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Everything posted by quazi-moto

  1. I put the strawberry rhubarb concoction in my bevel drive and gearbox a few weeks ago and all is well. No drips or leaks from the rear and nothin' but smooth shiftin'.
  2. I was expecting to see Shirley Muldowney.
  3. I've been averaging around 40MPG with the My15M. As an added bonus the bike is finally running like a Guzzi should!
  4. I found a company in Georgia called AV Products Inc. (www.avproductsinc.com) that makes a plethora of rubber anti-vibration mounts. They carry a bobbin style mount that would be ideal for the V11 gauge mounts. I made an inquiry and they directed me to McMaster-Carr since I was only ordering a few rubber mounts. The McMaster items are similar, but not exactly the same dimensionally. I settled for three mounts of the same height as stock, but a little bigger diameter. They can be ordered in either natural rubber or neoprene. I'm going to start with the neoprene and see how they hold up. The mounts have an M6x1 male stud on the bottom and M6x1 female thread on top. The bigger diameter mount might result in a tight fit, but I'll find out for certain when the mounts arrive. The AV items would have been sized perfectly, but they didn't seem interested in filling such a small order. I'll post my findings down the road a bit.
  5. -Tom M.- Your '02 LeMans is lookin' real sharp! Is that a Maund seat on that baby? I like the carbon fiber bits too.
  6. If the Cool-Chrome is anything like Jet-Hot's Sterling Silver I might be interested.
  7. There's no need to quarrel over a lousy relay lads. I'm sending the faulty one back to Dan so he can make a determination on the status of the relay. BTW: My battery tender charged Odyssey is still reading 13.0 volts at the terminals.
  8. My problems were solved with a new relay and a trickle charge on the Odyssey. I'll always keep a few spare relays with me in the future.
  9. It was probably the injector relay I would guess. When it died the first time I thought that the My15M was cooked, but turning the key to the on position powered the ECU & Optimiser. The LCD display on the Optimiser was showing normal readings. I would suspect that it was the injector relay. I didn't lose the headlight until I put the faulty relay in that position. I've never had a problem with the starter aside from slow cranking, but now that the Odyssey is all juiced up it cranks right over. While I was momentarily stranded at the roadside the starter would still crank, but the engine would not start due to the bad relay. I juggled some of the relays around unaware of which position performed whatever function in the circuit. In a few spots the starter would not even crank so I'm guessing that the start position (fairly obvious) and the neutral position require a good relay for cranking. Anyhow since this was the first reported failure of a GEI relay I'm going to stick with these relays for a while, but in the future I'll always keep a spare (or two) on hand while out on the road. I might send the bad one back to Dan if he wants to have a look at it. I'll have to write him about that. Is the fuel pump incorporated into the injector circuit or ECU? One of the new sealed relays seemed a little flaky and in the key on position the fuel pump and ECU were cycling on and off almost as if the new relay was spazzing out or something. That was pretty odd so I yanked 'em all, but the start relay and put the old GEI's back in the other four positions. I think its time for a ride!
  10. Personally, I prefer lambskin for a more "natural" feel.
  11. Welp, I got my relays from Dan and replaced the faulty bugger with a new sealed relay. As was noted in another thread I must have discharged the battery while (whilst) riding home sans headlight. I contacted Deltran's tech dept. via e-mail and they said that its okay to use the Battery Tender provided that the battery terminal voltage is above 7.0 volts. Mine was reading 11.6 volts when I pulled it out of the bike so I charged it up overnight on the (SuperSmart) battery tender. The tech person stated that ideally I should be using the Battery Tender Plus, but that the SuperSmart would still work okay. Well, indeed it did! I let it charge for 24 hours and it wasn't into the float charge mode yet, but a quick check with my multimeter showed 12.9 volts so I slapped the Odyssey back in the LeMans. She fired right up with the new relay installed. I went for a 50 mile jaunt and all is well. At least so far anyway. Last week I thought I had smoked a second relay, but apparently that's not the case and only one relay turned out to be bad. I ran the battery flat on the journey back home from New York and that's why the bike crapped out a second time. I was going to install a complete set of five new sealed GEI relays, but one of them was cycling the fuel pump on and off like it was stuck or something. That was a little bizarre to say the least so I ended up using four of the older GEI relays and one new sealed unit. That's all folks!
