Hey,what's a bit of flaky paint here and there? Ride it,service it,get it dirty,clean it up......repeat as often as possible,just enjoy it!! I see you're in Scotland,will you you be coming to Ken Bridge in May? (Oh,and welcome aboard by the way...)
I stayed at Al Verdes (on Guy's recommendation). Any place that has this in the restaurant is cool by me....
....and the food was good too!! The whole area around Lake Como is fantastic (especially on a bike),ENJOY!
Welcome Tom! The bike will do the Pyrenees trip no sweat.I'm heading that way and Picos de Europa (and maybe Portugal)this September. Did a 4000 mile Euro tour after the V11 Rally in Holland last year. Are you coming to Ken Bridge in May?
Welcome aboard! As you may have realised already,these bikes are more about emotion than efficiency....The more you ride it the more you'll love it. Enjoy!!!
I may be the odd one out here but I love France! Only place I didnt feel welcome was St.Marie aux Mines, a bit like some of those Welsh villages where the locals revert to their mother tongue as soon as you walk in the bar.....
Hi Dennis and welcome aboard! Lots of advice on this forum but the best thing is to try to get a ride on one. If you like it you'll be hooked like the rest of us poor souls!
Nice road Slavomir,looks like South Bohemia is a place to add to my "like to visit" list. By the way,if you arent Bobby Brown are you perhaps Sheik Yerbouti?
I was always led to believe that selling spare parts was much more profitable than selling complete bikes (or cars) as the margin is so high. Building a new bike from spares would cost thousands more than buying a complete one. If thats the case why would anyone want to throw away the parts side of their business?
I hope they sell a million of the little buggers! Bread n butter bikes like this = cash flow = development money for flagship models....bring on the 1200 four valve Le Mans replacement!!
Hi Robert, I was that man! I intended to join them at the campsite after a ride around via Ballabio and Resinelli but ended up spending the night in Varenna. look forward to meeting you again at Ken Bridge.
Just like to add my thanks to Jaap and Antonio for organising this fantastic meeting. Never seen so many V11's in one place!!! Good company, excellent rideout, a truly enjoyable weekend! Thanks also to Paul and family for making us so welcome at La Chaussee.Thanks again. (He said wood Huhuhuh.....)