DL, having had four Hondas, and this "other" bike, let me encourage you to groom and clean all the connectors you run across on your Guzzi. Be certain you have a fresh AGM battery with tight connections (all of the grounding in this harness goes back to the battery).
True, the instrument lights do not go through a relay; only the ignition switch and fuse 6 on a circuit with the tail light. (it's not acting up as well?). The instrument bulbs in the white face Veglias have a reputation for loosing their ground through their sockets. Search for the fix in Tech Topics (it's not that hard to take care of).
Still, the relays are a good idea.
In short: fresh battery, new relays, clean connectors, RedLine fluids, tune-up from the TPS thread pinned on the Tech Topics forum - great garage project for a Kansas winter! Then, the more you run it the happier your electrons will be!
Compared to the Hondas, I expect you will "get to know" this *other* bike better!