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Ballabio Bertie

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Everything posted by Ballabio Bertie

  1. Some cool bikes there Soren,must sound beautiful....
  2. "...originally built as mud pumps....." Jeeeeezus!!!!
  3. Yeah,but they still look wonky.......give em to me Gary.... PS are you STILL on holiday?
  4. I noticed Gary,they look really shabby.......you should let me have 'em!
  5. Very nice,but why is there a naked man lurking behind the tent?
  6. Aaaah, music! Afro Celts to Zappa and all points in between! CD's in the garage just now include Gogol Bordello (Ukrainian Gypsy punks....check em out on youtube) , Captain Beefheart, Muse and Amy Winehouse......variety is the spice of life!
  7. Yeah,I had alook at your Guzzista site and a lot of that namecalling just put me right off.It smacks of that dumb "if it aint a Harley it aint...Etc" attitude. Live and let live man, we get enough hassle from non bikers!
  8. O'l Smokey of the Spider Skulls MC. Yeah Baby....
  9. Glad you enjoyed the rest of your trip Jaap. Anyone heard from Antonio? Hope they had an uneventful ride home! Incidentally that bike looks a lot like an MZ Scorpion with AJS tank badges...
  10. Oooooooh! Expensive shiney wiggley bits!!!
  11. Had a good time too! Good to meet up with "cyberfriends"at last.Galloway sounds good to me, and a trip to BFG's homeland would be great! Hope that eyes,bruises,dents,scratches and breakages are all soon fixed and we meet again soon! :bier:My only misfortune was the loss of all the oil from my shock-most of it missed the tyre........
  12. Hi Gary, made the best of a bad job eh? Had a laugh yesterday afternoon/evening in the bar at Fawlty Towers, wonder if the Dutch Harley riders found the town called Flyshit? P.S. Got home to find my rear shock had dumped all its oil........
  13. But at least the POLAR BEARS stay home when its windy.......
  14. You're a very lucky man, I hit a stag in the early hours of the morning in the Scottish highlands.Luckily for me (but not the stag sadly) I was driving a 44 tonne truck at the time. The damage to the truck was amazing-it came very close to being undrivable!
  15. Got to say that when I picked up my Ballabio in September and rode it into the rush hour traffic I thought I,d made a very expensive mistake.They arent for everyone,(previous owner only kept it for 2 weeks!!)but by the time I'd ridden it home (just over 500 miles on the map - but it stretched out to 1300) Iwas completely hooked! Just ride it ,then ride it some more ,get to know its limits and its strengths - persevere ,its worth it!!Dont worry about keeping with the Jap rockets just enjoy what you,ve got!
  16. Dont let the government see the second one for gods sake..........they'll make em compulsory!
  17. Yeah Nogbad, Erik put some thought into the Ullysees......"How can we cash in on this adventure sports thing?"
  18. If it steals a fraction of the sales of the BMW its gonna make Guzzi a lot of money....
  19. Err,its just me......
  20. guido if you think Guzzi rubber is poor quality check out a Ural.....it deteriorates while you watch
  21. In 2005 I did Devizes to Invergordon in one hit, on a Ural!!!13 hours in the saddle......I never claimed to be intelligent....
  22. Go for it young Mr Nogbad, you know it makes sense......
  23. I voted for option 3 but to be honest I'd rather just ride it. Living on a small windswept island makes for a very salty atmosphere (you can taste the salt most days),so keeping anything pristine is an uphill task....
  24. MMMMMM polar bear, light the barbie and open the wine.......
  25. I agree with what you say Guy, but 10.05 a.m. Sunday morning on an empty dual carriageway....shouldn't they be in Church?
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