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senior rider

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Everything posted by senior rider

  1. Any one know any one discounting Ferracci or Stucchi cross overs? Thanks Jim
  2. Thanks fellows, for some informative advice that is really appreciated. I have decided to go against the manual and mount the tire, arrow pointing in the direction of rotation. Thanks Jim
  3. In the owner's manual on page 94 for my 2000 v11 s, it says the front tire arrow should point against the direction of rotation. I just bought a new pilot power that I need to mount, So I called Michelin and they said they would not mount it with the arrow against the rotation. I tryed to do a search on tire rotation, but no luck. I would like to hear some opinions. Thanks Jim
  4. senior rider

    Dead ECU

    Need a dead I.5 ECU. Thanks Jim
  5. I recently purchased a 2000 V11 Sport, and joined your very informative forum. I will soon be doing something about the ECU thing, flat spot between 4 and 5000 RPM. My question is, has anyone opened up a stock cross over to see what the restriction is? I'm a retired welder, and I'm comfortable modifying ex pipes. A picture would be really nice. Thanks Jim
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