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Everything posted by dlaing

  1. Loud rattling is normal. Loud pipes and ear plugs help. To rest easy, ask your dealer about it. Some bikes rattle with clutch pulled in, some with it let out.
  2. Maybe it is a Mac thing. The link to servicemotoguzzi works for me if I have already been there, but on a new computer or browser it does not. I think it is a cookie issue. Try deleting any and all aprilia or motoguzzi cookies restart the browser and try again. It could just be a mac issue. Can everyone get to http://www.servicemotoguzzi.com/public/lum...index.asp?l=V11 without first going to http://www.servicemotoguzzi.com/ ??? Jaap, you are correct about the Yahoo and Angelfire sites. Thanks Paul on the tip for getting the part numbers. I had no idea. For Mac users who install the Service Manual, Internet Exploder appears to be the only way to go, otherwise the contents does not seem to work with Safari, Mozilla, or Netscape.
  3. dlaing


    I just cancelled my order as there is about a two week back order, and I am strapped for cash. The good news is that they "put together a simple assebly that will allow all customers to reinstall their stock bar-ends onto the ConvertiBARS handlebars which keeps the vibration to stock levels." So I may re-order in January.
  4. The link that Jaap just put to the owners manual should instead be http://www.servicemotoguzzi.com/ Because of scripting or something you can't get directly to the right web page, so go here http://www.servicemotoguzzi.com/ Do not select a language. Click on Download Area Use and maintenance manuals Then click on V11 and select the year. They do not have y2k but they have 2001 and 2002. For the workshop manual and Parts Catalog follow the other link http://www.angelfire.com/weird2/v11/ requires Yahoo login....
  5. I guess the only thing to do is to tighten the valve adjustment. I hope you don't have to go tighter than US specs. Perhaps the TPS could also have an effect as it may change the ignition advance. Al, did the RPMs pick up after the second plug was connected? Carl and Al, 1500RPMs!!! That is efficient!
  6. Am I the only one that has fixed the groan by cleaning and lubing? (Do NOT overlube or you will DIE)
  7. dlaing

    rpm at speed

    At half that speed we'e be doing nearly 140MPH. If the diameter expanded 2 inches, then the circumference would increase over 6 inches (2*pi) which is about a 7 or 8% increase. So if the Sigma is reading 140MPH, you may in fact be going about 150MPH, so the Vague-lia may be more accurate for high speed phreaks. OK, so maybe the front tire is not going to expand an inch in radius(otherwise it would hit the fender). In any case the Sigma is not the final verdict for measuring top speed, although it is a great way to monitor trip mileage, fuel consumption, velocity through speed traps, etc. Even Land Speed records do not determine true peak top speed, they measure the average speed through the traps. Even GPSs have limitations, but are generally accurate to 0.5MPH up to 999MPH. On a related note, here is a "this should be illegal" product for speeders in the UK: http://www.geodesygps.co.uk/links.htm
  8. If you just get the FBF crossover, that should fill in the midrange nicely. If you go for the oversize valves you can not go back without big bucks, while if you get the valves redone to stock size with better valves, you can get better longevity and upgrade to bigger valves in 100,000 miles. Guzzi stock valves have premature wear issues, (not under recall) so this winter may be a good time to take care of that and other recall issues. Ferracci also does porting, which may give you a couple hp. The FBF pistons can probably be compensated for with a richer mixture. But few have tried the pistons and posted on this forum. Mike Rich or Ferracci, both appear to do excellent work. Mike Rich also offers a piston upgrade. More people on this list have gone to Mike Rich, with much success. But you are in Ferracci territory, so go for it, and let us know the results! I would just avoid the larger valves.
  9. I think cleaning around the pistons may also help. I replaced my last set of pads (ebc I think?) with a set of Galfers. After cleaning the pistons with silicone spray the rear brake has been flawless. (Don't get the silicone on the disk or the pads. Spray silicone on rag, and wipe piston clean, bleed brakes) Of course the bleeding or the new pads could have improved things, too. FWIW Guzzitech has a great article on Brembo upgrades.
  10. Not sure. Apparently 00 is fat shot, just small enough to make it out of the barrel of the gun. 9 is very fine shot. I think the finer the shot, the more fluid the motion. So, fine shot may be better for higher frequencies like a 14,000 rpm inline four. Probably 6 or 7 shot is a good starting point. I'll bet if you suspended it in mercury it would be the bomb (the toxic bomb). There may be some debate about packing tight or leaving loose. Tight, each vibration wave has to work move every pellet. Loose, you can theoretically get a counter vibration going.??? The further out on the bar the weight is, the more effect it should have. I have noticed that with my stock weights it vibrated less visually or when my hands were lightly on the bars. However if I removed the weights, it vibrated more visually or when my hands were lightly on the bars, but when I leaned forward and put my weight on the bars, it seemed to vibrate less, theoretically because less mass has less momentum against my hands. Adding rubber mounted Napoleons seemed to dampen the vibration a little as they are kind of heavy and seem to produce a counter vibe. I arrived at these conclusions unscientifically. So it could all just be in my speculative head. I may be full of sheese.
  11. Callithrix, did you get your bars yet? I am still waiting to hear from them.
  12. dlaing

