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Everything posted by dlaing

  1. Hey! Who you calling endowed! Springs are pretty inexpensive compared to the thousands that some one percenters spend on upgrades like OHlins Steve is not the first Canadian to suggest that their bike was adequately sprung....could it be that the Canadian bound models came with heavier springs?????? EDIT Brian, did you measure sag with the OE springs? Adding preload and lighter fluid could make it better for little money, but a heavier spring, proper sag and lighter fluid should make it much better. I am also interested in the air spring effect of varying fluid height. To measure the varying effect, you can remove the spring and reassemble with varying fluid levels and seeing how much force is required to bottom the fork. WARNING if fluid level is too high, bottoming will occur on the air cushion and travel will be limited. and if too low, cavitation may occur. I also theorize that you should have just a little more preload on the rebound side.
  2. traxxion is a good place for single rate springs. (allegedly lighter than racetech springs) Ratchethack got some Wilbers progressive springs Most 'experts' go with lighter than 10weight oil in our forks. If you are on a budget, the least you should do is add a longer pre-load spacer.
  3. You must have liked other singers back then:
  4. In some ways it very sad. Obviously it would not be ethical to part out your wife when you get tired of her and the extreme makeover with liposuction, etc. just seems to pricey. Divorce is more ethical. Me, I am married to my machine, and it would take some serious infidelity for me to sell her, and parting her out at this point would be unthinkable. Resurecting her as needed into some Frankenstein Bride...sure thing. But I am obsessed with my machine. Other people might not be, and they may be able to get a lot more money and make a lot of people happy by parting out. I know every car I ever owned I could not sell without taking a great loss. I once shopped around and bought a pickup with 30,000 miles on it for $3000. I thought I got a great deal. I put a $1400 shell on it, drove it 5000 miles, and sold it for $2000 after three months of ads. I suck at sales. I could probably part my 2000 Guzzi with 29,000 miles for about $10,000....but I'd have trouble selling my bike for more than $5000. So, I understand how the part brokers are practical.
  5. $4500!!! That is amazing. Our bikes are so undervalued at the moment. Jackals, Calis and Quotas have fallen much less. This eBay bike went for $6099.99...not bad for such a low mileage bike. When I bought my bike, I first offered one of my local dealers $1000 off MSRP, and he said, no. So, I drove 300 miles and bought mine for $11,000 out the door...which at that time was $2000 off MSRP +++ Five months after I bought it, Guzzi started offering rebates that would have saved me even more. One or two years later and dealers were blowing them out the door for about $3000 off MSRP, which is about where we are now on left over models. I think the devaluation has just about hit bottom, and now only the accumulated miles will depreciate our early models.
  6. I wish I had five grand to spare.(for spares ) $4699 with one hour and thirty minutes left!
  7. I suppose that could also work for disk brakes, although I'd be afraid of weakening a brake disk...
  8. Ah! That is more like it. Somebody has been puffin' some good sh^t
  9. dlaing

    labor rates

    Sonny Angel Motorcycles December 27, 2001 Change oil and filter Change gear oil and rear oil adjust valves change brake fluid change fork oil labor US$337.80 parts US$ 63.86 tax US$ 4.79 total US$406.45 In looking over my bill, I suspect they forgot to add the cost of the fork oil. They charged $50 per hour four years ago, and this job took nearly 7 hours. The same job would take me twice as long to do, so when I work on my bike, I figure I am saving $25 per hour. I guess I got a really good deal, especially considering the cost of living in San Diego. I suspect if you are in some place more expensive like Tokyo, San Francisco, Manhattan, London, or Rome, you are going to pay a lot more. If you are in Little Rock Arkansas, and they charge $75 per hour, I'd be complaining and would find another mechanic.
  10. Very interesting. The CO is much more consistent in the final run than with the 790412 map runs. What might the results be if you set the CO at a straight median of say 4.1 or whatever the median or average is from the final run? Obviously it would not make as much power, but would the bike be more in danger of carbon build-up and or burnt valves?
