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Everything posted by dlaing

  1. ghadzooks! It is the manufacturer who spec'd the wrong plastic. Guzzi knows there is ethanol is the gas and yet they used cheap plastic. On the good side, plastic doesn't rust. Maybe we should do a group buy for some aluminum tanks???? Anyone game? As for ethanol, I am not sure anyone has proven it is the primary culprit. Is the inside of the tank turning to jelly? Are holes melting through? Maybe eventually??? I suggest that is multiple factors. The plastic just can't take the heat, the vibration, the weight of the fuel, and the chemical properties of the fuel don't help either with ethanol being the worst ingredient, but it is the nature of the plastic that is the problem. Ethanol has a lot of good qualities such as boosting octane rating of gasoline, potentially lowering dependence on fossil fuels, lowered negative emissions, etc., but there are major negatives as Ratchet pointed out. I am so surprised to see Ratchet concerned about Mother Gaia, LOL! I think ethanol has great potential. But the tradeoffs have not been good. Limited success of Brazilian Cane Alcohol complicated by deforestation of the Amazon and creation of other socio-economic problems. Environmentally backwards American Corn Alcohol has not set a good example either. Algae and switchgrass as bio sources for alcohol could prove better, and maybe solar powered distilleries could yield better environmental benefits, but the economics have not yet allowed these to succeed. But that should change soon.
  2. Sorry, your lack of grip is the embarrassment. Global warming is a global situation. (DUH) It relies on more than just 20 countries with record breaking severe cold at moments in time (and snow is not a measurement of global warming and to do so is an embarrassment to you) The global warming scientists don't simply site 20 countries with record breaking severe heat in a season as proof of global warming. The Earth and Time are much bigger than that. Scientists look at temperatures measured throughout the day, season, year, in as many places as possible, ranging from the upper atmosphere to the deep sea, from North Pole to South Pole and many places in between. Your lack of awareness of how science works is shameful. Check out this image and note how the hot spots clearly outweigh the cold spots. I know, it is the hugest hoax ever, yada yada yada http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/graphs/2...2005%201998.gif[/url][/img]http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/graphs/2009+2005+1998.gif copy and paste
  3. WTF! thisthreadisworthlesswithoutpictures ; )
  4. Although it could be construed that the down turn in the economy and productivity has resulted in Global cooling, but that would mean Anthropogenic activity was significant. BWAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! Get real Ratchet.
  5. It is really SAD when GLOBAL science degrades to the mere observations of a winter on one continents right coast...
  6. NEWSFLASH San Diego BURIED under 100 feet of snow and Colts win Super BowlQQQQ PROOF positive the Ratchet is right!!!! Oh when the Saints, Come marching in, Oh when the Saints come marching in! Yip Yip Yip!
  7. In general I would agree, but this time of year, I would not bet on it. But if it did freeze, there would probably be plate damage and Dennis probably would not be able to get it to hold a 12.8 +V reading at room temperature for more than a day. Of course if Dennis said the voltage never got below 12.6V, or he stored the battery in a heated house, and not in an unheated garage in Maine, average temperature at night right now below 10F, and many nights getting below 0F, I would be in complete agreement. FWIW, last January Maine hit an alleged record -50F Was the battery in service then, and how cold was it that night, where Dennis lives?
  8. Hawker claims "better than 85% charge after 6 months." But if connected to the bike, my V11 battery loses charge as some current can flow. I suspect this loss is through the ECU. At least one other on the forum had this problem. Mine goes down to about 60% charged after about a month. Pulling the ECU lets it hold a charge much longer. I don't know what Dennis's state of charge was, how long he went without riding, nor do I know if he left the battery connected. The alternator on our bikes does not keep the batteries at 100%. I have an aftermarket Voltage Regulator that charges better at idle, but has less peak voltage, so it has even more trouble maintaining a high SOC. Still if I ride once every two weeks, it keeps starting up. Still I like to give it a periodic charge to bring it up to 100%. I'll bet if we had everyone go measure their voltage of bikes that have sat at least a day, the average State of Charge would be less than 85%, but that is just a guess. Hawker says, "Although there’s no need to follow any special procedure, to get the best results and longest life, charge it prior to storage and store at room temperature or below (the lower the better). Don’t worry about freezing like you might have with regular batteries; this one is designed to withstand temperatures as low as -40o C or -40oF! Disconnect negative cable to prevent any applied electrical storage discharging." I'd be sure to keep the voltage above 12.6V in freezing places, and above 12.5V elsewhere. Disconnecting and bringing to 12.84V will ensure a long storage life.
  9. Snow in Denmark!?!? Marcellus: Let's follow. 'Tis not fit thus to obey him. Horatio: Have after! To what issue will this come? Marcellus: Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. Horatio: Heaven will direct it. Marcellus: Nay, let's follow him. Probably the Something is rotten in the state of Denmark is an over used cliche, but somehow so often appropriate to the situation, especially in this case, LOL!
