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Everything posted by docc

  1. I found the Arai to be ' head and shoulders' above the Shoei which was a real nat catcher. The Arai is lighter too. The little Stucchi flyscreen really cleans up the airflow. I usually don't like windshields but it seems to clean up turbulence around the instrument pod. If you look, the naked instruments angle forward perhaps contributing to some lift at those Seattle freeway speeds. When I grow up I'm getting one of Goren's fighter pilot helmets in case I have to bail out in the northern Swedish jungle.
  2. I can't imagine that there is something about a V11S/LM that someone on this site hasnt experienced and shared. Sure there is plenty about the gearbox that is suspect. After all, isn't this Guzzi's first new gearbox in decades? We'd be dreamin' to think it'd be perfect from the start. But what to recall? Return springs, front and rear seals, neutral indexer, heat treatment on the gears, cases that crack? Maybe that olive oil based sealant they were using between the cases? But pushrods? I haven't heard that one before. Soft valves, yeah, but what's with the pushrods?
  3. This is completely true. The only difference i noticed was in the low beam.
  4. My clutch also changed its tune after the gearbox was removed and replaced. Since then I've ridden it 10,000 miles and gotten used to the new sounds. The change worried me at first.
  5. docc


    Not only will my keyboard not do that , I'm having trouble getting my mouth to do it. I'm assuming this is the same for "Goran" and , perhaps, even for "Opel?" And then ( to we isolated Americans), one the great V11LeMans forum mysteries: How does one pronounce "Jaap?"
  6. docc


    Mike, Thanks for the feedback. I know there are several of us who are watching your results to make a more informed decision on suspension changes. I'm hearing "Ohlins." So, where are you setting the sag on the Ohlins?
  7. docc


    Mike, Right you are on the pivot distances 20CM vs 40CM. I'm surprised the Penske is shorter. Is the Ohlins longer overall, raising the ride height?
  8. docc


    Awright, Warren! What're you up to? You're fitting a 50's style dustbin fairing? Or a telelever suspension?
  9. Good news! Hardly anyone ever gets huffy on this board. We are such a quiet tasteful group. When I first picked up my Sport with the Guzzi CF Mistrals they had those sweet little "off road only" plaques on them. We had alot of fun with it in one of the threads. Honest, Occifer, I've been keeping the little plaques off the road ever since. I'll bet the Ferraccis will never get you pulled over by themselves. But, I wonder (just to complicate matters), who makes the Ferracci pipes?
  10. docc


    Paul, I'm wishing I do have more travel. The 2000 sales brochure states the 64mm "stroke". But my Sachs is lying on the bench and I am mesuring the stroke until the 'bumper' is hit: 32 mm . Also, my swingarm is off the bike and I measure the distance from the pivot to axle: 40 mm . Pivot to shock mount ~20 mm. This ratio makes me believe the axle travel is two times the stroke of the shock. (This is for 2000 sport). So, what gives?
  11. docc


    The plot thickens: The front travel is 120 mm . The rear is only 64mm. The stroke of the shock is 1/2 of the axle travel ( 32 mm). The shop manual specifies spring preload of 11mm. (This is an open book quiz)
  12. I thought all the parts on a motorcycle ought to be 'off road" except for the rubber parts.
  13. So if they look like Ferraccis and they sound like Ferraccis . . . . ?
  14. docc


    Drat! Does it show?? Here I thought I picked all this crap up from reliable sources (all of you).
  15. Are you sure your highly modified clip-on postion is not the culprit? Also, having moved the clip-ons, be sure the cables hve proper free play.
  16. Now, Bill, you have us all hungry for a photo so that we might all know . . . .
  17. docc


    Suspension set-up is a black art. Largely because we stay up all hours of the night messing with it. And because of what it can do to you if you get it all out of sorts. I've always heard 25% sag (preload) of total travel (bike + rider) for a sporty street bike. This assumes your spring is right for your weight. Now, I was under the impression that the wheel travel was substantaially more than the shock travel. As in 4 inches of wheel travel to 2 inches of shock travel. Such that we are looking for movement of the shck plunger about 1 inch .
  18. Al is right about the disassembly. The lamp will come apart to remove the low beam guard. After receiving my warranty replacement I was immediately impressed with a fuller more focused beam. When mine craps out again I think I'll try to fit a unit from the V-rod. Kind of an MV Brutale look.
  19. True. I must of confused the driver of the BMW when he rolled down his window to look at me lying in the road after the low side bounced the Sport off his air dam. "You OK?" says he. " Nah," says I, " the preload's too high to compensate for the soft springs and the damping's noncompliant."
  20. Some oils are much more susceptible to heat evaporation. Castrol is pretty good and the synthetics are least prone to vaporization. (clandestine oil-thread hi-jack )
  21. I guess i got the idea of venting above the head from the old Brit-bike guys (or the Brit-bike old guys) who'd run a 5/8" tube out under the tail cowl. Works great on my single which, like the big twin, makes a lot of crank case pressure. The positive vacuum of the connction to the airbox probably scavenges the crank case better but makes little difference in the real world.
  22. I'm jazzed! You've had this bike two weeks and you're having this much fun ? What's a Guzzi for? The tube from the frame is your crankcase vent. As long as the tube stays above the heads it can vent to atmosphere. It may mist oil a bit especially if you run high rpm. K&N and others make a neat little element to clamp on the end of the tube. Hey, what did you other "box eliminators" ('pod jockeys') do with your crankcase vent? The electric connection is for the ambient air temperature sensor which can be zip tied in the airstream. It's probably smart to mount it clear of engine heat sources so it can read true ambient air temperature. I think Al or Carl have a thread on this(?).
  23. docc

    Oil leaks

    Search some of the old threads in this forum for gearbox leaks. Lots of discussion on this. Seems like *everywhere* is a common place for the 6-speeds to leak. Seriously, several places have been noted including front seals, rear seals, sealing surfaces and the side cover where the shift plate shafts penetrate. Good luck and let us know how it turns out!
  24. I wish I could say I've seen a Scura. Nor can I find picture of one. I think the fairings may actually differ a bit. The Guzzi accessory screen (made by Stucchi Luigi in Mandello) is fiberglass, body color and flat black on the inside. For a decent picture go to: http://www.dansguzzi.com/fly.htm]dansguzzi.com[/url] Is the Scura shield carbon fiber?
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