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Everything posted by docc

  1. What!? No bridges over the bay and swooping interstate ramps?
  2. Can anyone "read" the differences in the Titanium map?
  3. Thanks for the tips. I think we should try and support these folks. I hope you can hook up with us again this year!
  4. I'd like to check out the Farmhouse this year. I heard they took over the accessory trade after Mike shut down his Motorcycle Outfitters. I thought the TAT started up along the Kentucky border in Jellico?
  5. I kept hitting the rev limiter (no tach) and finally just left in sixth gear - it didn't mind a bit ( all "crank"). A few weeks later I rode the Guzzi Cali 1400 - still a cruiser, but more engaging motor, better brakes, and more inspiring handling. Not my kind of bikes, but they certainly epitomize the "torque" side of the comparison. Some time ago, I rode a Triumph Speed Triple. The howling horsepower experience haunts me yet.
  6. Also remove and inspect the 30 amp regulator fuse looking for signs of high heat, melting, or charring. Be certain the battery terminals are well tight. Finally, remove the alternator cover and inspect the two yellow wires leading from the stator coils for broken strands.
  7. For typical day-to-day road riding, I might say the contrast becomes a matter of proclivity, perhaps even mood, of the rider. While the V11 doesn't care to be lugged along like, say, the (new) Indian Chief twin, it has a lovely, satisfying pull from about where the Indian leaves off. Equally, the V11 will never be a screamer in the rev ranges pioneered by Honda with small, light engine parts where the motor has to be kept on the boil at all times (my old '93 VFR comes to mind). Yet, when the mood strikes, the V11 can be 'brought to song' in that 6500-redline range - 'on the cam', as it were. Best of both worlds? A fine blend, I'd say, and quite up to my day's whim or the delight of the road at hand. Not long ago, I read a journalist's description of a motor being "all cam and no crank" as describing a high-revving horsepower maker. I'm likely more in the "crank over cam club," yet it's good fun to ride the V11 along the margins of the Venn Diagram that blends those sensations. Perhaps a part of its (somewhat) mystical character, some days she is thrilled to Tango and others quite ready to skydive. Let your proclivity prevail!
  8. What a sweet brace of Guzzis! I absolutely love the black CaliVin! Just waiting for one to appear on my doorstep like an abandoned baby . . . What is it like, the difference between riding them?
  9. Speedhut is my go-to plan. 23,944 miles on my third Veglia. Angle drives: TNTC (Too Numerous To Count).
  10. So, if you change anything at air-intake or exhaust and you wanna get maximum out of the engine you have to remap. Gunther Guzzidiag/Tunerpro may be a better approach than PowerCommander?
  11. Sheesh . . . you couldn't sugar coat that even a little bit? The burning question will become: will the electronic alternatives really outlast the Italian clocks? (My series of busted Veglias have outlasted the series of Garmin Zumos)
  12. Early effort to comply with various highway regulations (perhaps only in the US?) Apparently, the more recent solution for this issue is the removable "dB Killers" making the owner/operator responsible for the usage. It was a real bummer to pick up my Sport with its new cf (Mistral) cans and discover these tags riveted on which were not pictured in the "catalogue" images.
  13. One of the great things about this topic is how it invites comparisons, like between two and four strokes, Guzzi and Honda, dynos and seat-of-the-pants. My little Honda GB500 is a good example compared to the "classic" British singles of the same displacement. With four valves and typical Honda engineering, the GB is best "on the cam" at some higher rpm than the lower rpm "power" of the two-valve classics. True to the Honda idiom, it is not at all about "grunt." I love it just the same, but am probably more of a "grunt" rider/driver . . . Oh, and that Honda Kool-Aid? Red indeed. " Ride Red ! "
  14. Just for the record: It is NOT ok to sell your V11 and NOT advise the new owner to logon to V11LeMans.com. Just saying' . . .
  15. As Czakky sez: it'll get better and better every time you tune it! Setting the CO requires software (guzzidiag) and cabling (an adapter cable and a OBD/FTDI to USB). Setting the TPS is best done with a "breakout harness." My three cables cost me $75US. guzzidiag is free! (Thank you Beard/Paul Minnaert/Meinolf!) Start with the TPS baseline setting. Replacing the Torx fasteners on the TPS with proper hex drives makes life better. ("Changing the fasteners to standard hex drives simplifies the process (4mm/0.7 thread pitch x 17mm long")
  16. That's really special V11 . . .
  17. +1! It is really important that your valves are adjusted, fresh plugs, and the CO has been "zeroed." Make sure there are no vacuum leaks (like a missing cap on the vacuum taps), and it is fairly critical to set the baseline mV on the TPS with a fully closed throttle plate (the RH screw has lots of metal to seat in, so just back it out until it no longer protrudes from the front of the boss). Remember, the cold start "high idle" mechanism can foul the right throttle as well. Really dirty throttle plates and air bypass screw tips can mess with your idle, so clean these well and try the screws out a full turn.
  18. Easy: look for Goozies
  19. Great to hear, man! I hope they didn't bust your Chianti cork - we'll have to come up with another!
  20. +1 . . . adjust the valves, zero the CO trim with guzzidiag, fresh plugs, set the TPS and balance the throttle bodies. Magic! Thanks for sharing the adventure! Sweet looking LeMans!
  21. Wait . . . what? In the 2012 SSR Tech Session we demonstrated the technique for carrying a full case of ale in the Tekno panniers. Brilliant! (til your early subframe tabs come from together! ) I figure a proper Daytona tow rig should be able to haul an entire keg, perhaps even a vat . . .
  22. Man, I'm actually quite glad you're trailering your Daytona to the Spine Raid - more room for great beer (which you obviously have a taste for!)! You could earn a Special Designation . . .
  23. Someone recently wished me the "luck of the Irish." I thought that was not so good. Instead, BFG, take all the luck from us with you! The luck from here in Tennessee is pretty darn good!
  24. Wow, this stands to be a classy event. Could be a first!! (If some scruffy dude with a ponytail says he's there to valet park your Daytona, DO NOT give him your keys! )
  25. At first I thought, "A $300 light bulb!" But, hey, it's a two pack!
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