are going to try it on a pair of mufflers I just bought. I would expect the urethane to withstand higher temps than laquer. Just don't breathe the spray mist. Joe
  3. It only works with lock buttons that go up and down. If you have to turn them it won't work. The air pressure forces the lock button up. Joe
  4. It is better to regret the things you have done, rather than regret that you didn't do it. Ride, baby, Ride! Joe
  5. Dude, you need a girlfriend! LOL Joe
  6. Yikes! But you may be on to something - the Japanese bike manufacturers have been making Personal Watercraft for years. Is this the next big thing for Moto Guzzi? LOL Joe
  7. The only way you are going to get the 5W-40 that MG recommends is with synthetic. Once you make that decision, you have many choices. You can give yourself headaches by reading all the topics. I just put in an UFI filter (thru the hole). The dealer did the initial service and that UFI filter was still tight after ~3400 miles. Next oil change, which will be during the winter, I will probably drop the pan, and maybe put in a Roper plate. Joe edit: my owners manual calls for Agip Racing 4T SAE 5W-40, which is a full synthetic.
  8. Yeah, that seems to be the one - many past topics point in that direction. I have one and it has been working flawlessly all season. Joe
  9. Here's a picture of slightly different mufflers from the same bike - there is a flange/spigot arrangement. Might need to go to the Suzuki dealer and take some measurements. Joe
  10. Even the AP noticed the Moto Guzzi trailer damaged in the flood: This was in the exite and other AP news articles throughout the country.
  11. I guess I'm just simple minded - I think the original question wasn't about what can be made to fit (anything obviously), and what are the results of exhaust modification (it depends), but simply what other mufflers are known to fit a V11? It would be nice to know what other bikes have the same pipe diameter as our V11's. Getting a pipe bent to go from the crossover to the muffler is a lot easier than getting one that changes diameter while it bends. So maybe someone knows what other bikes have the same 51mm id exhaust pipes? Or just have slip ons for 54mm od pipe? Thanks Joe PS, the guy answered my question about the inlet to those mufflers with "sorry but i don´t know the guzzi muffler conection"
  12. Let's not let this thread wander off topic with a philosophical discussion of no mufflers. I'd really like to see the original question answered. Thanks, Joe
  13. For $200 a pair, they are tempting. Did you find out what the inlet looks like? Joe
  14. 3900 miles, bought new in Sept 06. Livin' the dream~ Joe
  15. I made a bracket that holds the stock lights - it wasn't hard. I sent a template to Greg Field, don't know if he's made one yet. I am waiting to get one cut on a water jet, and may start selling them. Joe
  16. Hi all I know there must be some people living in Hawaii that can tell me how they like it. I know there are people who love it, and people who hate it. I'd like to get any opinions from Guzzi riders, as there is a better chance we'd see things in a like manner. A new job posting is coming up for an on-site office in Pearl Harbor. The thought is intriguing, it may be a nice way to spend the last few years until retirement. Thanks Joe
  17. I'd buy one, the knob came off last gas stop, at about 3800 miles. I jammed it back and reset the odometer, but I'm sure it won't last much longer. Joe
  18. Whoa now - the 136,000 psi is pounds per square inch of bolt not psi of hydraulics. But brake lines can go over 10,000 psi during panic stops. That times the area of four or six pistons is a lot of force trying to blow the caliper apart! Joe
  19. If you do any hard riding on bumpy roads, you will feel the bike flop all over withoug the brace. You have the beautiful Ohlins suspension, they are obviously smarter than us mere forum mortals, and wouldn't add that much weight to the forks if it wasn't necessary. Besides, form follows function, so I think it looks great. Joe
  20. I found the HJC to fit my narrow head better than anything. Other brands kill my forehead or are too loose. I don't know what else is even narrower than an HJC. Joe
  21. Hi All A friend of mine sells carbon fiber masts and other parts for high-end sailboats. He has a way to keep them from fading in the sun, and is willing to try his magic on a set of carbon mufflers. It might hold up to the temperature, and then we can all benefit. If any of you are upgrading, or willing to sell me a pair of used carbon mufflers, I'll try it. I'm not asking for free stuff, and faded may be better for this experiment. Any undamaged mufflers will do, if they bolt to a V11. THanks Joe
  22. (Stamford, Connecticut—August 1, 2007) … Transportation meets art in The Motorcycle, Italian Style: Riding the Curves with MV Agusta, sponsored by Cliff’s Cycle Revolution, which opens at the Stamford Museum & Nature Center on Saturday, Sept. 8. A special Members Preview Reception will be held Friday, September 7 at 5:30 p.m. This exhibition is made possible with support from the Connecticut Commission on Culture & Tourism. This vintage motorcycle exhibition, from the Gary & Connie Kohs Collection, traces the MV Agusta brand from its World War II inception to today. More than 30 bikes, most from the Classic era (1945-1980), will be on display throughout the Bendel Mansion Museum Galleries until Jan. 6, 2008. RELATED PROGRAMS Italian Style Festival, Sunday, Sept. 9, 2007 – All motorcycles, vintage and new, American and import, are welcome at this mega-festival with trophied motorcycle shows sponsored by American Iron Magazine and RoadBike to kick up the fall season. Join us at this open-air show to celebrate the culture of the motorcycle. Meet racing aces and enjoy delicious Italian food. For more information, e-mail info@stamfordmuseum.org, visit www.stamfordmuseum.org or call 203.322.1646 ext.6521.
  23. You can save your paint by applying a gas tank sealer to the inside of the tank. POR-15 makes a great product, it worked on two old tanks that I used it on. Best of all you won't have to remove any rust from the inside of the tank! Joe
  24. I just noticed this is going to be my 100th post. Not bad for summer time when I should be riding or working, not reading websites! LOL Joe PS, I know, just a pup, but I do have almost 4000 miles on my bike, and the riding season only started a few months ago.
  25. They block that website here at work, but I'll check it out from home later. I hope they are available here, and they cover more diverse racing. I would love to see more bike racing on TV. Speed finally does cover F1, but only live or tape delay at odd hours so they can show left turn louie on Sunday afternoons. Joe
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