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So would wall street. My small dealer closes on Mondays, charges too much for parts and too little for labor( in my inexperienced in business opinion....purely a consumer's view.) I have no idea how they get by. Overhead is pretty low as I believe they own the land where they sit. They have a very slow turn over on bikes. The used T3 that I test rode in 1984 is still on the shop floor. I think only the whining applies. It sounds like you have a much better balance of labor to parts costs than my dealer. If you were greedy, I am sure you would have opened a Harley franchise. As for honesty, bless you for being one of the few dealers with enough huevos to dare approach this list, with assinine views like mine. "Pure profit on the parts" after you pay the mechanic and the overhead... I was the first and possibly the only tranny recall they did. The only six speed they ever sold, as far as I know was a LeMans, (no recall applicable) They might fix it if I ask them, but I feel to sorry for them. And since I did not buy the bike there, I must be effected(affected?) with guilt. "Life is not Wal-Mart." ... which is why most of us prefer MGNA and guzzi dealers to the competition, despite the short comings. I simply urge you to consider installing parts that a customer brought in. They may have gotten them off of eBay for 90% of what your cost would have been. Explain to them that you reserve the right not to warrant the labor, if the part fails, and that they will have to take the part back to where they purchased it for warranty. They should understand. If it does not help your business than I think your labor rate is too low. Just a customer's humble(assanine?) opinion. Who knows, maybe you will gain customers by refusing to install their parts. "Chicken - the egg's way of making more eggs."
How do you undercut? You sell on the internet, out of local territory. Your customers are quoted as saying, "Great Prices" You have a reputation of not turning down bikes bought elsewhere. That undercuts the ones that turn down warranty work. You teach the customer how to fix the bike himself so dealers lose out on potential labor profit! Stucchi crossover at MGCycle $349.95 at your place, $339.00! How much would my dealer charge me? I don't know. But my experience is that most things I have bought from them cost more than what they would have through you or just about anyone who advertises prices on the internet. If my dealer stocked a Stucchi Crossover it would probably sit there for ten years. So who is going to make a better profit, you or him? Or don't tell me you pay the same as my dealer would for the one crossover that he orders for me. You either save money by ordering more than one at a time, or Luigi Stucchi gives you a better deal because of how many you have ordered in the past. It is not just you. As I had listed several who advertise on the web. Checkout these fresh prices from Harper's Oil Filters 1415 3000 OEM Oil Filter All 850-1000cc Retail $15.00 Our Price $ 6.50 3015 3000 OEM Oil Filter All 1100cc & Daytona RS Retail $18.75 Our Price $ 7.50 1915 3000 OEM Oil filter All V50's & V65's Retail $22.17 Our Price $ 8.50 Fuel Filter 2910 6061 OEM Fuel Filter Retail $41.24 Our Price $19.50 Air Filter 1211 3600 OEM Air Filter V700, Ambassador, Eldorado Retail $28.69 Our Price $16.25 1711 3651 OEM Air Filter 850 & 1000 1975-81 Retail $29.77 Our Price $16.25 2811 3660 OEM Air Filter 1000-1100 1987 & Newer Retail $21.01 Our Price $10.95 I just bought a manual fuel petcock from my dealer for thirty something dollars, it was in stock, so I am not complaining, just pointing out that you internet dudes are undercutting the competition. The same petcock is $16.25 at http://www.mgcycle.com/fuel.html]MG Cycle[/url]. I knew that going in, and I lost about $20. But I'll install it myself. Maybe they should be pissed off that I buy parts from them and don't pay them to install the parts. That makes about as much sense as being upset about installing parts that you don't sell.
You could also buy one of the Harley buckets and MAKE it fit. Here is another option. I'll bet Jaap will really find this ugly, but I like it. http://www.xenondepot.com I just need $350 and a 7 inch bucket that fits...
