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Everything posted by quazi-moto

  1. I have to agree with Nog. I'd rather hear 'em than cook 'em!
  2. Middle ground would be: Intake: .006 Exhaust: .008
  3. Well, I received the My15M, but it didn't work so I contacted Cliff and he sent me a fix for it. I haven't had a chance yet to try the fix since I'm a little hardware challenged at the moment. I either have to get my hands on a laptop or a really long network cable that I can run out the window and onto the sidewalk so I'm stuck for the moment. In the meantime I tried something just for the heck of it. When I replaced the TPS with the Harley type sensor I left the PCIIIusb unit connected, never bothering to try the new TPS with the stock ECU. After a failed attempt with the My15M unit I decided to leave the Power Commander disconnected from the stock ECU. Just for sh*tz 'n' grinz I took the bike out for a ride and lo & behold it ran better without the PCIII. Steady tickover, good pull in the low RPM range and no surging or missing between 3500-4000 RPM. It runs better than when it was new! I took a voltage reading off the old TPS before I removed it and it was only showing about 400mv at idle. When I installed the new 'Harley' version I set the base voltage (butterflies closed) at 150mv and adjusted the right butterfly until I obtained a reading of about 510mv. For some reason I didn't even think of running the bike with just the stock ECU until now. I can't believe how much better it runs. If the My15M is even better than I will be one happy Guzzi owner! I'll post results ASAP.
  4. I almost always have to cut the bars a few times to get my '02 LeMans to start so I'll have to pull my tank as well and tidy up those connections. My bike starts with kickstand in either position, eez dees normal?
  5. I already switched mine to the Harley style TPS. The stock unit didn't go south, but I wanted to try the Harley unit with its slightly different voltage curve. It definitely helped the bottom end, but I still have a lean area in the mid range. I was just curious if you were running the Harley type TPS and if so, with any degree of success. Sounds like you're doin' okay with it. I never take mine to redline so that won't be an issue for me. I don't usually rev mine past 6K, maybe occasionally, but I don't think I've ever revved it past 7K.
  6. LeMans w/Staintunes=Peterbilt w/Jakebrake
  7. I had a sticky throttle problem after I rode my bike to a dealership in the rain and then it sat at the dealership for a couple of weeks. After I got the bike serviced it seemed okay at first, but one day it started sticking. It was hanging between shifts, wouldn't return to idle at lights, etc. I thought that the TPS was crapping out or something. At one point I was coming down a real serpentine hill with nasty tar strips all over the road and the throttle was stuck way open! I clamped hard on the binders and damned near soiled my undergarments that day. Later on a liberal application of WD40 had it back to normal. The throttle shaft on the left hand TB had gotten really sticky. I guess the ride in the rain and extended period of sitting afterwards was the culprit.
  8. Are you running the Harley style TPS unit with your current setup?
  9. I'll try calling Bonnie for the spring, but does anyone have a P/N for the ratchet arm?
  10. When she puts on her BVD's it spells Boulevard.
  11. Yes, but no shipping to U.S.
  12. What are the P/N's for the updated components?
  13. Well Cliff, you might still be hearing from me soon. If I won't need a dyno tune with the My15M, will I be needing the Optimizer? I'm not being sarcastic either, I just want to get this Guzzi to run like it should.
  14. I've got 7500 miles on my '02 with original spring. Should I be getting concerned?
  15. My stock BT020's don't seem to be worth camelpoop in the rain. Hitting the brakes is asking for a nice slide in the rain!
  16. I bought my bike new in April of '02 and it ran kinda funky even when it was completely stock. I had a dealer do the lash adjustment when I had it serviced. In hindsight I guess I should have requested the Euro settings, but the top end is more "clackety" now than it was before. Without the PCIII it would probably run like a lame dog with the exhaust and intake mods that I've done. After the dealer "tweaked" my map I still had to override the mid-range settings and richen it up with the faceplate buttons. The dealer cited a whole plethora of possible causes ranging from battery/charging system, fuel pressure, TPS sensor, air temp sensor, etc. The whole thing is that the bike runs pretty darn good before its fully warmed up leading me to believe that once the temp sensor on the head reports back to the ECU that things are up to operating temp then good ole Mr. ECU leans out the map. Only too much! I replaced the TPS with the Harley style unit which helped the low end quite a bit, but it hasn't cleared up the mid-range surging that's driving me nuts. I like everything else about this bike (except the front tire) and I hope to get it sorted out soon. I think I'll try the dyno session before I give up on the PCIII. I wonder how it would run with the Titanio ECU and PCIII?
  17. Thanx Ratch! I've got a few odds & ends to tidy up on the bike so I'll be looking at those connectors ASAP.
  18. How much looser are the world spec settings? The slight decrease in duration and lift along with slight increase of overlap really makes that much difference? I balanced the TB's with a TwinMax unit and they're spot on from idle pretty much all the way up to 5K. I didn't rev it higher than that while checking. I live fairly close to an approved DynoJet facility so I might still go for the dyno tune before I spring for the My15M. My current map was "modded" with arbitrary guesswork. My Staintunes are all sooty at the back, my mileage is about 28 MPG and the bike still leans out around 3500-4000 RPM.
  19. There's been a lot of talk on this forum about the lean area in the mid-range on these bikes. I've got an '02 LeMans with some mods (FBF intake, X-over, Staintunes and PCIII) and I also replaced the TPS with the Harley version. There's a custom map in the PCIII and I also had a dealer "tweak" the map, but they didn't put it on a dyno. I still have that lean area between 3500-4000RPM (approx.) and my next move will either be a dyno session or a change to the My15M ECU. Some have suggested just keeping the revs higher, but I don't find that to be a very good or convenient solution. I don't care for the surging and coughing at cruising speeds and I want to get this sorted out properly. The bike used to run worse actually! It would die at lights and sputter & spit at low RPM. The PCIII, TPS sensor and careful balancing of the TB's helped cure some of these ills, but its still not ideal fuel delivery IMHO.
  20. The Strada rear has no tread in the center. Pirelli claims that the Strada front tire "squee-gee's" out enough water that the rear tire has a clear path to run through.
  21. Some folks like it stiff in front and soft in the rear if ya can believe that!
  22. So in other words the Maxton unit is a direct replacement for the stocker?
  23. quazi-moto


    I changed the TPS to the Harley style unit which helped a little in the low RPM range. Okay, maybe I can still get this puppie to run right with the PCIII. I'll look into booking an appointment for a dyno session. The shop I have in mind is an authorized DynoJet tuning center.
  24. I was considering a dyno session for my '02 LeMans, but I'm wondering now if they can completely compensate for that pesky lean mid-range. I've added an FBF intake kit, X-pipe and Staintunes. I had Todd provide me with a map based on similar mods when I bought the PCIIIusb. The bike ran too lean and was spitting, coughing and backfiring. I had a dealer "tweak" it, but the bike still runs like crap between 3500-4000 RPM. Now I'm seriously considering the My15M.
  25. quazi-moto


    I've got a gut feeling that the lean spot in my mid-range won't go away even if I go to a tuning center for a custom map in my PCIII-usb. The MY15M looks like an attractive alternative.
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