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Everything posted by quazi-moto

  1. I have the same set from Joe Kenny also. I like the contrast with the paint. I might try black in the eagle though.
  2. quazi-moto

    Budget Tuning

    I'd lose the stock Bridgestones pronto. Especially the front tire! I'm runnin' Diablos at the moment and the difference is like night & day. In terms of cheap performance upgrades I would have to start by saying that these bikes run lean to begin with and the addition of cans, crossovers, pods, etc. will only make it leaner so any change there pretty much necessitates either a power commander or non-stock ECU. A pair of Staintunes and a PCIII would be a basic starting point along with a good setup of the TPS and throttle bodies. I took mine a few steps further with an aftermarket crossover, open lid air filter and the My15M ECU. In hindsight I probably could have done without the lidless air filter kit, but at this point I won't be changing it back to stock. I might even give the pods a try. I had a PCIII before the My15M, but it wasn't the ultimate solution for the bike's fuel injection woes. I had it re-mapped twice by two different dealers and it still didn't run right. With the My15M it took some minor tweaking (and needs a tad more tweaking) to get the bike running good, but this is a little more costly than the PCIII. Its definitely worth it though if the old budget allows! I still have to fatten up the map in the midrange ever so slightly to get the old girl running truly sweet, but right now it runs better than when it was bone stock. Future upgrades will be mostly suspension items and maybe a few cosmetic things. Aside from a few growing pains I've been very satisfied with this bike. Its not a rocket by any means, but it just exudes character.
  3. That looks quite good considering that it was done with the engine still mounted in the frame! The cases on my '02 LeMans look similar to Tom's "before" picture. I'm going to consider a rattle can respray job myself. I also want to get my header pipes Jet_Hot coated. This is encouraging.
  4. Its interesting how the intellectual crowd continually disparages Bush as a moron and a dumbass when in fact, from a sheer militaristic point of view, the kill ratio in this war has been outstanding. And now that we've adopted Iraq and we're all good buddies I've been thinking that they should send a bunch of dem stinky camel jockeys over here to start a new NFL expansion team. They can call themselves the Baghdad Beheaders.
  5. I just explain to them that I just had the greatest day of my life because I won a brand new Ferrari and therefore I don't need them and their crappy product.
  6. Looks like the perfect product for my '67 "Bastard Stopped Again" A65!
  7. Shoot! I thought that the world's fastest indian was the proprietor of Curry-In-A-Hurry.
  8. All points well taken. The U.S. did have similar difficulties during the Vietnam war era. It was assumed that our superior firepower would easily topple the N.V.A. & Vietcong, but the enemy would never really stand up and fight. It was mostly ambushes and hit & run attacks. Our fighters weren't used to urban/guerrilla style warfare. I can only surmise that the reason terrorist/rogue regimes never manage to gain a foothold anywhere is because they don't know $hit about what it takes to run a country. If one looks beyond their vile & sleazy tactics then one will quickly realize that they're nothing but $m@ll b@lled p@thetic c@ndy @$$e$.
  9. Maybe I'm a sheep in wolf's clothing that doesn't deserve either liberty or security, or even pu$$y for that matter. Who knows? I've always felt that along with freedom comes responsiblity. It doesn't mean that one is free to punch someone in the nose because maybe they wear their hat a little sideways, but if someone is deliberately planning/attempting to hurt Americans then I don't want them here. Its pretty cut & dry. I don't mind paying taxes for guns & bombs either. Its not much of a sacrifice for being able to live in one of the most diverse countries on the planet. I don't think that diplomacy is an effective negotiating tool when you're dealing with terrorists. Overwhelming violence is!
  10. I had a dealer install my X-over when I was having the bike serviced. I think its a Ferracci piece if I'm not mistaken. It doesn't have any bracketing on it like the Stucchi. Its sounds nice and looks almost as good as Eva Longoria.
  11. Nice LeMans! How does she run with dem pods?
  12. That story kinda reminds me of the time I went to a nightclub in NYC with my friend (an off duty state trooper from NJ) and the guy at the door asked us if we were carrying any weapons. My buddy's like "Yeah, I've got a gun" and within seconds theres all these 6'5" gorillas surrounding us. Once he explained that he was an off duty trooper and is required to carry a weapon everything was cool, but those first few moments were a little tense. This was pre-9/11, but with regard to the heightened security measures that are commonplace now it really doesn't bother me all that much. Then again I'm a f---in' neo-con at heart!
  13. Is the install straightforward with the manics?
  14. How are those Rhino-Moto bar ends secured into the Guzzi bars?
  15. I'm interested in buying a used seat that will fit a '02 LeMans. I don't care about aesthetics as long as the pan is in good shape.
  16. That is a beauty! This isn't authentic, but its pretty.
  17. C'mon, we all know that German bikes are the sexiest.
  18. Spotted @#$$#! in a doggie bag must be like heaven. Oops, that should have read: Sponge pudding in a doggie bag must be like heaven.
  19. So, Antonio -- Johnny Thunders is NOT dead?
  20. ...or Dioxin, Paraquat and Billy beer.
  21. The guy must be some kind of hardass.
  22. The wrinkle paint on my '02 LeMans is all bubbly and blistered, but I didn't feel like waiting for ten months to have the cases replaced. I'd much rather ride instead!
  23. What a great place to park a bicycle!
  24. The bullshit?
  25. Beautiful guzzi music!
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