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Everything posted by Dimitris

  1. never tried on the V11. But I tried on the Breva. I kept the Xenon lights for 10 days. My eyes couldn't get used to the "whitey" color (although I use Xenon on my car). I had missed the classic "yellowish" sweet, light... I also think that these classic/modern/retro-like bikes are not complimented by white lights. Of course safery matters the most...
  2. Thanks Paul!
  3. what is the marque of the clip ons fitted on Griso (firestartergarage)?
  4. If at wide open throttle is not indicated "100" but for example 92 or 95 or 87, what could it mean? What could go wrong?
  5. Very nice! As soon as you feel it runs the way you want, maybe numbers do not play important role at the moment! Nevertheless don't neglect to check and share with us your current TPS degrees and the trim indication (which you can check through the VDST!)
  6. What are those beautiful bars? I was always thinking how a Griso would look with clip ons, but I had never seen this picture... Whose is this bike?
  7. I just bought the MG tank bag and that is the way I mounted it. But how will I secure the other end of the bag-base (to the bolt that the tank is held)? I see 2 small holes on that end. I just put it there and placed the seat above it without tightening or using anything else...
  8. Paul thank you! What is Lechner?
  9. Hi!! A friend of mine has the V11 LeMans, color "champagne". Unfortunately the front fering has some scratces and he wants to repainted it. Do you know if and where can I find the code color for this V11 LeMans? Thank you!
  10. Hi!! Haw anyone tuned his bike with Dynotec? Or DAS-Mototec? They offer some upgrades for our bikes. They speak for good power (108 hp) and torgue (115 nm).
  11. Excellent bike!! Congrats!
  12. Thank you for your comments! I don't remember right now the turns of air bypasses. I will have to speak with my mechanic. I remember that when we started opening the air bypasses (after we had stabilized idle at 1100rpm with the bypasses closed) we had to reduce TPS to 509mV +/- so as to ensure that bypasses will be opened at least 1/2 turn. We had difficulties in stabilizing idle at 1100 rpm. When we finished, the idle was around 1000rpms. At 2000-3000 rpms the bodies were balanced. The TPS had "stopped" to 509 mV (we begun with the base of 150 mV/rod off). I went for a ride and when I had to stop at a traffic light the idle was going even lower. I remember from the past that this had to do with richer mixture. I mean that when I went back and changed the settings to the ones I had before today (140 mV based, 440 mV rod on, according to VDST 3.0 degrees with engine running, 2.8 degrees engine not running but key to ON), the idle seemed better. Then through the PCIII we reduced mixture at "Low Range" with the left button of the PCIII (Low) to minimum scale. Immediately the engine started working even better. Then we slightly turned the trim on the ECU (right) and finally the idle was 1200 rpm steady. Through the VDST I noticed that the trim setting was to -92 (from scale -128 to +128). Now that I am writing these words I realized that I could do sth else, before changing the settings to the previous ones (from 509 to 440) and turning the trim. I could just try and decrease the mixture, just from the PCIII. But I didn't do that.
  13. For the history: I went to my mechanic. We checked and corrected-if it was necesary- the valve clearances (.10 intake, .15 exhaust). We followed step by step the forum's procedure about TB balance and TPS set. Finally, I went for a ride to check the bike and I concluded that the .521 mV (TPS 150 mV when rod off) is not so good as it was my previously 440mV (2.8 degrees). Conclusion: when the TPS was at about 140 mV (with the key on, rod off) and 2.8 degrees/about 440mV (key on, rod on, engine off) (3.0 degrees-engine running) (and with the certain position of jupiter, aphrodite, andromeda and moon), the bike was running perfectly. I had the feeling that all the available power was going down on the rear wheel. So I reset the TPS from .521 to 440 mV (140mV/rod off). Now I think I am ready to go for a custom map.
  14. Thank you Ryland. Many guys here were telling me that it is not necessary, but I was thinking the way you do. Fisrt thing before tuning will be normal tuning. gstallons, yes I have a PCIIIusb, BMC airfilter with FBF lid kit, Mistral xover, Mistral tit mufflers.
  15. Hello, I am thinking finally to go for a custom map. But before that, I was wondering, should I recheck the valves, rebalance the cylinders and reset the TPS? Or there is no need for doing that? The bike is running fine right now. The idle is stable (1000-1100rpm) and the TPS is set to 3.0 degrees (150mV when off).
  16. Putoline 5W50 Full Synthetic Racing. that's what I use.
  17. Dimitris

    Wierd tire wear

    He is back....and.........refreshed...heheh..
  18. I need a V11 tank bag. Please pm me. Thank you!
  19. That's so sad. Hope he is in a better place...with his beloving bikes...
  20. Metzeler Sportec M3, for 2 reasons: 1) Doing trackdays 2) Greek roads are glassy.... Under these circumstances, those tires are perfect!
  21. Yeap!! I agree.
  22. waiting for your picture. Thanks
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