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Richard Z

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Everything posted by Richard Z

  1. Richard Z

    Richard Z

  2. Spit take at pinocchio.... Thats funny... Gonna talk to the Girlfriend....LOL BTW here is mine. Have it under my scar from the barbed wire fence that I went through in 2006.. Long story but it include a car being in my lane in a curve and head on...
  3. The V11 Bassa is Home.. Looks good next to the Duc.
  4. More than there are in the USA. In another couple years we will be able to get them.. Since we will be under Dictatorship like Cuba..LOL
  5. Trojan! Local convenience store... Sorry couldn't help myself..LOL
  6. I think John Cougar said it best... "Hurts So Good"
  7. When Mark and I talked. I was going to take the stock seat and he would keep the custom seat.
  8. That Black is Purty... Good on ya keeping the Lemans... The Bassa has Mistrals on it with the FBF crossover. I'm keeping the bike intact as it sits in the picture. Mark may have a spare seat after the deal is done this weekend. I think the picture has the custom seat done by Rick. I requested the stock...
  9. Its come time to change my riding style... Due to my leg injury, It's come time to change motorcycles.. Not that I don't like my Sport. I'm just scared of dropping it with my lady riding with me. I still have my Ducati Paul Smart for sport riding. But I needed something a little easier and comfortable for the 2 of us. I traded the Sport to ChicagoMark on Wildguzzi. He used to have a Centauro and contacted me about trading when he seen my bike available. He has this beautiful 2000 Bassa that fell inlove with the first time I seen it.I already have the Duc and couldn't afford buying something.. Beside's the damn garage is almost full. 2000 Bassa
  10. Thank God there wasn't a woman involved.. Unless she was being dragged behind the Corsa.. That would be OK....
  11. I purchased this 1979 GS1000 in 1984. After a major accident on it in 1989 I rebuilt it as a bracket race bike. In 1992 I leaned it aagainst the Folks woodpile. 17 years later. I went and got it.. Trying to see what to do with it. I've found a new rear fender and Harley Seat. But Guess what was sitting in the corner... If only it was about 3 inches shorter in length.... That V11 sport tank would look awesome. But somehow I think I'll go back to the Suzuki Tank...
  12. Crocker taillight They needed something to take away from that hideous license plate....
  13. Its relatively easy to do and easier to mess up the threads for the swingarm pins... Do one side at a time and use lots of support blocks etc on a level surface. Don't try to do it on a side stand.... I did mine. Went from gray to red....
  14. I think they told me the check was in her mouth. Or maybe I'm mixed up....
  15. Ok, I think its there now... All 3 of the bikes won awards. European Stock. Ducati 1st, Triumph 2nd and the Guzzi 4th. A 1999 Jackal took 3rd and a 1972 Ural 5th. My son's TS185 got a top 5 in Classic Pre-84 all makes. The GT250 (which is original paint) didn't get a mention. However, my 5 year old daughters Pit Bike won 1st in its Pocket Rocket Class. 10 total in her class. She was tickled....
  16. I'm impressed.. First year show... Promoter and staff have done a great job.. Well executed and organized. Along with a good atmosphere. I had my reservations about a Bike Show of this size and location (Colliseum Pavillion) but the strategy seems to work.. Lots of Different types of motorcycles. Not overrun with just one style. Huge crowd saturday and the day went fast. My Daughters bike has overshadowed all the other bikes in our group... Next year I'm building a Spongebob Square Pants Theme Bike.. Nevermind its been done and it Hideous... May stick with her Hello Kitty Theme... Maybe a Wiggles Bike... Hmmmm.... Crappy Cell Phone Pics.... Notice the poor attempt at the Italian Flag the way the bikes are parked on the Red Carpet. (Yes, I know the green Bike is British. But don't tell the bike that. It may get an inferiority complex...
  17. If you fly in I can get you tickets...
  18. Finally got a copy of the commercial....
  19. That is my 11year old Son Trent's 1972 Suzuki TS185 Sierra. He restored it at age 9.. He finished his 1973 Suzuki GT250 Hustler a couple months ago. Hmm.. Photobucket isn't working.. I'll post some pics here in a few...
  20. After 16 months in a Rental.. (due to divorce etc) And getting the garage space to where I like it. Looks like the house we want might be available... Long story... Good friend is selling one of his houses... Should know by Monday. Now I have to do this all over again... Well at least the new renter will have 220v, Sealed Floors, sheetrocked and painted walls, cable and surround sound wiring...
  21. Funny you should mention that... I posted the question of a kill tether for my Guzzi and Ducati. Only one person actually had some information or a suggestion. It was the remaining posters without any help that made a political issue... Kettle Meet Pot.. Pot Meet Kettle...
  22. Welcome to the Pussification of Planet Earth.... Guess the Ducati Site is keeping up with current trends... I've been banned. Oh My What will I ever do... Ha Ha...
  23. That would depend on the Recipient....... BTW, I just bought my son the New Tippmann TPX Paintball Pistol.... Very Cool..... He'll be chasing politicians soon enough.. Gotta teach em young......
  24. Here is what the Pussies over at the Ducati Forum posted to my question.... First: If someone wants my bike bad enough to point a gun at me they can have it. That's why I have insurance Next: Exactly. If I get that famous question "Your bike or your life?", I'm tossing the douchenozzle the keys and saying "Careful, it pulls hard after 4k." Getting into a shootout over a bike isn't my idea of fun, and I've rather get a good description to help out the pro's at nabbing the wanker. Not to mention there's usually less paperwork involved when you don't shoot someone. And My response: I had mentioned that Kansas is a CCW State that I participate in. Sooner or later.. Hopefully sooner, We'll be able to shoot thieves for sport..... If you have never been violated by a thief gaining access to your home or your vehicles, from experience, its the most violated feeling I have ever had. 1998 I lost hand guns and tons of property due to a break in. I arrived home and fortunately the thieves were gone. Had I come home sooner while they were in my home, I may have been shot with my own weapon.... (Which were in a safe that was beat open with something large and heavy) I would invite the chance of that ever happening again... The outcome would be much in my favor.... Hey, Don't steal my stuff. You'll have nothing to worry about. There will be one less F&^ker on this planet that will steal yours... Once again, governments, schools and Liberals have turned the population into a bunch of Pussies that won't stand up for themselves. Except more Insurance Premiums for the rest of us.... I WIN!!!!!!
  25. Last year there were 11 Motorcycle jackings in the Wichita KS area. All riders were on their bikes at intersections waiting at lights when they were either forced off physically or by gun point. Here is my question... Anybody ever do a "kill tether" and if so how about a little instruction on how you went about doing it. Which Brand of switch/cord etc. If I'm ever forced off my bike I'll be damned if I get off of it and its still running.... Beside's most of the jackers probably would have a clue why since the key is still in it.... I'm sure its just the matter of mounting the base and splicing into the switch wire. Just Curious...
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