  11. I like picture 19. It looks like a bunch of pilgrims at the end of their trek, asking the great Guzzi Guru unanswerable questions....like out of a Monty Python skit.
  12. I am still trying to figure out why my front wears on the left and the rear is balanced. I think it was the setup of the Marzocchi Forks. I got some Ohlins forks about two thousand miles ago and the front may be wearing better...but it is too early to tell. The angle of the front tread has a great effect on scalloping. I choose my front tire accordingly, and in my pigheaded opinion, brands that get the angle wrong, SUCK, are CRAP, DO NOT BUY THEM!!!!! But I won't name brand names, this time.... Just watch out for tread that goes like this: \/ \/ \/ (....looking from the front of the bike, and not standing on your head) While front treads that go like this are what you need /\ /\ /\
  13. I am still dubious of the value of four gas analysis, the Tuning Link, and the WBO2. If you look at Derek's chart, the oxygen data is pretty close to being absolutely useless. For all I thought I understood about stoichiometry and ideal power and efficiency, the chart puts holes in the theory everywhere. It looks like power output is the only reliable measurement. Why even bother with the exhaust gas analysis? I thought graphs like this were the proven and not theory meant to be broken. I am still curious how a WBO2 would read against Derek's analysis. Perhaps it would show him the chart with a nice consistent 12.5-13.5 to one Air to Fuel ratio. I am also dubious of the consistency of maps that have large changes across the cells. I am thinking about completely smoothing out my map, as it was probably designed for a Guzzi made on a Tuesday, not a Thursday, with OEM mufflers and airbox and a brand new air filter and every little spike and dip on the map possibly magnifying the inaccuracy of optimal. Perhaps sound analysis is a better indicator, to determine proper burning. I can sometimes hear the difference between too rich and too lean of a burn. Perhaps I'll just train my ears.
  14. But look at the chart that I posted of Derek's work. When power is optimized, O2 can be 0.1 or 1.0.....that is a HUGE difference. Assuming that is typical, and that his more expensive than a WBO2 equiptment is accurate, I am not sure O2 is all that useful as measuring indicator as used on a tuning link or closed loop. Cliff argues that a WBO2 set to control the ECU results in a consistent burn. I am not sure who is more correct or even if one is more correct. A tuning link operator can still tune for power, but I am not sure if they can do it as quickly as just pursuing a theoretical A/F ratio. People say bad things about Color Tune devices, but I am pondering giving them a shot. Flame color makes a lot more sense to me than gas numbers as read by electronic devices at varying temperatures.
  15. FWIW my factory guards completely saved my cylinder head fins at about 50MPH. I think I got lucky with just a bent sparkplug and scraped ignition wire that were driveable. (My shoulder took most of the impact ) I trust the Joe Kenny guards much more than the OEM factory guards. But I was thinking of adding something like a Powell Peralta Nosebone Or just a strip of plastic to absorb some of the impact and protect the expensive guards. Something just a little prettier than a mushroom...
  16. formaggio senza spaghetti Although I take no credit for the cooking....just the thieving. PS Alright THMPPR! I suppose that pin may be keeping your ramp in just the right possition... It is odd that it worked ok for months and then started to flake .
  17. I am not sure what is biker friendly out there. Nor do I know anyone who has stayed anywhere. http://usa-lodging.com/motels/califs/Escondido.htm Bring a bike lock to any of the cheap places... But I would prefer La Estancia Inn. It is a charming roadside inn in Fallbrook, that has a nice Italian restaurant and is on a noisy enough of a road that motor bikes should not be a problem. I have no idea of the price, but it looks 3 diamond. I'd pay up to $100 to stay there, otherwise go for something cheaper. http://www.laestanciainn.com/ For High Rollers, the four diamond Pala Casino hotel runs nearly $200 per night. I am sure they welcome biker trash, but I would not use their valet service http://www.palacasino.com/ Or for geezers who love soap bubbles and nostalgia for big band muzak, you'll be disappointed by http://www.welkresort.com/sandiego/ probably good for rich golfers though...and motorcycles may be taboo. ...about $180+ per night...
