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Everything posted by rda

  1. rda


  2. rda


    I *REALLY* do not believe this. Just took the V11 out for petrol to save time on Wednesday and it has broken down *AGAIN*. Same symptoms as last time and has already been to the dealers 3 times for this fault. I give up, time to get rid of the Guzzi, looks like the ZX9 will be going to the NW200 again :s
  3. The North West 200 is next weekend and I was wondering if anyone else from these parts is going ? I see that it clashes horribly with a Guzzi doo, but for me the NW is a pilgrimage I'm heading from Troon - Larne on Thursday morning and coming back on Sunday afternoon Larne - Cairnryan. I am so excited, even looks like the Guzzi will make it this year; last time I think she was a little wary of the crossing so broke down 2 weeks before !
  4. My V11 Sport
  5. rda

    HELP !

    Ok just took it round the block a few times, a run of maybe 2 miles or so and everything seemed fine. Left it idling when I got back, just for a few mins, went to blip the throttle and "phut" it conked out again. Restarted ok then cut out again, then failed to start with the starter spinning it up fine. Waited a few mins and it started on the button and seemed to run fine again. Definatley seems to be a problem when its warmed up. I put a meter on the battery and got 13.4V when running, dropping to 10.5V when on the starter. Dunno if that helps or not tho :/ Ross
  6. rda

    HELP !

    If I get that right, "its a Guzzi, do some spannering, drink lots, look on the bright side and enjoy" Pity its more like- its broke again, drink beer, do some spannering, go for a ride, its broke again, drink beer - repeat till clinically insane.
  7. rda

    HELP !

    Hi Pete, cheer for the advice mate, but the original relays have already been changed for sealed units. I did try swapping their positions but it seemed to make no difference. I think after all the trouble I have had with this bike I realise why it only had 5k miles on it when I bought it Its getting bad, im looking at Hondas for sale !
  8. rda

    HELP !

    Hi guys, I find myself in a bit of a bike related dilemma again. After removing the dodgy alarm which seemed to cure the erratic stalling, the fuel pump went "phut". Since that was replaced the bike managed a 400mile round trip without complaint, now though I just took it out for a run with the SO on the back. We made it around 8 miles before the beast just stopped as if the kill switch had been pressed. It failed to restart even though the starter was turning fine and I could hear the fuel pump getting up to pressure. After checking all the fuses and relays I tried the starter again and it started. All seemed well on the way back till I started to give it some beans then it was backfiring and intermittently cutting out, then died again. Same procedure as before only this time when it did start it was rough and coughing till it died. However after leaving it for 10mins or so it started up again and managed to get us the last few miles back, seemingly fine. To me it would seem like some sort of overheating problem, but I dont really have a clue to be honest. Can anyone offer any advice? Im due to go to the NW200 in Northern Ireland in 2 weeks time and I wil be working away from home almost solidly till then. If I have a clue whats wrong I can throw it to a garage and hope they can sort it in due time. Thanks guys. Ross
  9. Hi Guys, just thuoght I would give a wee update on the fuel pump. Went to the BMW parts shop in Glasgow http://www.gsfcarparts.com/ and picked up an erstklassig fuel pump. Part number B18115, equivalent to Bosch 0580464070. When I seen the equivalent number at the shop I told the assistant that this is not the Bosch part number I asked them to cross-reference. After a bit of head scratching he told me that it eventually does cross-reverence to the Bosch 0580464048. I have no idea what the differences may be. But it works the beast is back on the road and to celebrate I even gave it a wash & polish. Boy it sounds *lovely* with the Mistral X-over and the Ti Oval cans The pump came to £85 inc VAT. Updated avatar piccy as old one was alittle out of date. Next mod may be a small flyscreen.
  10. I managed to locate a local BMW car parts specialist who can get the part in for me tomorrow. He did seem quite bemused that I wanted a fuel pump from an old 7 series German car for my 2001 Italian motorcycle as advised by an Americain gent. Total is around £90, much better than the $370 (approx £180) or so for a Guzzi part. I will let you guys know how I get on with it. Thanks for all your help
  11. Thanks for all your help so far guys. I can confirm the pump is blown as I'm getting a dead short between the terminals Here's to the summer
  12. Hi guys, after the bike being laid up whilst I removed the alarm (seemed to be causing a huge amount of trouble, engine cutting out when indicating, alarm self arming etc). I finally got the bike back together and it fired up fine - ran for a few mins and then cut out I foud that the fuel pump fuse had blown, and so did the replacement I put in, bugger. Anyway I have the pump out and indeed it will blow the fuses if I put it back in so I think its dead. What I am looking for is somewhere to find a replacement. On reading this article http://www.mgnoc.com/article_external_guzzi_fuel_pumps.html it seems all the fuel pumps may be similar. Can anyone confirm this before I end up with a useless Volvo pump The old pump has markings E8308 MFG Date 074 12Volts Max PSI 125 and nothing to suggest a manufacturer. Im in the UK looking out at a fantastic day with my bike in bits Any help would be great, I would not be happy if I missed the NW200 this year
  13. rda

