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Everything posted by ptrkbeam

  1. ptrkbeam


  2. Van, My wife, Stella, and I do believe in the power of prayer. Offering them up for Tom's continued recovery and for you and your families' strength.
  3. I like this one a lot. http://www.fieldsheer.com/2008site/ff/prod...pMeshJacket.htm
  4. I've heard of various points on our bikes coming form the factory not being greased or lubed where it is needed. So maybe some come with bits of goop where it's not needed?
  5. Well, I guess I'll need something on the screw threads, too! Thanks. I'm referring to the surface between the bottom of the tank and the top surface of both the petcock and regulator. There is a very light coating of some reddish grease, still smearable (?) on the surface.
  6. Hello, Did a search for tank subjects and I believe I found my answer but just making sure: Bought a new fuel tank via the MGNOC classifieds. Thanks again, Mark. Can someone recommend a brand of fuel resistant sealant to use between my new tank and the petcock and pressure regulator? I was tempted to leave it off - there is barely more than a speck of the stuff on the old tank - but I better put some on there. BYW, I tried a test fitting with all the tank parts installed - the new tank slides on and off the bike so much easier than the old one. Doesn't rest near as close to the fairing brackets on the cylinder heads either. Must've expanded over the years, like other folks have mentioned their tanks doing. Thanks, Patrick
  7. Very nice, You did good.
  8. I'm saddened by this. Enjoyed his posts. RIP.
  9. Her ex rode a motorcycle, maybe? We're all alike. A pickup, meandering along at 45 on a 60 mph counrty road, ahead of a car, ahead of me. PU swerves to cut off the car as he tried to pass. PU then aims for a dead skunk in the road as I sped up to get the hell past him. I backed off and he missed most of the skunk. I avoided the bits that flew then hurried around. What kind of idiot aims for a skunk? Just another ride in the country...
  10. 3 times - Safari, Firefox, SeaMonkey. I'll turn on the Dell and use Explorer for 4!
  11. Sell the thing already. Might want to lower the price just a bit. ( I thought I saw a "for sale" listing from you months ago? )
  12. Just fins hanging out there on mine. Never thought about it. Till now
  13. Same here, Al! Even got the same color. Thanks a lot. ( I think ).
  14. Quoting just so we can see that beautiful LeMans again. Just beautiful.
  15. On the right side, covered by my leg when riding, there are some bubbles/bumps/undulations(?) in the tank, an inch or so wide . They were there when I bought the thing in Dec. '06 and don't look to have gotten worse. In some light, it looks bumpy, in other light, barely visible. Maybe ethanol, flawed tank, ? It's more of a very minor cosmetic thing which hopefully it will remain. Any others with a similar condtion on their V11 tank?
  16. May need a tank - my Champagne has bubbles
  17. ptrkbeam

    v11 windscreens

    Hello. PO had an MRA installed. He's probably at least 4" taller than me. I'm 5'11". I tinkered with various setups: MRA, stock with Laminar Lip, stock, stock without edging. Best results for me: stock without edging. Clean windflow about visor height. FWIW - one of many things I've noticed - air much smoother with mesh jacket than winter textile.
  18. Yes, Pierre. I've seen something from Motratech to get the feet a bit farther forward. Any other options for the pegs? Have the Buell pegs now. A grand or so spent on the LeMans may be my ticket for now. Stelvio in a year or two ( + a lot more $ ). Again, Aldad - nice job. I went back and read you original post.
  19. I like that. Have thought about getting bars and a different screen - back, wrist issues. Yeah, I know, should get an EV or something. Or a Stelvio?
  20. I don't plan on departing, but am visiting here to express good wishes to those who do leave. I learn from those I disagree with, too. And I'm certainly not in any situation to disagree with almost anyone here regarding these Italian cycles we ride and the best way of repairing or modifying them. If I hadn't discovered this place, I may never have bought the LeMans ( hmmmm, thinking about how "wise" that turned out to be ). Thanks to everyone who decides to move on. There are other forums out there, and maybe a new one in the works. Peace and God Bless, Patrick
  21. When I received the email, I mistakenly assumed it was a thankyou for my PayPal donation yesterday I know what is said about assumptions... And I do not take back my vote in the ratchethack poll
  22. I'm and "old guy", just turned 50, with one of them V11 LeMans scooters. No suspenders but do own a few Skynyrd albums, stashed way somewhere. Only "rally" I've ever attended is the Harvest Classic in Texas. Been reading the various posts about the national, wondering. That would be by far the farthest I've ever ridden. Camping in Malibu - that would be intersting.
  23. Hi, Al. Thanks for checking in. Always enjoy your informative posts. Prayers going out for your employment situation. The LeMans is a great bike, but family and home are beautiful things. Three, 10 and 13 year olds? I can't even imagine. Sounds to me like they have a loving and resourceful Dad who'll pull through all this.
  24. I used RAM mounts for a 2610. Solid, does not shake around, doesn't block intruments or keys, and I too like symmetry. Photo looks like it does block my view but seated and under way, I see dials and colored lights just fine. May work for the Zumo, too. http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?...=8077&st=15
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