Thanks for the link TX! I was considering the $500 motorized H4 bulb, but this is a better solution for a lower price. I see an HID conversion as a 20Watt boost in alternator output from idle to redline. For a larger alternator (if you could even buy one) to put out that much more power, it would probably suck off a couple of HP numbers. I am not really fond of the blinding blue/white light, but I'll take it. I think I'll order it myself for $400 plus shipping. And I won't give my dealer the opportunity to install it for fear of offending him! Or maybe I should let him order it, charge me $450, plus $50-100 labor.
I don't know if these are HID, but you can Buy the Furia projector beams directly from G&B http://www.ghezzi-brian.com/tuning.htm Click on the PDF link to Tuning for Special Bikes.
I am glad dyno tuners don't think along those lines. Imagine them saying, "Oh you did not buy that PCIII from me so I won't dynotune it, or I am gonna charge you $400 instead of $300" Give me a break. If they want to make a package deal for buying the PCIII for $350 and get the dyno tune for $100 off, all the more power to them. It is a matter of image. But be straight forward about it and don't be a whining greedy dishonest store keeper because the customer bought it elsewhere. It is more than just a matter of the glass of wine being half full or half empty. I would be happier to pay$260 for the PCIII and $390 for the dyno tune, rather than $350 for the PCIII and $300 for the custom tune, because I want them to make their profit for their effort, not for how clever their marketing is. Heck, I might even pay them $400 and lose ten bucks, I just don't like the 'you did not buy it from us attitude'. When Guzzi dealers won't honor warranties from bikes they did not sell something is wrong with the system. The dealer should not expect great profits on the bike sales, but likewise the dealer should get paid REAL MONEY for honoring the warranty. I know my dealer got paid less than his shop's hourly rate (probably paid in part credit) to complete the tranny recall. Maybe with practice he could have got the routine down to speed of a factory assembly line and make a profit, but the factory or MGNA is CHEAP, and it hurts their reputation. So, I did my best to schedule other work with it so that they could make some profit money as they got ripped by MGNA. It is only fair. And when the tranny started leaking oil, I took it back and had him tighten the exterior bolts, but it was not enough. Most people say I should make them redo the seal, but I don't have the heart to do that to them, because I know MGNA won't pay them a dime. And I don't hold the leak against them. The problem is that the instructions tell them to assemble metal to metal, no gasket, no cement. So, I am stuck with a leaky tranny till I get off my lazy ass and fix it. If it was my Toyota that had the problem, I'd make them fix it.
I am not kidding, Brian. Your logic is faulty. FWIW I did not say that I expect to borrow expensive tools, I am pleasantly suprised when offered just a ratchet wrench or a screw driver. That is one of the reasons I love my dealer. The dealer should charge what is fair. No More and No Less. How much did you pay for your bike? How much do you pay for oil changes? How much do you pay for tires? (Parts and Labor) What do you consider an acceptible mark up on parts? How much more are you willing to pay your boutique rather than the internet part dealer? So, would you never order from MPH, Rossopuro, MGCycle, Harpers, EPFGuzzi or Moto International, since they undercut small dealers? Get Real! You are living in an assinine fantasy, and I doubt you practice what you preach.
No, it wouldn't. It would be if McDonalds itemized the Bill: Parts: Two all beef patties 6oz @ $0.20 per ounce, $1.20 Special sauce 1tsp @ $0.25, $0.25 Lettuce 1 soggy leaf @ $0.25, $0.25 Cheese 1 slice @ $0.50, $0.50 Pickles 3 slimes @ $0.10, $0.30 Onions 1 slice @ $0.25, $0.25 on a sesame seed bun @ $0.50 Total parts $3.25 Labor: 0.1 hour @ $30/hour, $3.00 Grand Total $6.25!!!! McD's charges much less and that is why McDonalds understands customer service better than most shops. I am not bitching about not paying a fair price, I am bitching about paying for something I am not getting. If I bring in the part myself, it is no loss to the shop. It is not my fault they don't charge enough hourly. I will pay more for a stocked part because I know it costs money to stock it. I do not like to pay the excessive premium to have them order the part, especially when they should have stocked it to begin with. Sure they should be paid for the time it takes to order the part, but not $50. How much does a dealer make on a pair of Napoleon mirrors? maybe $5 or $10 when they have been collecting dust for 5 years. Why don't they charge more for that? Why do they have to make more than $40 on a helmet when they know the internet is much cheaper? It is going to get stuck on the shelf and the styrofoam is going to degrade. Price to move and yah, tell your wholesaler that you are upset and want fixed advertised prices. I may be cheap, but I spent $1500 on custom leathers because it was worth it. I bought my bike out of town because my dealer did not have one, and because the other local dealer wanted $2000 more. Am I too cheap to pay $2000 more? Damn Staight! I am not going to get $2000 worth of better service.
