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Everything posted by al_roethlisberger

  1. Intermittent bad cam angle sensor..... *sigh* The bike is now running, and they are just working to make sure everything is back together, reliable, etc... al
  2. ....so, to add to the confusion, check out the thread at Guzzitech: http://wildguzzi.com/discussion/viewtopic.php?t=2467 And the following excerpt from Ed at Guzzitech:
  3. Good lord... how large a "group" do they need before they make a kit? I think at least 10 of us have inquired over the last 2 years, not to mention one owner offering to donate his bike for weeks so they could mock-up the prototype. They seemed like nice enough folks, but I gave up on CC a long time ago. I choose to support the few that stuck their neck out on this small market like MPH, Williamsville, etc... al
  4. The older(00-01) "silver" engined bikes had their drivetrain painted silver, and yes it too comes off. But when it comes off, it simply exposes silver aluminum, and it also doesn't "boil" off like the fuzzy black finish on the 01 RM and 02 bikes. So the silver bikes seem to look better longer... It will be interesting to see how the 03+ "satin" finish black drivetrain will survive in comparison. al
  5. Looks great ceramic coated black ...I'm still a bit disappointed in the performance numbers it seems to return though. al
  6. Wow, you actually have an owners manual? .... heh, I had to settle for a NOS 00-01 V11 Sport manual, as there was no such thing as an 02 LeMans manual at the time
  7. That is true.... I'd love to know if they actually did *measurably*(or even actually attempted to) bump the compression as of 03+ bikes, as the marketing literature stated. al
  8. This is great news. Can you provide us with the part# and contact info for the vendor in case any of us have this issue in the future? They may or may not be so generous to all of us as they were to you, but at least we'd have some info to work with Thanks al
  9. Technically(although officially) the Sachs shock can be rebuilt. I believe that Lex had his rebuilt, although I am not sure by whom, so you may want to ask. And I cannot comment on whether your shock failure would be covered by warantee, but I would think that it should be But all that being said, if rebuilding is too pricey(considering the value of the shock itself), or if MGNA gives you a hard time on the warantee(or it will take moving Heaven and Earth, not to mention millenia to actually get it shipped to you)...... I would think about just upgrading. Think of it as an "opportunity" Todd Eagan at Guzzitech has some nice Wilburs he apparently has a "deal" on, and Lindemann Engineering has decent prices on Penske shocks. EMA USA does OK with the Ohlins, and I think LE can get them too. BTW, before you get an Ohlins or Penske, check with Mike Stewart first on the right spring/valving, as he went through several iterations of both shocks. Good luck! al
  10. I honestly don't know what the Coppa comes with stock.... but the one at Moto Italiano was delivered with the Ti cans installed al
  11. I hope mine never breaks again(knocking on wood). Since it has now been confirmed by MG that it is not a spring problem per se, but is indeed due to a batch of sideplate assemblies with oversized spring bosses(16 vs 15mm).... I feel pretty good knowing I ground mine down to ~15mm... and that along with bending the tip of the spring just a tad so that it holds onto the pawl more securely and grinding off any sharp edges.... yeah, I'm hoping it now last forever. Time will tell though If not, I'll just get a salvage sideplate or similar from a later model. al
  12. Not yet, but just turn off Javascripting for now. A patch will be out shortly, fear not. This is what I spent all day working on today al
  13. .... well, OK, briefly. First, Roethlisberger is the "Smith" of Switzerland, at least in Berne where my family is from. So it is somewhat common, at least in parts of Europe. As far as North America, it is true that it is likely we are related, but distantly. While there aren't a TON of Roethlisbergers over here, one can usually find a couple in the phone book of any large city. But like any family, once you get beyond a generation or two, unless the whole family remains in the same general geographic area... people lose touch. So, in my family's case, around the turn of the century(1900) two brothers(or perhaps cousins, we aren't sure) Roethlisberger came over from Berne, Switzerland. They came in via New York, and one settled in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area, and the other continued West to the Ohio valley. These two groups formed the fundamental Roethlisberger footholds in North America. There may have been others, but those are the ones we know about. After that, each family grew up around those regions, and although not technically very far apart(Pennsylvania versus Ohio)... considering the era, these folks were far too poor and busy surviving/working to travel several hundred miles just to visit. So, over time these two groups lost touch. And because of too many daughters and not enough sons, the Pennsylvania Roethlisbergers sorta withered away(my bunch), but we hear that the Ohio Roethlisbergers prospered. In fact, I think "John Roethlisberger" the US Olympic Gymnast of a few years back, is from that clan as well, although I think he was from Chicago?? I forget. So there ya go =) al
