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Everything posted by quazi-moto

  1. That's why I'm so thankful that Bill Clinton couldn't run for a third term!
  2. Fried rice, you plick!
  3. LZ borrowed heavily from all the early blues masters. When I was a kid I idolized Jimmy Page, not realizing how much he and Plant had "borrowed" from the early bluesmen. Anyhow, from what I've heard Zep was never that great live in the 70's and I doubt they're a whole lot better now so I'm not in any rush to go check out their new live act.
  4. Sorry, didn't mean to sound big-headed.
  5. Yo gringo, no comprende espanol.
  6. If my LeMans was a rock performer it would be Steve Marriott. 100% heart & soul.
  7. What plane would you compare a Harley to?
  8. My original Bridgestones were kinda lousy. The front got all cupped and the bike steered and handled like a cow on ice. Well, maybe not that bad, but its much better with the Pirelli Diablos.
  9. I was trying to keep it a secret. Now everyones gonna know!
  10. If one didn't have a tennis ball handy could one just fart into the keyhole?
  11. And I thought my peeps over at cavemanscrib.com were a sensitive bunch.
  12. Or plug a P-Bass into an SVT turned up to ten and rattle the tubes apart!
  13. I've never been in a band with anyone famous, but my old band did open for Motorhead once at Irving Plaza back around 1980 or so. I play mostly acoustic blues nowadays. Anyhow, yeah I wouldn't mind exploring some new roads upstate. Last summer my friend and I rode along Rt. 97 up to Rt. 10 and took 10 into Cobleskill. We stayed upstate for a few days and checked out the caverns, the hall of fame and a few breweries. It was great! Nice roads and we were lucky to have ideal weather. It started raining right after I got home!
  14. Touchy bunch we got here. Personally I'd rather hear a debate between Mrs. Algore and Dee Snider.
  15. Hawker Oddity over here. Minus the full metal jacket.
  16. I thought M-G recommended 20W-50? Anyway I'm currently using Amsoil 20W-50 for V-twin motorcycle engines. I was going to install a K&N filter with the nut on the bottom, but it didn't clear the manhole cover. I have to make up a spacer to shim the manhole cover out a little bit. Maybe .030" or thereabouts. Right now I'm running a UFI filter. I tightened by hand with the sump off. Next time I drop the sump I'll find out if it has loosened. I've been keeping a watchful eye on the oil pressure light and so far everything seems okay.
  17. serpentine, not serptentine! Anyhow, ya know what I meant. The road was in NY actually Rt. 17A coming back from Greenwood Lake. I don't ride much in Jersey. Too many cagers in Bergen Co. I usually head out over Skyline Drive and swing past the reservoirs and on up to either Greenwood Lake or Harriman State Park. Sometimes if I feel ambitious I'll take the Warwick Tpke. up to Rt. 94 and then cut over through Pine Island and on up to Port Jervis and ride along the Delaware on Rt. 97. Its quite scenic and not so many cagers.
  18. That's powdercoat on the exhaust???
  19. I had a Ford Escort once and I must have gone through three timing belts in less than 100,000 miles. Fortunately, the valves cleared the pistons. My '68 Galaxie had a 390 and at approx. 120,000 miles the timing chain started jumping. Funny thing was it would skip a tooth, run like a dog and sometimes die, and then it would skip back to normal and run great. Needless to say I couldn't continue to drive it this way as it left me stranded more than once. I prefer chains or gears for driving the cam(s) although a belt driven primary can be a nice thing. I better shut up now because I'm straying from all things Guzzi.
  20. Ryland3210, I like peashooters as well, but the Staintunes look and sound great on a V11. I haven't tried or heard any others in person, but an aftermarket X-over & pair of Staintunes = sonic bliss!
  21. I use the key. I haven't used the kill switch since I had a moto-x bike.
  22. My throttle stuck once, but for a different reason. I had a scheduled maintenance appointment at a dealer and I rode the bike there in the rain. After I got the bike back it sat in the garage for a week or so until I took it out for a ride. It was just my luck that the throttle starting sticking as I was descending down a massive hill with an array of serpentine turns, switchbacks & what have you. Its amazing that I didn't soil my undergarments, but I made it down the hill and I had my riding buddy take a run for a can of WD40. I applied a good healthy spritz of lube on top of the left hand TB and I was good to go. Now, I always check throttle operation before a long run and apply a little lube if necessary.
  23. I've never had a green haired trombonist work any voodoo on my Guzzi, but the MY15M ECU has cured its ills. I no longer have to ride on gilded splinters.
  24. Thanx! My old av featured Patricia Hearst, but I kinda like Ivy better.
  25. I don't think Lux would give her up too easily though!
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