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Everything posted by al_roethlisberger

  1. Just in case it wasn't clear, Paul(and a few others) were referring to the fact that it appears Jaap used the late model headlight as used on the Ballabio, Cafe Sport, etc... which protrudes much further out than the headlight as used on your bike, for example. Also, the late model headlight does not turn with the bars. al
  2. Yeah, he has one of the "rare" .... what I call "Centauro style" fuel pump locations.... location #3 in the FAQ if I recall. A few of the V11 Sport/LeMans in 02(maybe even some 01s, but who knows) were shipped with the arrangement you see in the photo above, with the fuel-pump mounted out front, above the oil-cooler, which was moved down. I assume the voltage regulator had to be slightly relocated as well in this arrangement. Like Sport1100i and Centauro owners, I don't think anyone with the "fuel pump out front" has experienced vapor lock problems BTW, which has always served to reinforce my theory about pump(and perhaps associated plumbing) "heat soak" being a big contributor to this issue I also think just about every 02 Tenni I've seen has its pump out front like this too, but I can't be certain. Anyway, once again, great looking package there Jaap Perhaps one day I can afford Paul's tail, but not with the current Euro/$$ exchange rates .... woof al
  3. OK OK, sorry 'moon' .... I am in a silly mood today, and have totally bastardized your thread I think it's because, *in theory*, I am getting my LeMans back from the shop after its being there 6 months Many apologies On topic, my hands are too tired to respond in length, and the joke about Jason's FAQ was elicited because about this time of year we get this very question(just change the model name) several times. So, we've thought about a FAQ or "sticky" topic on the subject. You might want to do a search on "opinion" or "model" or.... well, you get the idea. Or just browse down through the last week of posts, and you'll see a handful of long threads on this very topic. Some recent examples: http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=5092 http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=5144 http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=5090 http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=5074 http://www.v11lemans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=5048 .... and all those are just from May 3rd While "it depends" greatly on all sorts of things, the price on that used LeMans seems a bit on the high side. Is is a "plain" LeMans or a Rosso Corsa, which if the latter is worth a bit more of course due to the uprated suspension, maybe $500-1000 more? A low mileage 03 RC on eBay recently never seemed to break $8000-ish if I recall. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAP...8&category=6713 Good luck! al
  4. Oh yeah yeah ... and how do you know this? You've had yours for like, what.... a month? And then promptly got it run over by a couple wannabe drift racers? P.S. I thought Guzzis were made from "strange" quarks
  5. ...yeah, at the State Theater in New Orleans back in... ohhh 92 ish?? ... double booked with Stone Temple Pilots, and some other not-so-well-knowns opening. I had to get creative to get in to the floor by the stage.. ah hem Aaaaanyway, yeah, myself and a bunch of friends were staying at some cheapo hotel that apparently Scott Weiland and the rest of STP were also staying at... along with various groupies. And while my crowd was checking in, we were approached by said groupies, and some apparently thought I looked enough like Gibbey Haines(sp?) to strike up a conversation, and wanted me to say "hi to Scott" for her. Pretty funny. In hindsight, we really should have "capitalized" on that little example of mistaken identity It was a fun gig, although GWAR a couple years later was more entertaining in some obvious ways al
  6. ....better hurry up with that FAQ Jason, here's another one!
  7. The problem seemed to arise in a batch of ~2002 transmission sideplates, but as with "all things Guzzi" ... that batch of sideplates may span some late 01 to early 03 models potentially, depending on when the parts actually showed up at MG, and when Luigi pulled them from the pile in the bin So, to cut to the chase, should you worry about it? I don't really think so. I haven't heard of any of the "silver cased" transmissions exhibit this problem, although I suppose it is possible. al
  8. They sent you the wrong one, and it will not work.... at least from what I have heard/read I have read that the gearing in the transmission on 03+ bikes that have the "bent tube" style of cable have different internal speedo drive gearing/interface than that used on the 00-02(03 V11 Naked) "bevel drive" speedo cables, so even if you can get it installed, your speedo will be "off" significantly. al
  9. ....yeah, no more RATM, it's all about "Audioslave" now with pretty-boy Chris Cornell lilting about heh heh, naw I like AS ok, about as much as I liked Soundgarden... which is all AS really now is, Soundgarden II It's like as if Steve Perry went and joined another band... it would be Journey II. I don't care who was left behind in the "real" Journey, as the "sound" of Journey was... well... Steve Perry *sigh* I was like *there* man.... when Kim Thayil turned 30, back in '91.... knee deep in the mud of New Orleans. Man, he was like... "old" and stuff Ministry and TRHCP rocked that show too ...reminds me of the time I crashed a Butthole Surfer concert there as well, and some girl said I looked like Gibby(not sure if that is a good thing or not). Maybe it was the purple hair ...and my friends with the mohawks and dreds Ahh, good times, good times. al
  10. ....naw, it's Rage Against the Machine And BTW, I had(have) the Guess Who on Reel-to-Reel when I was a kid.... "Share the Land" dude al
