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Everything posted by SoullesS

  1. SoullesS


  2. Title says it all, I'm interested in a center stand that will fit my bike. Not sure about any cross compatibility between bikes but if the price is right I might take a risk. Let me know what you have and what you'd like for it. Cheers!
  3. Permanent fitted center stand.
  4. Nothing much to it really, was in a round about (likely going a little too fast/low for my well being) when a car on the inside of me veered and cut me off. I low sided and slid till I hit the curb launching the bike and myself on to a grassy hill. It hurt and awful lot but the bike sustained more damage than myself. Handle bars were tweaked pretty good and the exhaust hanger broke when the can was bent till it faced forward. I tore the ligaments between several ribs and got some pretty good rode rash but didn't break anything.
  5. Hi all, A while back I was in a bit of a low side and as a result my kick stand was thoroughly tweaked. I've been getting by alright but have always wanted to clean up the lines a bit with a center stand. I can't really justify $200+ for a new one but if a cheaper used came along I would probably jump on it. My question is, are the center stands from other makes/models that have been adapted to a 2000 v11 sport? Thanks, Kyle
  6. I'm going to look into having the original cable either copied or repaired, I don't like the idea of modifying my throttle housing with the possibility of messing it up. Thanks for the input all.
  7. Their website was updated after a few emails were exchanged with their customer services. It wasn't a goof I don't think... just not sure what to do. I can't seem to find the older cable anywhere. http://www.mgcycle.com/product_info.php?products_id=45&osCsid=904f80aaa3f1f6e2be0bd7a9a2da5e87
  8. Hi all, I've got a 2000 V11 Sport on which the throttle cable has started to fray near the throttle bodies. As a precaution I ordered a replacement from mgcycle.com. The part number I ordered was 01117530 however the part I received was 01117590. Obviously this wasn't going to work. Upon inquiry I was told that this was the updated part for my bike and that I could either return it or force it in. I'm pretty sure there is enough material in the throttle to tap out a larger hole to screw in but my concern is that there is not nearly enough free cable extending beyond the sleeve. I just wonder if anyone has dealt with this and could chime in. I have done a good search of the site without any results. Cheers, ~Kyle
  9. SoullesS

    Kyle's Trips

    I ride my bike, and sometimes stop for pictures :)
  10. From the album: Kyle's Trips

    PCH on our way up to Laguna Seca
  11. From the album: Kyle's Trips

    The before picture if there ever was one
  12. SoullesS


    From the album: Kyle's Trips

    Rocket Man outside Boeing headquarters
  13. From the album: Kyle's Trips

    Texas... so cold (yes, homemade handguards)
  14. From the album: Kyle's Trips

    Tunnel Vision... rained in
  15. From the album: Kyle's Trips

    World fair dome
  16. From the album: Kyle's Trips

  17. From the album: Kyle's Trips

    Market street
  18. SoullesS

    Picture 462.jpg

    From the album: Kyle's Trips

  19. From the album: Kyle's Trips

    No idea where, but a good perspective of scale (I think my bike might be on the smaller side)
  20. From the album: Kyle's Trips

  21. From the album: Kyle's Trips

    Salt flats
  22. From the album: Kyle's Trips

    Flaming Gorge
  23. From the album: Kyle's Trips

    Utah, I really needed a gas station about this time.
  24. From the album: Kyle's Trips

    Nevada... maybe
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