  10. I recall (possibly correctly) the Spark and Hawker are made by Enersys. The Spark specs seem to match the Hawker Genesis better than the Hawker Odyssey, but the Odyssey is allegedly the better "power sport" battery. Maybe that is why it leaked???? You can get down to 50% state after about a month pretty easily. Source http://www.batteryweb.com/faqbw.cfm
  11. Pete posted a thread here for an unbeatable deal on a brand new PC3 for Centauro/Daytona (not for V11) http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=15452 I took the liberty of posting this ad so that those that are shopping classifieds won't miss this opportunity.
  12. Here is a link to the description if anybody is interested: http://www.powercommander.com/powercommand...=78&yr=1996 Pete, you are the bomb!
  13. If so, than your last name makes YOU Z rated
  14. I want a Ballabio!!! BTW what is your source for these results? PS it is interesting, compared to most of the V11s, the V1100i is slower quarter mile, but reaches a higher speed at the end of that quarter mile.
  15. I am unfaired. Not sure which would be most aerodynamic, but I would guess that while tucked behind the bikini fairing would do the best, and in normal riding position the LEMANS faired bikes would do better.
  16. I guess you could start with bigger tire for a small increase in potential top speed, but it might be easier to alter the red line then the gearing. ECU programming software like TuneBoy or Direct Link, lighter valves, lighter rods, etc. But then it is not stock. FWIW mine won't pull red line in top gear without a tail wind or down slope, but I am pretty sure those that are getting better than 80 RWHP might be able to.
  17. One thing I have noticed is that if you take the tank off, leave it for a few days, it can stretch and you find yourself having a beotch of a time getting the bolt to line up. (but do NOT use a torch to soften it up) I need to get that tank suck problem back to counter the expansion problem, but higher capacity is a good thing, right?
  18. I hope you guys don't follow suit? Maybe you should just stop the squabbling.
  19. http://www.redlineoil.com.au/Uploads/Downl...ndy%20Hints.doc I suspect it is cheaper to replace it then to analyze it. I would have no problem running a car transmission 100,000 kms on the shockproof, but not a V11. Maybe some V11 transmissions will run fine past 100,000 kms, but I notice a difference after less than 10,000 kms change intervals. Guzzi recommends changing every 10,000 kms and they spec AGIP synthetic, which is not shabby lube. Is Guzzi just trying to make money on Service? I don't think so.
  20. http://www.pegasusautoracing.com/group.asp...ID=REDGEARSHOCK Yep, V11 is very high hp, LOL! And Guzzi specs SAE W/90 (probably Agip MG/S 85W90) which sounds a lot more like 75W140 then 75W250....You do the math, but I do admit it generally shifts better with the heavy.
  21. Who said Redline made shabby products? not me. True I tried shockproof light, as that was apparently the product that best matched the Guzzi recommendation, and it worked great. I only switched back to dino to try to slow the leaking, but that did not help. I switched to heavy and found it shifted more smoothly when hot, then the shockproof light, but when cold the light is a little easier to shift. The reason Ratchet sites for changing the shockproof is because Keith Richards changes his blood once a year. Smart logic. I'd love to see Ratchet go 20,000 miles with it in the V11, change the oil and swear there is no improvement in the shifting. The reason I change, is because shifting gets noticeably better, and because the buildup of water and metal in the oil can't be good for the gearbox. Or maybe I just change it because I have money to burn and the fresh strawberry color in the window is beautiful
  22. Don't listen to the misinformation from this Dave guy that according to Ratchet says you never need to change your gear oil if you use Redline Shockproof. Redline Shockproof is not a magic potion that lasts a forever. It is a top quality synthetic oil with additives such as calcium and moly in it, despite Ratchet's protests. If you use it in your gearbox, change it every year or 12,000 miles, whichever comes first, or sooner if shifting quality degrades. Of course if you use it in your cable, yes it may keep working working 20 years from now, so you may never need to "change" that oil, just add a little every year or two.
  23. Is Ratchet secretly a Commie? I might consider buying him a one way ticket to Shanghai. Chinese government not known for idiocy???? ROTFLMAO! BTW, for followers of global warming trends http://www.realclimate.org/index.php/archi...#comment-154353 Anyone think the scientists predicted a down turn in the economy and lower than anticipated CO2 generation?
  24. Just to double check the results of your ground test, If you are in neutral and the light goes out, and then you put your side stand down, does the engine stop running? If it stops running, look for a faulty switch. If it keeps running, look for the things Raz mentioned.
  25. dlaing

    RPM to speed

    FWIW on my 2000 V11 with Pirelli 160/60 in sixth gear comparing tach to speed in Vague-lias 3500 = 68 3000 = 58 2500 = 48 2000 = 38 (going down hill, you bloody anti-lug nazis) I would not be surprised if others get very different readings. Will try to get more readings. Also, FWIW, I regularly ride by a road side radar that tells you how fast you are going, and when I am going 50 Veglias, it says I am going 45MPH. Unfortunately the radar only registers from 40 to 50MPH, but I think it is accurate as long as there is no traffic around, and also unfortunately, it does not work late at night, maybe it is solar powered???? PS belated thanks, Tom, for the correction regarding tire size and diameter, and thanks for posting the numbers...
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