Now this is beginning to really piss me off.
My Sport used to melt its 30 amp "regulator/ charging" ATC fuse in its fuse block without "blowing the fuse." So, I added an external holder and it did the same thing. So, I modified the holder, improved the connections and it burned off one of the blades. Still without "blowing" the fuse.
So, I soldered in the MAXI fuse holder in 2008 and all has been well. Until today, looking into a failed turn signal flasher, I noticed the case of the 30 amp MAXI "Smart" fuse had opened up slightly. I couldn't pull it out by hand, so carried on with our ride until I got home.
Took some electrical cleaner, electrician's pliers, and a good deal of force to extract the fuse. All melted and burned up. Still without "blowing" the fuse.