***Or lay off the drugs that make them PsychO! "According to the Police Department, after illegally entering Oregon's apartment with fellow members of the HPD gang task force in an unsuccessful search for drugs, Barrera and several other officers chased Oregon to his bedroom and kicked in the locked door. During the pursuit, Barrera's pistol discharged, striking one of his partners in the shoulder. The officers said they believed they were being shot at, and two officers joined Barrera in firing at Oregon." "Oregon's body was hit 12 times, nine times in the back, once in the back of the shoulder, and once in the back of his left hand. In addition, one shot entered the top of his head, exiting above the right ear. At least nine shots entered his body at a downward angle, suggesting he was shot while face-down on the floor. Four bullets were recovered from Oregon's body, and numerous bullet fragments were found underneath the carpet beneath the body. The body was face-down, with his head toward the doorway through which the police officers were firing." ***Was this guy even armed? Another report says they found a gun in the apartment... "After hearing all the evidence, a grand jury cleared five of the six officers -- including Barrera -- of all charges. One officer was charged with a misdemeanor offense of criminal trespass. Earlier this week, all six officers were fired by Chief C.O. Bradford for violating the law and ignoring department procedures."
Often the actor will get on a two cylinder poseur bike, take off and the folley artiste makes it sound like a four cylinder crotch rocket, and then all of a sudden the stunt double switches to a dirt bike that is painted to look like the poseur bike...SLOPPY! Most of the audience never notices. They never stooped so low in the Road Warrior movies! Just Hollywood garbage. I heard Pete Roper was the lead mechanic in Mad Max!
Dang, that would drive me nutz. Look for another job or start your own business. Burger King, Phone customer service, Motorcycle shop customer service, Computer assembly/repair, Internet, Porn, handyman, comedian, motorcycle messenger, eBay re-sale, etc.
I have never liked that attitude from dealers. If your are making money on labor that is fine, but if I have the part, for whatever reason, you should install it. Granted if the part is defective or does not fit, I still pay the labor. Example 1: A car lube shop charges $25 total for 10w30 dino and $50 for Mobil one. The auto parts store charges $20 for my 4 liters of mobil one. They won't let me save $5 by using my bottled mobile 1, when they would save money by not having to use ANY of their oil. Example 2: Tires. I can get the same tire on the internet for $20-$50 less than my dealer charges me, and then he charges me maybe $50? to install it. He does not stock the tire, and I would not mind him making $10 on the tire plus $50 labor, but $50 labor plus $50 markup on the tire and I feel like I am getting taken. What would be the big deal of me getting a tire for less than he can wholesale, and him charging a fair price for the labor? Pet Peeve number 2: I understand why mechanics won't loan tools, but I absolutely adore mechanics that DO loan tools. I am not talking, can I borrow TechnoResearch software so I can tune my own bike, I am talking, can I borrow a ratchet wrench, so I can pull it, so the parts guy can match up the part. That is one of things that drove me away from Honda dealers.
SoCal Rally Details and Registration Page
dlaing replied to RacerX's topic in Meetings, Clubs & Events
This rally should be HUGE! I suspect we'll be pulling in riders from Texas to B.C. I hope to see y'all there! -
Could this be our Soren? And our Martin appears to have been in the movie, The Wedding Date! http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1807138/ As for Ben, are you really The Ben Guzzi? Your tits are sagging in this picture But nice riding! You got really close to that car!
Fine Art!