    Great service !

    Just like to say that I had fantastic service from Dan @ http://www.dpguzzi.com/ with regards to new relays for my V11 sport. He sent out 5 sealed relay thingys as per his website, BEFORE I paid him and they arrived in only a couple of days. On closer inspection the relays he sells even *feel* vastly superior to the Siemens units, are sealed to the elements and all for peanuts. 5 relays plus shipping from USA - UK for $16 and a few cents, my local dealer wanted approx $13 EACH (by way of my rough exchange rate calculations) So thanks to Dan for the great service Still think its the damn solenoid that stops her starting mind
  14. Thanks for the information and the photos. Its all seeming more clear now Regards Ross
  15. Thanks for that If its ok will you could I send your photo to my dealer to proove that im not demented?
  16. Im still having no luck over here. I have spoken to two dealers and one Guzzi parts specialist and none can find a part to do what I want. None have even heard of this being done on a V11 without purchasing a specialist high level exhaust and removing the rear pegs Looks like im stuffed, although I have ordered the 1100i hangers from reeboot spares just in case.
  17. rda

    Hi :)

    Heh thats funny, my bike is originally from your side of the border, just. Registered from Borders Bikes, Berwick upon Tweed.
  18. rda

    Hi :)

    Aye, I think the previous owner was scared of the rain, she only has 5k miles on her. Either that or he could never get her started Cheers Oh I intend to ride her, already booked up for the NW200 in Northern Ireland 2007 and brought her home during the first sleet of the year. Brrrrrrrrrr Cheers Guy, I fully intend to get that sorted ASAP. A mate was a member before his Le Mans blew its head off Poor soul now has an SV650 - hes jealous as hell of my new toy, just a pity hes a shortarse and cannot ride the newer Guzzis.
  19. rda

    Hi :)

    Thanks, Ill quite gladly take the credit for them, even though I had nothing to do with the painting and had no idea that they are not standard
  20. Thanks for the info, do you know of a supplier for the kit? Cheers Ross Thanks for the link and the info - if I cant find a kit as Paul mentions above, then I may buy the hangers seperatley and see what I can bodge together in the garage Oh I can hardly wait till my Mistral Ti ovals get here Regards Ross
  21. Hi guys, I have seen a few photos of V11 Sports on here with upswept exhausts. It looks fab! Apparently thye way to achieve this is to install the hangers from an 1100i so I mentioned this to my dealer for him to order me the hangers. Unfortunatley he assuerd me (from looking at these 2 models already in his workshop) that the hangers are not interchangeable. I would *really* like to have this done, so can someone please confirm what is required and maybe send some closeup photos of the new hangers in place. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks Ross
  22. rda

    Hi :)

    I've been the proud owner of a 2001 V11 Sport now for 3 days And already have found you guys (from googling like mad) in trying to sort out its starting problem; from the forum posts it would appear to be those bloody relays Anyway I'm already planning some nice mods to her, Mistral Ti ovals and Stuchhi bellypan are already on their way - closely followed by some decent relays ! I hope to one day be able to offer others the benefit of my advice, but for now at least I will be the one asking all the stupid questions Oh and Hello from chilly Scotland ! Ross
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