  14. It of course depends on how you were scammed, but you are aware that eBay is insured and can reimburse you for your losses if the auction turned out to be a scam?? I once lost about $100, and eBay(via Lloyds of London) sent me a check after about a month. Check out their fraud section, and "Safe Harbor" process. I don't know how it may have changed in the 3-4 years since I filed a claim, but as far as I know, they still cover some types of scams, etc. al
  15. Well, keep in mind.... this doesn't belong on the "worry" list at all This would fall squarely into the "improved performance - tinkering" list on non-essential issues As an aside though, during the same conversation, we did find that one can(if careful and diligent) work the K&N filters over the stock velocity stacks that normally run into the airbox. So if one is of the mind to be concerned about airflow, and wants to use the stock velocity stacks/runners with their pods, you can... with generous lubrication and patience. .... oh, and get your heads out of the gutter for Pete's sake al
  16. Uhh, good luck on that Cliff(who makes his own ECU) as well as several others here on the forum, have tried for years to source the Marelli M15 ECU connector with no(or little) success. The "serial" PCIIIs are available used for very little money if you look around, and work just fine. And even new USB PCIIIs aren't that expensive(everything is relative though of course). I would recommend just getting the correct PCIII for the bike, and not try to retrofit the unit to yours. I am not certain if anything is different other than the connector as well, so that might be a consideration also. BTW, if you have questions in regard to the PCIII and its application to MGs, check with Todd Eagan(RacerX on the forum) at www.guzzitech.com He is the 'official' liason to PowerCommander for MG applications, and can get the best prices on the product, is the best source for correct answers, and is the only source for limited production runs of PCIIIs for the older MG ECUs. Oh, and although technically in North America the V11 Sport started in 00, based on past experience, I wouldn't be surprised if they actually showed up and were sold as 99 models elsewhere. But a 00 map would be just as applicable as a 99. al
  17. Interesting on the Duc.... BTW, *I* didn't notice this. The credit should go to Julio at Moto Italiano, one of the technicians there. He noticed it and we ended up discussing it at length al
  18. I am sure any MG can do the work, but if the dealer that sold your bike is a MG dealer... regardless of being a "multi-make dealer"... they should be able to do the work. Did you buy your bike from OC by any chance? If so, they should be able to do the work, and I haven't heard anything bad about their service. al
  19. That wrecked Rosso is back on eBay again as well, even though it apparently "sold" a while back I don't know if someone bought it and realized their "mistake" or if the winner/buyer flaked.... but it does kind of make you wonder. I could go look at the bidding/seller history to figure out some of the questions above, but I'm too lazy right now al
  20. yeesh.... it sounds like Ben is trying to convince himself. He should give Gary Busey a call al
  21. I have no comment other than I've also been told by dealers, etc... that the SP clutch on the 5-speed cruiser models is different than on the 6-speed V11 Sport models. Also, the failures of the SP clutches on the cruisers is described as "accelerated wear" such that they can't even be adjusted anymore, after just a few thousand miles. This is not what has been observed on the SP V11 Sport models, where the handful of failures have been "explosive", and wear per se hasn't been an issue. I have not personally confirmed(seen it myself) any of this though, so I'm always open to new information/correction al
  22. ... no, I don't have the MG Ti kit on my bike. There's a thread somewhere from a couple years back where I was "shopping" exhaust options(sound familiar? ) and there were far fewer options than now. But Leo Vince had offerings, and I was trying to decide on CF versus Ti, aesthetically. Well, I went with the Ti Leo Vinces, which I still like a lot.... but was miffed when MG came out with the Ti kit a few months later... figures No big deal though. I still really like the Ti Leos just fine, and if anything ever happens to them(Heaven forbid), I can always pick up a set of the MG cans as an option. al
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