  18. Do you mean it comes to rest in the inner ring? I think fork ends are supposed to stay in the outer rings. Perhaps this diagram helps: Fork 3 is for first gear Fork 4 is for second gear Fork 5 is for third and fifth gear Fork 6 is for fourth and sixth gear Modifying ramps sounds like a bad idea, but if you know what you are doing, go for it. Modifying ramps is way over my head.
  19. I have always figured it was to make the engine and or engine oil last longer. I cannot imagine that asbestos or whatever is in the friction plates is good for your bearings and rings. I thought that was one of the reasons for Gooses and Beemers lasting so much longer than air cooled inline fours.
  20. Your English is too good to be orignal factory Guzzi techno writing: So here, I re-wrote (actually google translated) a bilingual translation for you to enhance it herewith: La leva dell'ingranaggio gira questo pllate che il patè tira il bac del braccio del dentarello ed avanti che gira l'anello del seeger che sposta le forcelle del selettore sugli alberi di ingranaggio che determina quanto lontano questa piastra si muove. È fissata al braccio malfamato del dentarello del preselettore strette di questo lad esso ingranaggio di i o nel neutrale e può sedersi nel fratempo in un neutrale falso. The lever of the gear turns these pllate that the patè it pulls the bac of the arm of the dentarello and ahead that turns the ring of the seeger that moves the staples of the selector on the gear trees that determine how much far away this slab move. Gear of or in the neutral one is fixed to the malfamato arm of dentarello of the preselector tight of this lad it and can be based in the fratempo in neutral a false one.
  21. I always wanted to be Lenin, so Communism could have been done correctly. But some right wing tyrant like Stalin or Bush would have shot me in the back and taken my job.
  22. Get your facts straight. It is the right wing corporate puppets that are diverting the most money, and yes some of them are right wing democrats, not socialists. Barbara Boxer is the only Senator to stand up for your coñstitutional right to have your vote counted....and she is at the "worse"(I read best) a right wing socialist. Socialism and Communism in the US have nothing to with oppressing your rights when you are not doing harm to others. There is no Stalin or Hitler on the left wing....even if they called themselves a Communist and a Socialist. They have NOTHING in common with the left, other than lip service. The biggest killers and oppressors of rights are on the right wing. The left wing is the only reason people ever fought to have rights. I hope that some of you get reincarnated into the 90 percentile of poor people in the world, so MAYBE, you could understand economics. And back to the topic before this post gets censored.... If the law has not changed, Guzzi can still sell up to 500 bikes in California per year and not have to pass the SHED test.
  23. I digested most of the spaghetti, but lost it when it came to what was holding my stomach down...I mean, when it came to what was holding it in gear, and I don't have any more beer to wash the taste out I also have a disagreement with the anchovies, I mean the concentric adjuster. It is not a limiter, as first impressions indicate. It holds the pawl arm in perfect equilibrium, or not, between the opposing spring forces, kind of like the balance of nausea and euphoria of a binge.
  24. Hey Carl, If you don't like California, why don't you just move to Oklahoma!?! FYI The SHED test is the same for 2004-2007, so Guzzi blew it!...even with dual plugs and lower HP. Why does everyone bash on California?! We need pollution control standards. Guzzi could have easily passed the test. Everyone should bash the Breva!!!!! Maybe it is the closed loop O2 sensor messing up the Breva on the SHED test???? The 2008 model year is gonna be a BEEEATCH! They'll need MotoLab to re-map every bike entering our ports!!!
  25. the adjuster screw being out of adjustment would only have a negative effect shifting either up or down. I suppose a warped clutch could have a negative effect....probably mostly on downshifts. And if you put a warped clutch together with the screw being out of adjustment to the effect of missed up shifts, you would have bad up and down shifts.(if my presumption about warped clutches is correct) RedLine ShockProof is a cure-all, but you may be beyond its ability to help. PS I am too eccentric!
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