  11. No Shelter The main attraction, distraction Gottcha number than number than numb Empty ya pockets son They gotcha thinkin that Whatcha need is what they sellin Make you think that buyin is rebellin From all the theaters to malls on every shore The thin line between entertainment and war The front line is everywhere, there be no shelter here Speilberg the nightmare works so push-it far Amistad was a whip, the truth feathered and tarred Memories erased, burned and scarred Trade ya history for a VCR Cinema simulated life, ill drama Forth Reich culture, Americana Chained to the dream they got you searchin for The thin line between entertainment and war There be no shelter here The front line is everywhere Hospitals not profit full The market bulls got pockets full To advertise some hip disguise View the world from American eyes The poor adore keep fiendin for more The thin line between entertainment and war Fix the need, develop the taste Buy the products or get laid to waste Coca-Cola was back in the veins of Saigon And Rambo too, he got a dope pair of Nikes on Godzilla pure mother f*ckin filla Getcha eyes off the real killa Cinema simulated life, ill drama Forth Reich culture, Americana Chained to the dream they got you searchin for The thin line between entertainment and war There be no shelter here The front line is everywhere Americanize, Americanize View the world from American eyes Bury the past, rob us blind And leave nothing behind Americanize, Americanize View the world from American eyes Bury the past, rob us blind And leave nothing behind Just stare Relive the nightmare
  12. Those are the stock colors on all the bikes as of the 02+ models(and 01 Rosso Mandello) Enzo. The forks are anodized black(instead of the silver of 00-01) and the wheels are painted/coated black from the factory.... well, it's really a dark gray. al
  13. Heh, sounds like you'd like NC better then? Seattle went "out" last year, due to changes with work. Although "technically" any place is viable, and that would include the Seattle area, for work the only two locations that make sense are Austin and NC. So there ya go al
  14. Not the 6-speed. It did not use the plastic bearing cage. al
  15. That does seem tight, and I think are the North American standard... the lash setting that often causes rough idle/coughing when hot. al
  16. Without having read your document all the way through yet, I offer the following from a post I made to Wildguzzi a week ago. Feel free to use whatever you find helpful:
  17. BTW: Although there may also have been a few oddball holdovers spanning the model year change, the only model that consistently seems to be an "02 spec 03 model" is the 03 V11 Naked And Jason, I'd like to just say that I HATE PDF FILES ....as I can't edit the damned thing Any chance you can attach it as text, or similar? al
  18. Just curious, for those that know both areas relatively well.... If you had to choose between: Raleigh/RTP/Cary, NC or Austin, TX .... where would you choose to live, and why? If you don't have a real preference, feel free to also just list the advantages/disadvantages of both as you have observed. Oh, and with the "why" don't forget to describe your own motivations, lifestyle(family, kids, single??), etc.... as that obviously has a bearing on perspective I think I've asked this question in a round-about way before, but thought I'd do one last bit of "due diligence" before we pull the trigger Thanks al
  19. ..that was(is) a very nice bike. I see you stole my wheels Aesthetically, and practically, I really like the Quat-D solution, especially in black. However, again, I am somewhat disappointed in the posted performance results *so far*. If over time, we see some larger samples of people's experiences, and some better performance, I might consider it as an option. The only other issue I have is that it is a single outlet. I really do like a twin with dual exhausts al
  20. Yeah, that may be a while yet... I've only got a few weeks(not including some travel for work) to get our house ready for sale, so I won't have much time to put the ~1000 miles of breakin before running it down to Hare Racing for a new custom PCIII map, and dyno run. BTW, the heads have been on for a long while, it got new pistons and a cam this time around And I just talked to the owner of the shop, and he said they got all the scratch(es?) out, and have been running and checking out the bike over the last day or two. They want to keep it today for some more "going over" and they say it should be ready to pick up tomorrow al
  21. Yeah, I also think a low battery was a contributor, hence the issue with the fuel-pump drawing enough from the system to send it into shutdown. But even though the root-cause has been found, I am a bit disappointed. They were supposed to have swapped out to a *new* cam sensor two weeks ago, to test this very thing.... per MGNA. I know that they held off doing so for some unknown reason This very much reminds me of my last "multi-month" session, where they couldn't get the bike to idle when hot(nor their demo 2002 LeMans coincidentally), and I suggested they check the valve lash, just based on my minimal knowledge of how engines work... not even MG specific. They spent weeks trying to get it to run correctly, then we finally brought it home, and Mike Stewart came over... adjusted the valves... and it never "hot stalled", coughed the TB off, or ran rough again. I'm going to have to point this out to them I think, as they seem to be missing some opportunities by dismissing, ignoring, or forgetting, to follow outside suggestions when they are already at a dead-end I'm now just waiting for a call to discuss the final "steps" in getting the bike back in tip-top shape before I take it back. al ...and BTW, I think the guys at this shop want to do their best, and try, but I think they have some process issues that ends up derailing the experience in the end
  22. www.jet-hot.com They are great folks, and will treat you right It should cost you about $150 max to get the whole system coated inside and out. al
  23. Is it just me or do the rallies most often seem to be "midwest centric" I know they have some in Arizona or Nevada, but rarely do I see any for the West Coast. Although to be fair, I am not a member, and therefore do not get the paper newsletter or visit the MGNOC website, which is often slow to get updated. I know many people do not agree with me, but I've been a proponent of "pulling MGNOC into the 21st Century" for a while now. But it seems that a lot of the MGNOC membership is of the "old skool" bunch, mostly the cruiser riders(although that is a generalization to be sure ), and seem less interested in getting the whole operation into the digital age I think MGNOC membership would shoot through the roof, and you'd see rallies with maybe a bit more than 25-100 attendees, if the club did so. For me, MGNOC doesn't seem to offer much But that's just my opinion al
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