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Ballabio Bertie

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Everything posted by Ballabio Bertie

  1. Change of plan, not camping now,sharing room with Soren... Yes Guy, made it to Mandello, even had a night at Al Verde. Trip report when I get my act together......
  2. Well done Gyles!!!!Keep up the good work! (From another Yorkie in Jockland )
  3. Hi David, come up with firm dates and I'll be there!
  4. Hello!! I'll be there,camping. Just got home from Sibbe yesterday afternoon! 3 weeks, 8 countries, almost 4000 miles.... Had a great time at Sibbe, cant wait to do it again!
  5. The Mistral crossover is a beautiful piece of work and suitable for Lamda sensor.
  6. Please do so over a beer or two.....
  7. Hi Guy, I'm arriving Ijmuden on Wednesday morning,making a proper holiday of the trip. After the rally I'm heading Luxembourg, Black Forest, Austria, Italy, (Stelvio, lakes, Mandello, St Bernard pass ) Switzerland, France, Belgium, Holland, ferry home.....Phew!!! Any and all suggestions welcome....
  8. Yes,that was my first thought,there has been much ranting about the "nanny state" on other threads here but my bike is a prime example of it. How? Cant start up without pulling clutch,cant engage gear with stand down,cant even turn lights off.....Whatever happened to personal responsibility?
  9. Thanks guys,culprit seems to have been bad connection at neutral switch.Cleaned,tightened and sprayed with WD40-all OK now.
  10. Bike wont rev out with stand down,reaches about 3000 rpm then misfires and will rev no more. Obvious suspect is stand cutout switch,my question is can it be bypassed,disconnected or removed? Bike is running fine otherwise (specially since I set the air screws to one turn out - the "mechanic "that did the last service had the left screw 3 turns and the right half a turn... ).
  11. I always use the key,the killswitch is something I never even think about.
  12. Followed the thread on the other site,just glad everyone is OK.A bike (even a Guzzi)can be replaced,people cant...
  13. Err,thats not a compressor,its a vacuum cleaner......
  14. Yep and a great album too! Werent they the pit band for the Dutch production of Hair or some such thing? Damned hippies....
  15. Well thats the snorers sorted.What about the farters....?
  16. Hi Greg, will you be posting the map? I have the exact same setup on my Blobbio and a less than perfect pc111 map.
  17. Damn!!!Just replaced the speedo cable and now the whole speedo unit is dancing around in the housing.....
  18. I've ordered one of Paul Minnaerts carbon tails, should be here any day now(made to order-patience required!!) Zen kick-the "mudflap chick" is sadly international I'm afraid. I dont have any but I do drive a "semi" as you colonial chaps call them...
  19. Whats a Guzzi TJ0210199???
  20. Hi griff,how much did the shock rebuild cost? I have a Sachs shock that dumped its oil at less than 6000 miles. I replaced it with a used one but would like it rebuilt as a spare.
  21. Nice bike Mats! Where did you find the model one?
  22. Cool! Must be a pretty bohemian neighbourhood Greg! And no need to guess what lives in that garage......
  23. Thanks Antonio, I'm having a Z6 fitted on the rear tomorrow,the front BT020 will stay a while as its got plenty of life left in it. I know mixing tyres is not recommended but I dont want to dump a perfectly usable front.
  24. Hello and welcome Enriko, nice bike and a beautiful picture!
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