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Everything posted by docc

  1. 277 mile/ 447 km shakedown ride for the South'n SpineRide nine weeks out. Trying to sort the high-end Garmin sat-nav that remains an aggravation. Slow rolling through a town at around 3,000 rpm, I kept feeling a blast of air against my left knee every time she stumbled. Sometimes we replace the intake boots just because they look cracked, but aren't really split. This split was obvious and didn't look anything like the common, worrisome cracks - 13 years/ 62,000 mile/100.000 km . . .
  2. @hammershaug, very simple to loosen the connection nut for the oil return line at the sump and rotate the AN fitting/line to deflect the line away from the exhaust, then tighten the nut to hold the line in place. It might be helpful to "groom" the line along the gearbox behind the starter for the best routing . . .
  3. Hmm, no image for me, again. What's up with that?
  4. She still has some mighty big paws to grow into!
  5. "Get There. Bring Tools."
  6. That is a very pretty thing! (Seems you might consider loosening the connection of the oil return line to the sump and rotate it away from the contact with the exhaust and re-tighten to hold it closer to the gearbox.)
  7. Yeah, there are some pretty pictures in that book. Yet, true, it is laced with disappointing inaccuracies.
  8. Yeah, man, I've been saying all along that a SpineRaid happens when more than one SpineFrame get parked next to one another. Several times we have come close to seeing a Surfin' SpineRaid in SoCal. Maybe a Seattle SpineRaid? Get you PNW/SoWestCANADA SpineRaiders together?
  9. The bassman is not allowed to do that . . . .
  10. Oil oil oil Can't do with out it Oil oil oil It's misunderstood... Pretty sure that is actually the chorus . . .
  11. Some live in cold areas, some live in hot. Some open the throttle, some do not. Is there a second verse?
  12. You can expect the warmest welcome!
  13. I remember how revealing it was at the very first South'n SpineRaid, 2004. Just four V11, but what comparisons and discoveries: 2000 V11 Sport, 2002 V11 LeMans, 2003 V11 red Ballabio, and 2004 black LeMans. What is most amazing? Three of those four V11 riders still come back to the SSR, two on the same V11 . . .
  14. I keep writing >docc's notes< right and left, north and south, even across borders! Y'all come now, ya hear? It is going to be very interesting to compare various V11, their changes, owners' improvements, and outcomes. Not too late to roll in from Varsseveld @Admin Jaap . . .
  15. docc

    V-11 tenni

    Heh, yes - corrected my year reference to "2001" - thanks! This is, after all, what the South'n SpineRaid has been all about. With the best of good fortune, there will be a fine selection of V11 to admire and compare at this Seventeenth SSR. Even this fine fellow's Rosso Mandello? (Mr. PennAdam) . . .
  16. What with the surprising results I got from simply cleaning my leaking fork seals, I added this to The Checklist . . . [edit June 2022: This lasted 5,000 miles/ 8.000 km before having to repeat. Surprisingly good outcome!]
  17. docc

    V-11 tenni

    The RM (Rosso Mandello) of [corrected]: 2001 had a different, smoother, finish than the 2002 V11s and did not fail like the “wrinkle” paint.
  18. That is delicious! More, please!!
  19. I've really been enjoying the new format of the American Motorcyclist Association magazine with Mitch Boehm as editor. This month, they feature the 50th anniversary of the Bruce Brown documentary film "On Any Sunday." Evidently, it has been remastered and prepared to re-release onto "big screens" on a limited basis. Somehow, I missed this in 1971 and came to the Magic of Motorcycling rather late. I'm guessing many of you know about this epic film already. The closing musical score is moving, of itself . . .
  20. docc

    V-11 tenni

    I have never heard of a Tenni, or a Scura, without the paint (and flywheel) issues. If anyone has one with the later satin (not "wrinkle-flake") driveline paint, this would be a great place to post! I have been immensely impressed with folks' efforts to correct these issues. Neither are easy tasks (especially the paint thing).
  21. Yeah, that ain't right. I'll defer to the experts here. Maybe the LocTite will be adequate (pretty sure the Green is correct for that application). Any signs that the outer bearing race was rotating in the housing? Did you measure the length of the internal wheel bearing spacer?
  22. I learned (from the learned) that beating a bearing out unevenly, especially repeatedly, can oval or expand the housing area. Ideally, a puller should be used. And the freeze/heat method to extract and install along with a clean, greased surface for the bearing to capture within. Just how easily did the new bearing slide in? Like "finger tight?" As in you can stick a finger in it and pull it back out?
  23. Those fasteners don't come out willingly, typically requiring replacement. I suppose someone has been in there before you . . . Isn't there a "LocTite" type product specifically for anchoring that sort of bearing to race surface? It's the "Green," yes?
  24. docc

    Fly Screen

    Have you checked directly with Stucchi Luigi? (Although I am not finding the V11 fairing on their website . . .O https://officinestucchi.it/en/
  25. I saw @Kostarika gave a like to this image in @Baldini's "Show us your Tontis!" thread, and thought: Yeah! This what a Spine Raid is like . . . Can't wait!!
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