    rpm at speed

    Keep in mind that the tire circumference grows with the increase in velocity. So, the faster you go, the slower than actual it will read. What the difference is? I have NO idea. Perhaps someone with a GPS and a Sigma could do a comparison.
  13. Alright! We''ll be looking forward to your report. Very curious if the map, power, and fuel mileage will change. You are going to post a before and after dyno chart, right? I am sure it will be an improvement.
  14. The Bridgestones tread pattern causes the cupping. While it may be true that a correctly set up suspension may eliminate it, the Pirelli and Metzeler patterns DO eliminate it. The problem is the angle of the tread groove. This is not to undermine the importance of proper suspension set up which may also reduce tire wear in general and save big bucks in the long run. JAnusz, what did you do to improve your suspension?
  15. dlaing

    rpm at speed

    Thanks for the post Captain! I have been wondering how these speedos work. Obviously we don't have 27 inch wheels with 1 inch tires...
  16. I traded it for a pair of Mistral Carbon Fiber Mufflers. I really miss the Quat-D Muffler. I am not sure if it was the right decision, but I wanted more peak horse power. My Quat-D cracked at the pipe welds, so I had it welded and reinforced for its current owner. Then I discovered my stock crossover is cracking! So, I just can't win. I now have a little more peak HP, but I lost alot of mid-range, so now I NEED the Stucchi or the FBF crossover. I am pretty sure the stories of the FBFs cracking was on the cruiser series. I guess the way our bike vibrate, anything can crack. The Mistral crossovers were known to crack. My dream muffler is something like the Quat-D but with performance like the Stucchi/Mistral combo. A 2 int 2 outlet, instead of a 2 into 1 outlet. Something like Paul Minnaert's http://home.iae.nl/users/minnaert/guzzi/v12/spa4.jpg If I had more money, I would hunt down the right person and say, here is $2000, make it like this!
  17. Does anyone have the FBF Crossover? I am considering it, but would like to know if anyone has experienced cracked weld with it, as it does not look as robust as the competition. Although the alleged power output looks excellent.
  18. You forgot an "r" Try http://www.carrilloind.com/ But thanks for the link!
  19. dlaing

    vapor lock

    Drat! I was way off. But the results are excellent, because if it got hot at the Throttle bodies, there is not much you could do. My only concern with the results now is that the cylinder heads cooled off more durring the last tests, apparently due to weather. But no vapor lock is great news. Even for those of us who never vapor lock, a relocation may extend pump life.
  20. I'm just not organized enough not to lose the nipples otherwise I'd just screw it. So, I'll just hose it instead. Thanks for the word on the caps, Al. I was going to go to the vacuum caps but, now I'll go to plan B, blocking off the balance hose so that it does not balance nor create turbulence.
  21. An alternative to vacuum caps is to run a hose from left TB to right TB. The advantages are: If it blows or vibrates off it won't fall into oblivion. Even proper running Guzzis do vibrate. When it comes time up TB balancing, you just yank your hose with no worries of lost caps. Proper Guzzi mechanics NEVER lose parts. The disadvantages are: Clutter. Some say this messes with performance, creating turbulence, so the vacuum caps may be the way to go.
  22. dlaing

    triple tree

    Callithrix, Where did you get your name? I thought it may have been an "Asterisk The Gaul" character, but I had no luck finding such a character.
  23. But that may be debatable. My bike is the biggest flirt, especially when I clean her up. My girlfriend IS jealous and I think she is on to the fact that my Guzzi is more than an inanimate object. PS Captain, we want to see the dyno! Your mods now are PCIII, muffler, and air filters, right?
  24. Oh great. So only the High End Automobiles will be able to blind you with 35Watt Low Beams FWIW PIAA clames not only whiter, but brighter light....about twice a powerful as other halogen bulbs.
  25. So if John did not mind compromising streetability, he could go to a hotter cam, higher compression pistons, and Mike Rich's maximum stage porting. I think the results could easily exceed 100HP, but something would have to be done to the ignition timing, the engine would have weak low end and mid range and overall the driveability might be compromised. Perhaps freer flowing mufflers. To increase the redline, lighter valves or even heavier springs might be required which might reduce durability. I think John said he already has the carillo rods, so that should help the piston redline, and the addition of an FBF piston which is less weight could help the redline. I wonder what the Guzzi Land Speed Record Team is putting out????? I think I read somewhere that the redline is over 10,000 rpm on their bike.
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