Sorry Jeff, we must be going senile. Or maybe it was to many lost weekends... All the Guzzi Love to you Bro! Stick around and chat up some topics! Spring is just around the corner... As for Docc, he has not been around for a while. Bill and Andy should answer up if they see your post. PS nice bike and workshop!
I recall Todd at Guzzitech said that he did some runs to see what works best, comparing Mistrals with stock headers, and stock box vs. lidless. If I recall correctly he said going to the Mistrals was good for about 5HP, going to a lidless airbox was also good for about 5HP, and it did not matter if the filter element was OE paper or K&N.(when new) He may have even said going lidless gave more than adding Mistrals....I wish I could remember. I suspect the changes were maximum changes and not changes throughout the powerband. I don't remember him mentioning having tested pods. Todd if you are reading, please chime in. I don't want to misquote you
Good question. These guys have more experience with V11s than most of the SoCal tuning link tuners. And they were cheap. US $200. The local competition has a bad rap from the PCIII using Guzzi owners that I have talked to. Evoluzione is not a tuning link user, but he has an excellent reputation. If he offers a I might also consider GP or Aprillia/Ducati of Oceanside for dyno runs, but I don't know if they do re-mapping. And as far as I know, you are the only one in California who advertises using tuneboy, so if I go that route you may get my business if you are flexible enough to do a less thorough job than you seem to recommend. You may be worth the 500mile drive. Evoluzione is probably over 100 miles away. Your pricing seems to indicate that you are open to the, you get what you pay for, price plan. An analysis of the map, and optimizing maybe ten or twenty cells may be affordable to my budget. The Guzzi has a much smaller map than an Aprillia, so I am sure the map would be more affordable. And with the development of real time tuning in Tuneboy, you should be pretty efficient at remapping. At the very least, thanks for all the excellent free advice.
I had it dyno'd well over a year ago, and they were not responsive to my email, so I am not going to ask them unless I go back for another run. I asked them about the pinging, and they said they made it richer, even though the numbers indicate they made it leaner. However the A:F graph shows richer moving to leaner within the ping zone. If you shifted most of the numbers up 1000 RPM it kind of matches the A:F graph, so maybe it has something to do with a delay or the effect of an inertia run. Would an inertia run give higher HP numbers?
You might want to make sure all your fuses match the cover. Maybe someone mixed up a ten and a fifteen. For the early bikes, the eight fuses are listed below: FUSE “1”: ECU ....................................................... 5 A FUSE “2”: Injector coil pump ................................. 10 A FUSE “3”: Battery recharging ................................ 30 A FUSE “4”: Key switch ............................................ 10 A FUSE “5”: High beam, low beam, horn, start, stop 15 A FUSE “6”: Dipped lights ........................................... 5 A FUSE “7”: Direction indicators ................................. 5 A FUSE “8”: Solenoid valve (Electrical valve) .............. 5 A
V11LeMansForum has the best moderators :!: I wish more cops would act like that. Pull up to a domestic dispute, shouting hey dudes! drop the kitchen knife and baseball bat and lets PARTY! Whips out a bottle of Tequilla and a salt shaker ...or maybe a bong would be better to reduce the threat of violence. Bad Boys bad boys what you gonna do when they come for you, open up your stash and light a big spleef, were gonna party till the break of dawn, police man radio for donuts, rasta tunes the radio for tunes, police man know lotsa hookers, were gonna party till dawn! If only in a more perfect world
Any word on PCIII availability for models after 2001? http://www.powercommander.com/buynowbike.shtml still shows they only cover 2000-2001
I think I saw someone on the list dremel a big hole into the side of the cowling to place the PCIII there. I believe later model cowling is single rather than double walled.
The Ti Muffler/ Ti ECU combo theoretically would not need the PCIII as it is for track only and does not need to meet emission standards. You cand find maps for the Ti combo here http://www.guzzitech.com/PCIII-Maps.html But to really benefit, you would want to tuninglink the bike with the PCIII. According to Todd, the Ti owners who dynotuned their PCIII really benefitted. If you want to see how much the maps differed you could freely download the PCIII software and open the maps.