  12. Ray, that would relate directly to my scenario. The battery seems to have lost a lot of juice and if I try to crank the starter I just get clicking from the relay. I'll have to pull it out and charge it up. I'm glad yours has been running well, that's a good sign. I guess I rode home with a total loss electrical system then! BTW: Dan is sending me a new set of relays. Should be here any day now.
  13. I gave up on the Power Commander and got my Guzzi running right with the My15M.
  14. I doubt very much that Dan is getting rich selling relays. In fact he has already offered to send some replacements "on the house" so it appears to me that this must be a labor of love for him. He also got whacked by a deer recently while out riding and broke his leg. There's no way I'm going to harp on Dan about these GEI relays. It could have just been a rare occurence on my bike that one (possibly two) failed. I should clarify what actually took place. I had been cruising at a steady speed approaching route 9 in Dutchess Co., NY when suddenly it felt like the kill switch cut the motor just for an instant. I pulled up to a stop for a traffic light and when the light changed I started to accelerate, but the bike was breaking up a little as I changed up through the gears. It almost seemed to clear itself up and then it totally crapped out on me so I got off the highway and rolled into a parking lot. I thought to myself that perhaps the MY15M was toast, but since I had the Optimiser connected I checked for some readings on the LCD display and everything looked pretty much kosher so I moved on to the relays. I was unaware of which relay did what so I just played musical relays until I found a combo that allowed me to get the bike started. I did notice that with certain combinations that the starter motor would not even crank. To me (non-electrical bozo that I might be) this confirmed that indeed one of the GEI relays had gone south for the summer. Had I realized that I might have been able to start the bike with the sidestand up using a different relay combo I would have proceeded back home that way. Instead I rode back (almost) home with no headlight, etc. I would tend to think that the voltage regulator should be able to cope with the added alternator output, but I'm just hoping that I didn't cook anything on the trip back (almost) home. I'm going to try Radio Shack for a few relays and see what happens. The replacement GEI's should be here later this week. I'll keep the forum posted with my results.
  15. Anyone have a part number for the Omron relay and a supplier in the U.S.?
  16. Both have the name "Marelli" molded into them so I just @$$umed that Marelli was the manufacturer. Sorry if I have mislead anyone.
  17. Do you think the farmer just @$$umed too much?
  18. What fun! I was on my way to the antique machinery & motorcycle show in Rhinebeck, NY when my GEI relay took a dump and left me scratching my head on the side of the road. I was an hour & a half away from home, in another state, no cellphone and one dead Guzzi. I decided to improvise, adapt and overcome by playing the shell game with my relays. I found a combination that allowed me to get the bike started, but I was now minus a headlight, stoplight and tach. I limped the old girl back to New Jersey, but by this time it was breaking up and popping as if a gorilla had pee'd in the gas tank. All of the sudden it died again. For good this time. I don't know if I roasted another relay or if something else got cooked because I rode back with no headlight. I thought I still had the original Siemens relays stashed away in a safe place, but they're nowhere to be found so I'm S.O.L. for now. I had hoped to make it back home so I could do a little substitution testing, but no such luck. I had to trailer the bike home and now I can't find my original relays. Does anyone have experience with relay upgrades for these bikes? Have a favorite relay? Bosch, Tyco, GEI or whatever? I thought that the GEI was supposed to be the baboon's keister, but now I'm not so sure.
  19. My boss isn't wrapped too tight.
  20. Ol' Bug Brain of the Gas Guzzlers MC Sounds about right I guess.
  21. Rod Peckerwood Nah, just kidding! Cookie Summit (for real)
  22. I wonder if Peter Frampton still regrets appearing in that silly BeeGees movie.
  23. Trichinosis grey, perhaps?
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