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    2002 LeMans

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  1. I've always used 93 octane fuel in my goose and never experienced any pinging until recently under hard acceleration (like overtaking a vehicle on the highway) she'll ping a bit. If I drop down a gear it seems to help, but I don't want to keep running it like this over the long term.
  2. My idle speed according to the tach is right at 1000 RPM. I'll do a little poking around and check some of the things that were mentioned in this thread. Thanks for the feedback.
  3. Please pardon my ignorance, but where is the crankcase vent located?
  4. My charge indicator light has begun to flicker occasionally at idle. Is my stator crapping out or what?
  5. Do all pods require the removal of the side panels? If I have another tank insulation issue in the future I might switch to pods, but I'd like to keep the side panels if at all possible.
  6. I bought a preamp for my turntable when I got the 5.1 receiver and to me analog recordings have a warmth that CD's lack. The surface noise is tolerable on most of my old vinyl LP's. The crazy world of Arthur Brown never sounded so good!
  7. I gotta agree with Skeeve on this one. Put in a sloppage sheet and call it a day.
  8. Even the top photo looks better than mine. My paint is all bubbled and blistered. I've even been accused of overheating the motor!
  9. Aside from all the science (smoke & mirrors, perhaps??) am I safe to ride the bike with the FPR port vented to atmosphere?
  10. Now I'm hearin' ya. The stock intake snorkles. Well in my case a whole strip of insulation (approx. 6" x 12") got sucked down onto the open filter completely covering the top of the filter. It was literally pasted to the filter and I'm amazed that it it still ran, but then again injection is not like carburation. With regard to the hoses under the tank should they just vent to the atmosphere? I don't have the carbon canister anymore. I seem to recall that the bottom fitting on the fuel pressure regulator was never connected to anything in the past.
  11. I'm not sure what you mean by two small holes and rubber nozzles. I did notice the two small fittings under the tank that had hoses attached before I dismantled the tank. The fittings almost look like grease fittings, but obviously they're not. One of them was jammed full of crud and I used a tiny drill bit to clear it out. I also took a rubber bulb syringe thingy (douche, if you will) and blew out the hoses. The one attached to the cruddy side had a bunch of wet crap in it. Does this one connect to the fuel pressure regulator at the bottom? That's how it was connected after I got it back from having it serviced, but I don't remember it being like that.
  12. Well let's see. When I was pumping Sunoco 260 back in '79 at my part time job it was rated at 106 octane. I think the octane rating might just have something to do with detonation. Unleaded fuels have a lower octane rating primarily because of the absence of lead. In addition today's pump gas may contain oxygenates and/or alcohol. I suppose you could argue that good combustion chamber design, piston dome shape, valve layout, etc. can alleviate some of the effects of crappy gas, but I think most manufacturers have known for a while that high cylinder pressure and modern fuels are a recipe for disaster.
  13. Well I have toasted the injector relay probably about four times now, but the fuse on that circuit has never blown. For that matter I've never blown a fuse yet on this bike. I probably still have another problem unrelated to the insulation thing. Aside from the fuel pump and injectors I'm not sure what other components could be overloading the circuit. I'm surprised really that the relays have cooked and not the fuse.
  14. Yep, I pulled the tank off and lo & behold a big strip of insulation was pasted to the BMC filter. I'm surprised the bike ran at all! Now, what's the hot ticket for gluing the insulation back on? Some type of spray adhesive? I noticed that the rest of the insulation could stand to be re-glued, at least near the edges.
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