With "special failure case" I meant the one where regulator partially fails. so the lamp still works, but the rest of the circuitry does not. As a test, perhaps the output diode test Kiwi_Roy suggested a long time ago - one way conductivity between yellow (alternator) and red (output) leads.
Provided you're well equipped (no pun intended) and posses a regulated voltage supply in addition to diode tester (connected to red and case), you should be able to hear a beep once input tension (black) drops below 13.8V or so, according to the schematic and data Kiwi_Roy posted earlier.
And if you want to include the effects of paranormal, you can do the test above with the supply connected to light switch relay (red-black) and the diode tester to red-green and battery negative (F3 fuse removed) . See if there is a difference (voltage drop) and it takes more Volts for the regulator to shut off.