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Everything posted by Dimitris

  1. and add clip ons!!
  2. I have started saving money... for the new sport bike...it is a matter of time... COme on Guzzi give us a 110 true rear wheel horse power. Or more...
  3. Excellent bike! Και γαμώ!!
  4. Haven't found the time yet to go for a custom map. But I found the right person, who is specialized in dynojet tuning (mainly Ducatis), so I hope that I will have a good map made there.. For the time being I have loaded the map made for Mistral mufflers and Stucchi crossovers and probably stock airbox (my combi is Mistral muffs with Mistral xover and lidless kit FBF), which runs fine in high revs and good also in low-mid (but I know that it should be more powerful in low-mid range). The ready-made map for my combi, although is running very good in low-mid range, it makes but work in high revs. Todd tried and gave me the opprtunity to test another ready-made map (a short of blended) but unfortunately I had the same problems in high revs. I made a blend of my own with the maps I mentioned above but I didn't tried it yet due to lack of free time. But soon I will load it and see. The good thing is that I am quite satisfied with the current map (Stucchi xover....strange, isnt it?) so as to keep it until the Dynojet tuning day comes... I think that my TPS is set to 450mV (accidentally because 1,5 month ago, during the last TB balance and TPS reset, I had set the TPS to 150 mv disconnected, then made the cylinder balance and forgot to recheck the TPS voltage. After many days I checked it with the voltometer and the indication was .450 mV). Now I am waiting the VDST from Todd so as to start the forum's procedure from the beginning, step by step, before going to the dyno.
  5. soon I'll post a text about the current condition of the bike....which is not so bad...since on last Friday I was in the circuit....where....many 4cylinder japanish 600ers...had an eagle as a nightmare..in every corner...(the only chance they had was during the big straight line-600meters). Imagine that the custom map is not ready yet...I am running with an...-could say-.."incorrect" map..But more to come soon... http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?...mp;#entry142202
  6. Maybe due to vibrations I lost the left pillion's foot stand. Looking for another one! If there is a "donor", please email me. (dimitris@guzzitech.com) Thank you!
  7. Recently I read on a greek magazine that Moto Guzzi plans to produce a new street legal superbike, based on the MGS01. It is not known whether it'll have liquid cooled engine or not.. Also they say that the new engine will be upgraded to 1400cc. Let us wait...and see...
  8. When cold, have you tried to pull the choke lever down, before trying to fire the engine up? There is no change?
  9. Thank you jsciullo! Good purchase as it seems!
  10. Ein schones Deutches site. Is it new?
  11. Chris, from which book are those pics taken?
  12. Will you put the PC545MJ (Metal jacket) or not?
  13. Dave, I had checked the Throttle Position. When the throttle closed the number is 0. When the throttle is fully opened the number is 98. It is a very small divergence (only 2%), so I don't think this is the problem. Nevertheless next time I will even correct that 2%. Todd, with whom I have an excellent communication via email made a blend of maps and I can't wait to try it.
  14. You said: fisrt reset the TPS to the correct value and then tune the fuel map. *How can I know which TPS value is the correct for my bike? You mean the .521 mV -connected- (150mV disconnected)? I haven't tried it. I ask you because currently the TPS is set at about 450 mV (connected). With that the fisrt map was running good but the map for my combination (see above) is not running good. So I wonder: If I change the TPS, would it run better with the map for my combi? (without having to blend the maps) Or the problem is lean/or rich mixture so it has nothing to do with the TPS? Raz your suggestion sounds logic!! And simple!! In my plans I will make a custom map, but till then I have to live with a good map (as good as it gets).. **When I go for tuning in the dyno, at which TPS should I set it, before tuning the bike? thank you for your advises!
  15. GuzziMoto both maps are premade maps. That means the TPS was made out of wack on both maps?
  16. Dave, 1) when you suggest trying to set it 20mV high or low, you mean .521 +/-20 or 150mV +/-20 ? 2) What do you mean if "I zeroed out the map when I installed it?" Please explain to me cause maybe this is the problem, but I do not understand what should I do so as to zero out the map. The only thing I did is connect the PCIIIusb to my PC, open the desired map and push "Send Map". Afterwards an indication appeared informing me that it was sent. Waiting for your reply Thanks
  17. It is not the fisrt time that this problem appears. Previously I had install another map with which the performance was high in low-mid range but I had the same effect in high revs. When I changed map and loaded the Mistral-Stucchi map, the problem at high revs disappeared, but I had not power performance in low-mid range. Now that I installed the exact suitable map (as I wrote above) this phenomenon appeared again. Could this problem has to do with the amount of fuel at those revs? Could it mean that more fuel is needed "up there", after 6000 rpm? Could this explain the "cough" symptoms?
  18. Hi all! The last days the only thing that I have in my mind is to finally manage to make my bike run as it should from the beginning. I have the Ferraci airbox lid kit, the BMC filter, Mistral crossover and Mistral mufflers. Also the PCIIIusb. I had install to the PCIII a map which was made for the Mistral pipes, with Stucchi crossover. The bike was not powerful in the low-mid range, but it was accelarating smoothly till the rev limiter. The TPS was set to 450 mV-connected- (150mV disconnected) about 2 months ago. At that time the idling was at 1150 rpm (after the TPS setting and the cylinder balancing). The last weeks the idle has been lowered to almost 900 rpm and I can hear from the sound of the engine that it is not working as it used to, 2 months ago. Nevertheless with the above map, although the power was not much in the low-mid range, I could twist the throttle till the rev limiter and the engine was working with no "coughs", hesitations etc.. Today I changed the map. I loaded the map which is made exactly for my combination (air filter, lid kit, mistr, x-over, mistr. mufflers). I didn't do anything else (TPS, balancing etc). So now: The power in the mid-low range is much increased. The bike accelerates with more power. Everything is all right till 5.800-6200 rpms. After that and at higher revs the bike starts "coughing"...it reaches with difficulty 7.000 rpm and I can't ride cause of this symptom. I close the throttle a little bit (from 7000 to 6000) and accelarate again (6000 to 7000) and it is not working smoothly...but the opposite. "Hestitations", "coughing"... I thought that it would be better with the correct map. So what do you think of that? I would be very interested in your comments. Why not working good at high revs? Could the only problem be the TPS, meaning that with the new map it may need a different setting? (maybe more mV/degrees)? Thank you Dimitris
  19. Oh Skeeve, you reminded me of the old good days......I haven't heard of the word "drachma" since 2000. That year we changed into Euros. I already sent Pete a message. Thank you Skeeve!
  20. Dave this photo explains everything! Thank you so much! I will update when I do the cylinder balancing and the TPS set. Although I have Mistral pipes, Mistral crossover, BMC airfilter and Ferracci lid air kit (+PCIIusb) I will do the steps according to the forum's procedure and I'll set the TPS to 150mV (disconnected) and .521mV (connected). Hope it'll work....
  21. Mille Grazie Raz!
  22. Saw the "Installing the Roper SLopper" in the "How to.." section but I didn't find any info about ordering that thing....(??)
  23. Thank you Raz, Everything understood. If you could find that pic it would be very helpful!
  24. About the roper plate, from whom could I order it? Is there a site?
  25. Thank you guys! Is it necessary to install the roper slopper? If yes, why? Till now 12.500 km (the oil filter had been changed at the first service-1500km from the previous owner) and I had no problem. From whom to order the roper slopper? So big trouble for an oil filter? With my Breva the mevhanic just unscrews the filter without taking off the sump. Imagine that I was planning to just do the same thing to my bike.....will it be risky? grrr.......
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